Oeco and Aline

Chapter 1

"I'm Oeco. Nice to meet you." Says Oeco, eyes on this amazing belly. "Oh hello, I'm Aline" says Aline, trying to hide her belly with her small crop top.
Oeco makes eye contact... and stares longer than is socially acceptable. But only for a moment. Then he shrugs a bit and nods, as if saying, 'I'm not staring at your belly.' Aline notices the extended eye contact, and her face turns a little red "Oh, uh, how are you? Have you been here before?" Aline says, trying to move on from the awkward moment. Oeco thinks about the question for a moment and looks at you thoughtfully before responding.
"I have visited once or twice. It's a cozy place."
At his words, one of the staff comes up behind Aline and asks if she wants a refill of her drink. Aline smiles back at Oeco and nods to acknowledge his response. She also notices the staff coming up to refill her drink "Yes, a refill would be great, thank you!" Says Aline to the staff.
Oeco watches as Aline takes her second drink, still looking fascinated by her belly. After a moment, though, he seems to come back to Earth. "So, Aline, how is your day going so far?"Oeco asks, wanting to get to know her.
Aline takes a sip from her drink, still trying to cover up her bulging belly with the small crop top, until Oeco asks her how her day is going. She looks at Oeco and smiles "Oh, my day has been really lovely so far." Says Aline. She has a petite figure, small and slender. She's attractive and cute in the way someone who's physically little is perceived as attractive. There's something captivating about her, the way she smiles and carries herself. Her face is pretty, with big eyes and a small, pert nose. Her skin is light, with visible freckles and a rosy shade to her cheeks, and her red hair falls in waves past her shoulders. Aline's stomach is bulging out from underneath her small crop top. There aren't any visible stretch marks or other signs of damage on her skin, but her small abdomen is distended, as if she's eaten a large meal. There's something fascinating about her belly, the way it bulges outwards and how she still tries to cover it up with the small top.
Aline is feeling a little tipsy and wants to dance. She glances over at Oeco and gestures to the dance floor "Come on, don't you wanna dance too?" she says, swaying back and forth slightly with the music "Come on, come on, the floor isn't gonna dance itself" she chuckles, inviting Oeco to join her on the dance floor. Oeco takes a moment to look at Aline's belly under the small top and tries to remember what he's doing. He blushes a little and chuckles before agreeing wholeheartedly.
"Yes, the floor certainly isn't going to dance itself, not with this wonderful music...and yes, I would love to dance! Let's get out there."
Aline smiles as Oeco joins her on the dance floor. With his large hands, he wraps an arm around her waist, pulling her slightly closer and steadying her as they start to dance together. As they move with the music, her belly presses up against his midsection and wobbles slightly, the movement making it jiggle a bit inside the crop top. As time goes on, Aline slowly starts to let go, eventually forgetting to try to hide her belly while she dances with him. Oeco follows Aline's lead and relaxes as they dance together. As they move, her belly against his mid-section feels wonderful. She feels wonderful. Her small belly jiggles against him as they dance, which is oddly stimulating for him. His hands tighten slightly on her waist but not too much. She starts to relax and Aline seems to have forgotten about her belly. Which feels even better on his mid-section. The music picks up a bit and he starts to feel the rhythm. The belly feels amazing. He looks at Aline, and the belly. Wonderful.
As the music picks up, Aline starts to move even more, her hips swaying to the rhythm. Oeco's hands rest on her waist as he dances and his eyes are drawn down to her stomach. The movement of her belly against him feels wonderful, the soft and jiggly sensation of her midsection sending tingles down the length of his body. As he feels the sensation, his mind conjures up naughty thoughts, imagining Aline with no shirt on, letting him worship her bulging belly with his hands and mouth.

