Chapter 1 - meeting
Salomée is a young girl, sat almost sinking into the plushness of the couch. Her fat double chin dancing with every bite she savored. The flavors of the snacks she nibbled on performed a ballet of sensations in her mouth. Her eyes were fixed on the television screen. Yet, despite her immersion in her feasting, her ears remained attentive to any sounds from outside. She waited patiently for the familiar sound of a doorbell."Where is the new home caregiver?"
As Salomée continued to ponder the whereabouts of the new home caregiver, a sudden chime echoed through the room. Her ears perked up as the familiar sound of a doorbell rang out. It was the moment she had been waiting for. a friendly voice greeted her from the other side.
"I'm Nicola, may I come in?"
Her ears pricked up with curiosity when she heard the bell and her fingers began to tremble with excitement. The anticipation of the new caregiver was growing in her. She was ready as she heard the voice.
"Hello! Yes, come right in."
A smile appeared on her lips as she turned to face the door. The girl, who was already sitting comfortably on the couch, waited with impatience for the caregiver to enter through the open door. Nicolas opened the door and greeted Salomée with a warm smile. He was surprised to see her smiling at him. Most obese women he's worked with were either ashamed or depressed. However, there was something about Salomée that made him want to help her. With one hand, he carried a bag containing various tools and supplies. In the other, he held a bottle of soda. He took a sip and turned to face her.
"Hello! I'm Nicolas, and I'll be taking care of you from now on."
Salomée blushed as she saw the young man standing before her. His smile was enchanting and his body caught her attention. She was in awe and admired his beauty from top to bottom. He was so tall and slim. She was sure he was her ideal kind of man. Then she realized that he worked there and that he was her caregiver. A bit of shame and embarrassment took her over for a moment, as her cheeks still had not lost their tint. Still, her eyes remained glued to him. Nicolas looked at Salomée and was amazed at her size. He had never seen an obese woman this big. He was impressed by her curves and softness. She was like a gorgeous, voluptuous goddess. He couldn't help but notice that her chin was double and that her belly spilled over her waistband. He could tell she was comfortable with herself. He had to try to hide his attraction to her. Salomée finally looked away to compose herself and stop thinking about the young caregiver's attractive body. It was with a serious tone that she asked the caregiver to follow the instructions she had prepared.
"Nicolas, you can begin from now. I have this list of tasks that I would like to you to carry out and I made sure to do my part already. I expect you to respect the orders to the letter, okay?"
Nicolas looked at her and was amazed by the fact that such a big woman was capable of being organized. He was even more impressed by the fact that she was only 19 years old. It seemed like she had been obese for quite a while. However, it did not seem to affect her in any negative way. She was still just as beautiful and confident as ever. He decided to follow the instructions carefully and to make her proud of his work. Her eyes sparkled with excitement and she could barely contain her enthusiasm as she watched the new caregiver getting to work. Nicolas did not waste any time and carried out the tasks diligently, one after the other. Salomée loved how he respected her orders. She was thrilled. Every little thing he did delighted her and she kept making compliments. From the way he cleaned the house to the way he treated her, she kept praising him and expressing her gratitude. As the time passed by, Nicolas wondered if Salomée was hungry. She hadn't said anything about it yet, but he could tell that she loved food and she probably enjoyed every meal. As a professional caregiver, it was his duty to keep his patient happy and satisfied. He turned to face Salomée and asked her :
"Are you hungry?"
Salomée, who had been watching Nicolas work all this time, was surprised to be asked a question. She had not been aware that the young man was also paying attention to her needs. Her answer fell without hesitation.
"Yes, am, always! I am indeed hungry. Thank you for asking, Nicolas."
The mention of the word "food" woke up her appetite. It wasn't time for a full meal, but she could definitely snack on something to keep her full. Salomée could not let pass an opportunity to eat something tasty. Especially when someone offered her food. She loved to feel her stomach stretch with food. She felt her mouth watering at the mere thought of food. It was as if her body was begging for sustenance. She had no way in trying to hide her hunger and she was eager to have a bite.
"Of course, I'm always hungry. Can you maybe bring me something to eat?"
She said with a sweet tone while giving him a cute glare.
9 chapters, created 1 year
, updated 1 year