No Country for Thin Girls

  By MottiF  

Chapter 1

When you just started, your head was just spinning. Never fat anywhere, yes, but you yourself feel how the T-shirt, which used to hang loosely on your skinny bones, begins to touch your modest tummy, and your pants fit perfectly, although before they definitely needed a strap.

No one noticed that you gained weight. Nobody but you. And your heart is pounding like a jackhammer in your chest. And of course, you continue.

Every day you drive into McDonald's and order a burger, fries and a coke... which you put in the back seat of your car and drive through another location where you get a patty with three pieces of chicken and mashed potatoes, and of course, another glass of coke. Your heart beats even faster when you go home and imagine how many calories there are in this pile, and now you will eat them all...

And at home you put everything on the table and begin to eat as quickly as you can, that’s just your gluttonous experience, It’s still small and your body soon forces you to stop.

Half a burger and fries is your limit. It doesn’t fit anymore, alas, no matter how hard you try. Having put the leftovers in the refrigerator, you coke down in a chair, taking both fizzy drinks with you—in case you still manage to suck it down little by little.

Slowly, half a sip at a time, it works. It takes you the rest of the evening to finish all the food, and you passed out with a happy smile and a tightly full belly, and your heart sings. Every day you buy two dinners. In both eateries they already recognize you and treat you like an old friend. Maybe because they make extra profit from you.

About a month later, you noticed that now it’s becoming much easier for you to eat a double dinner. And you also notice new changes in your own figure.

That silky blouse that your mother bought you is becoming a little tight under the armpits and constantly seems to ride up higher and higher—you even have a bad habit of pulling it down every now and then, although your belly is still far from that big.

And you also had to buy new pants, and about this you feel somehow strange: You have already grown out of your old jeans, but have not yet grown into new ones. It's time to put the old strap back into use, at least until you get big enough to wear these pants.

And you will grow, because your determination does not decrease. It's like you're in a race with your own body, and you're diving into the net for help. On forums dedicated to fattening and Feederism you find a lot of recipes for high-calorie dishes and tons of positive comments.

Armed with new knowledge, you go to the hypermarket. You particularly like one of the recipes, so the cart is filled with the necessary ingredients: milk, heavy cream, vanilla-flavored protein powder, bananas, nut butter, sugar and chocolate syrup. There’s also a large blender in which all this will be mixed—you didn’t have one on your household before as it was unnecessary—and since you’re here anyway, at the same time you’ll stock up on some goodies for snacking. Ice cream, waffles and a plastic container with pre-packaged cookie dough squares.

And also, you remember, you need normal food, and as such you take a couple of pizzas and a box of chicken crisps from the freezer. They will go into stock, there will be no harm... however, you added and added such “reserves”, and you leave the hypermarket, becoming a good 5,000 bucks poorer. Okay, you decide, it’s worth it, because you’ve invested in yourself, the one you love.

And so you start creating according to the recipe you found on the Internet: six glasses of whole milk, six tablespoons of nut butter, two bananas, a quarter liter of sour cream, four caps of protein powder and half a glass of syrup. With round eyes you look at the blender bowl—almost three liters!—knowing full well that you can’t handle so much, you’ll burst earlier.

And still, filled with determination, you press the button, and your heart beats, drowning out the roar of the kitchen unit. That website says that this cocktail has a little over 12,000 calories. You fill your favorite mug with thick, creamy liquid.

Your mouth is watering. You bring the mug to your lips and take a sip. Overwhelmingly sweet, the nut butter-chocolate mixture screams “more!”—and you take another sip, and then another and another, and liquid calories flow into your stomach, and the mug slowly becomes empty, only dark droplets remain at the very bottom. And when the mug is empty, you hiccups for the first time from satiety.

Oh, how good! You allow yourself to hiccup a couple more times, the cocktail is incredibly rich, but of course you can fit in a little more, and you refill the mug and continue drinking. With every sip you literally feel your body getting heavier and blurry. After finishing your second mug and placing it on the sideboard, you definitely feel all those calories inside you. Your stomach works furiously, forcing you to hiccup again and again, and demands to take a short break—but your will is higher than the needs of the flesh, and you fill yourself with a third mug.

Soon you feel so full that it hurts to breathe, but you still manage to cope with the third one. You look at the blender bowl and realize that you barely touched it.
3 chapters, created 11 months , updated 3 weeks
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