The images in his head seem so vivid...he can see her exposed belly in front of him. He sees her belly jiggling under his hands, inviting him to squeeze it gently, to trace his fingers along her soft skin. But no. He is a gentleman. He cannot allow it. But it would be so nice...to see her belly, to see her skin...to feel her soft curves...to kiss her…

Aline glances over at Oeco while they dance and notices him looking at her belly. Not wanting to make him feel uncomfortable, she smiles and waves at him to distract his attention from her midsection. She thinks he has a nice face and is attractive in a way. It's hard not to notice his broad shoulders and muscular frame, but something about his gentle and polite demeanor draws her in...and his eyes seem to be fixed on her stomach and not really on her face. She's not sure what to think about that. Oeco waves back at Aline, smiling in turn in an attempt to reassure her that he isn't staring at her. He is looking at her belly, however. He can't help it. He likes her belly. The jiggling under his hands feels good as they dance. And the thought of seeing her exposed belly...it is so intriguing. He feels like he really wants to see it now.

His mind drifts and he starts to picture what it would be like to see Aline with no shirt on, her bare belly jiggling under his hands and.. Aline notices Oeco's wandering eyes and sees the way he looks at her. She smiles, trying to brush off his obvious attraction to her and ignore her own growing attraction to him. As they keep dancing, she can feel how he looks at her, and she feels a little self-conscious of her bulge, especially as she senses his desire to see her exposed belly. She decides to try and hide it by leaning into him a bit as they dance, hoping that if they're closer together, he won't notice the shape of her belly underneath her top. As Aline leans into him, Oeco's eyes widen. There's no mistaking it now, his desire to see her exposed belly is at peak. He feels her pressing against him through that small top and his desire swells.
His free hand reaches to rest on her lower back, and he starts to move his hips along with the music, matching Aline's rhythmic swaying, and his movements push and pull the soft, jiggling belly.
As Oeco rests his hand on her lower back, her heart rate picks up as his hand rests against her flesh, her face blushing slightly. She can feel his hand gently guiding her movements to match with the music as they dance and starts to move along with him. Their movements push and pull against each other and her bulge is jiggling even more against his hands. As they dance, her mind is racing with naughty thoughts, imagining him peeling off her tiny shirt, touching her bare midsection with his hands and… As he dances with Aline, watching his hands on her lower back and feeling the jiggling of her belly and imagining lifting up her top and touching her exposed skin, Oeco starts to tremble as if with a fever. She is so close, so perfect.
He has to control himself.
With each movement, he brings his hand up to her stomach gently to guide her movements and he feels her jiggling against him.
God, this feels so good.
Feeling the heat between them, Aline thinks to herself that she wants to get Oeco even more worked up. With the music still bumping, she glances over at his face and then moves her hands to his chest, tracing her fingers over the muscles underneath his jacket. She pulls him a little closer to her and leans in to whisper something in his ear "Hey, want to get another round of drinks? Maybe something a little stronger this time..." she says, smiling mischievously at him. Aline's hand on his chest and her whispering in his ear is enough to make him tremble. He stares at her as she leans in and the heat grows between them. His breath quickens as they draw closer and closer, their bodies almost touching.
His knees are weak, but he finds himself nodding at Aline's suggestion of having more drinks.

Please, please let these drinks loosen her up even more and give him a chance of seeing her naked belly. Please.

Aline leans just close enough to Oeco that their bodies are almost touching. The heat between them is palpable and she feels the bulge under her top jiggling against him as she sways against him. She notices the way he's trembling and smiles, feeling the urge to take him over the edge.
"What would you like to get this time?" she asks, letting a finger glide along his chest as she speaks "Maybe something a little stronger than that last pitcher. We can loosen up a bit and keep going" she says, the last part being a slight innuendo. At Aline's finger gliding along his chest and her innuendo, Oeco's brain practically shuts down. The heat inside of him makes it difficult to think clearly, difficult to control himself. He's not sure what he wants to order, he just knows he wants another drink to loosen up more. He needs to see it. He needs to feel it.
"Anything's all right." Oeco says, trying to keep his voice even as his whole body trembles and the bulge against Aline moves, jiggling and rubbing against him.

