Never the Same

  By Fatrolls34

chapter 1

I remember the first day I saw Luna, her blue eyes staring at the menu at the cafeteria trying to decide what to order. Her hands placed on the back pockets of her jeans, grabbing her own little round butt. Her flat stomach swing under her tight-fitting tank top. From that day on, I knew I had met the love of my life, a motivation for me in life.
Over my first year after meeting her, I did talk to her, I knew who she was, how could I not, but I never had the courage to really talk to her. Instead, I stalked her for months. I enjoyed looking at her walking through the hallways on her way to class, seeing her perfect body moving.
I became obsessed with her, with her perfection, how fragile she looked, how she was always perfectly put together. How her makeup looked just right, not too much, just enough to enhance her naturally pretty face.
Looking at her was okay, and I gotta say that during the first months I really enjoyed it, It turned me on to see her without her noticing me. But after some months, it was not enough, I needed more. I started to think about hacking her laptop and seeing her pictures, and after a while I did it. I started reading her email, checking her conversations, and looking at her pictures. She was like a drug to me, and as any drug, the more you get, the more you want. By the end of the year, I needed more, I needed to actually touch her.
I decided, as crazy as it might sound, that the best thing I could do, was to actually kidnap her. She could be with me forever.
I checked her mails, her schedule and I set up a date, March 3th, at 5 pm, right after her geometry class. I waited in my car until she came out and I followed her until no one was around, then, I hit her. Hit her?! I know I know... crazy right? yes a little, but I am not the strongest man here, and neither the fittest, I needed to have her easy to take. So, yeah, I hit her with my car, not too hard, don't panic, just enough to have her down to the ground and unable to move from the pain on her leg. I then came out of the car, grabbed her, and placed her in the backseat of my car. " Don't worry, I will take you to the hospital right now," I said. I lied. She eventually passed out in pain that made it much easier to manage the situation.
1 chapter, created 4 years , updated 4 years
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