Her finger continues to slowly glide along his chest, making his breathing grow deeper and his heart start to pound. As the bulge against her move against him, her body seems to respond to the touching and her midsection starts to move in sync with him, the rhythm making her want to push in closer to feel more of him. As he struggles to keep his voice even and his body trembles, Aline glances over at him and notices the effect she's having on him. Her smile grows and her voice changes from seductive to downright possessive.
"Good boy..."
They order another round of drinks, and they are stronger. As Oeco drinks, he starts to lose control again. His eyes glaze over, he feels dizzy, but not in a bad way...in a good way. His body trembles more and Aline's stomach jiggles against him as they dance together.
He cannot hide it any longer. He needs to see her belly, to touch it. To kiss it.
"I want...I want to..." Oeco says, as he tries to look into Aline's eyes.
Aline looks at Oeco, noticing how his body trembles and he slowly starts to lose control as the drinks kick in. She sees how badly he wants to touch her and she smiles, pulling him closer to her. She puts a hand on the center of her abdomen, resting it on the bulge pushing up against the fabric of her shirt. She feels Oeco's eyes on her, and she whispers to him with a flirty smile,
"And what do you want to do, Oeco?"
Oeco looks at Aline's hand resting over the shape of her bulge under the fabric of her top. He stares at it, the shape of her belly. Seeing it, his fingers itch to explore the skin of her belly above it.
He swallows.
"I want to...see it."
He wants more than that, but he tries to remain in control. He needs to be a gentleman...but he wants her so much. She's so close.

Aline smiles mischievously as she sees how Oeco stares at her bulge pushing up against the fabric of her shirt. At his words, her eyes light up and she wraps both her arms around his neck, pulling him down towards her.
"Oh, do you now? What if I don't want to show it to you?" she asks, her voice sweet and seductive "What would you be willing to do to see it?" she whispers into his ear, her breath warm against his skin

Oeco trembles at the feeling of Aline's arms around his neck, her breath on his neck. His hands clench into fists as he tries to maintain control.
The word slips out of him and he almost immediately cringes at saying it. He's not a vulgar man, he doesn't just say things like that. Aline must think he's some kind of animal, but she's so close. Too close. He feels her breath and the warmth of her body against him, and he almost can no longer hold himself back.

Aline laughs at Oeco's words, finding his words of desperation and his immediate reaction to them slightly amusing. She pulls him in tighter to her body, the heat between them growing thicker by the moment.
"Oh, Oeco...you really can't control yourself, can you? Well, if you're willing to do anything to see it, I think you deserve a little treat..." she says, her voice low and sultry as she looks into his eyes. "Would you like that?" she asks, moving her hands to her crop top
Oeco watches Aline's eyes, his mind foggy from the drinks. She looks so beautiful right now. It feels impossible to say no to her. His mind flashes to her bare belly and he starts to nod, slowly at first and then more vigorously.
Yes, he'd do anything to see it.
"A little treat? Yes please."
He blushes deeply at his words, but he has no control over what he's saying or doing right now.

Aline grins at Oeco as she sees how he nods, his body trembling and his face starting to flush. She lifts up her crop top just enough to reveal her stomach, the pale flesh of her bulging belly exposed and jiggling slightly with the rhythm of their dance. She moves her hands to the sides of her midsection, making the flesh jiggle as she looks up at him "You have my treat here...are you sure you want it?" she chuckles as her fingers trace up and down the side of her bulge, drawing Oeco's eyes even more firmly to her exposed belly

Oeco is utterly mesmerized by her. He stares hungrily at her exposed belly, wanting nothing more than to touch it and kiss it. As her fingers rub against the sides of her bulge and her flesh jiggles along with it, his eyes lock on it and he swallows.
"Yes, yes. I want it very much."

Aline can feel how hungry he is, his eyes riveted on her bulging belly. She's never felt more desired than she does now. She slowly moves her hands over her exposed stomach, caressing her flesh in various places while making Oeco's eyes grow even larger. With her tongue, she lightly flicks at her bottom lip as she looks down at his face, smiling at him before whispering into his ear "Do you want to touch it..." she says seductively, her fingers drawing circles over her bulge just barely beneath the fabric of her top.

Oeco's mind is practically blank, he doesn't know how to respond. He just nods.
Oh, yes. He wants to touch her stomach very much.
"Yes, Aline, please," he says, his voice quiet and hoarse.
The tip of her tongue flicks at her bottom lip and he watches in silence, his eyes glued to the movement of the flesh of her exposed belly, jiggling around as she caresses it with her hands. He trembles but does not move his hands. He waits...he wants her to invite his hands.

Aline smiles at Oeco, watching his trembling body and seeing how he stares at her bulge with ravenous eyes. She feels her own pulse quicken but she pushes those feelings down, focusing on him and his desires.
She leans in even closer to him and whispers softly, barely audible over the music "Can you say it? Say that you want to touch it..."

She slowly moves one of her hands from her stomach and down between their bodies, making it clear where her hand wants to go.

Oeco's breath stops. He cannot believe this is actually happening. She's encouraging him, she wants him to touch her. He's never felt such a surge of raw, animalistic desire before.
"I want to touch it," he whispers back, his body trembling with unspent lust.
He watches as her hand slowly slides down between their bodies and his eyes narrow, focused on its movement.

His words send a thrill through her body and a shiver up her spine. She's felt a similar surge of desire, the hunger to have him touch her, to feel his hands on her soft flesh.
Aline sees how Oeco watches her hand as it slide down between their bodies, resting lightly on his arm. She can feel the heat coming off his body, the trembling of his muscles, and she feels a shiver of pleasure and anticipation as she pushes her hand even further down his body, his skin hot against hers.

Oeco gulps as he feels Aline's hand slide across his arm, down his body, toward something he wants so much - toward her exposed belly. His muscles tremble and shake as his breath quickens even more, his eyes locked on Aline's slender fingers as they glide over his skin, toward...his desires.

Aline's fingers reach his body and he shivers in a rush of anticipation, almost completely beyond himself with need.

Aline watches Oeco tremble as her fingers reach his body and she sees how desperately he wants to touch her. She smiles at him, taking his hands and gently moving them to the center of her bulging midsection.
"Go ahead, Oeco..." she whispers to him, bringing his hands to her stomach and helping him place them against the exposed flesh of her belly

Her eyes are on him, watching his reaction and seeing how his fingers tremble slightly as they press against her flesh. What a dream come true.

Aline takes his hands and brings them to her belly and...he can't believe it. Her warm, soft flesh is pressed against his hands, Aline's body pressed against his. Her eyes watch as his fingers tremble slightly, pressed against her warm skin.
Oeco hesitates for a moment, unable to believe she would allow him this privilege.
"It's real. I can..." Oeco's words cut off as he squeezes her belly with light pressure, testing if this is real or if he's dreaming.

Aline nods as she feels Oeco's fingers squeeze her flesh. She loves how his fingers caress and explore her body, the trembling and hesitation on his fingers as he takes in the feeling of her exposed skin.
She moves her hands to her midsection and starts to massage it gently herself, to show him that it's okay for him to touch her.
Her eyes are on him, seeing the hunger in his eyes as he explores her bulge. She doesn't want this to stop.
3 chapters, created 1 year , updated 1 year
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GrowingLoveH... 1 year
Sensuous and seductive. Both her and this wonderful story!

You write so well. Thanks for allowing us to see such erotic visions. They are just a beautiful couple! Erotic and full of wonder.
Anikasbbw 1 year
Thanks my dear! I'm so happy to hear this!
FrecherTyp 1 year
Oh my this is so sensually arousing I want that with a cute girl :-)
Anikasbbw 1 year
I'm so happy you liked it !
Sofianb 1 year
A big difference from Cassie's but it's incredible! The shame of hiding your belly at the beginning and that afterward it becomes a beautiful thing. The way of telling the story is impeccable, we’re s
Anikasbbw 1 year
Thanks I'm happy you liked it!