Chapter 1 - Sofia's Fantasy
[ This story is inspired by the fantasy of Sofia, one of my loyal subscribers]As Sophia lay in bed, the soft glow of her phone struggled to pierce the dimness. With difficulty, she reached out, answering the call after removing her oxygen mask.
"Y-yes... Hello ?" exhausted and low on oxygen, struggled to articulate her words. An odd tension caused by her huge double chin locked her jaw, each word becoming an added challenge as she answered the phone.
"it's me"
Laurie, Sophia's long-distance girlfriend, waited anxiously on the other end of the line. Through the fragile connection, she could almost sense Sophia's struggle with every muffled word. Her concern intertwined with love in each attempt at conversation, creating a palpable bond despite the physical distance between them.
"How... are you?" Inhaling loudly, Sophia attempted to collect herself and maintain the conversation. Even this simple small talk took a toll on her, especially given her weight.
"I... miss you." Sophia said, hoping that Laurie could ignore the strain of her voice as much as she could ignore the constant reminders of her size.
Laurie's heart ached for her lover. The sound of Sophia's struggling voice was both hard to hear and equally difficult to tune out, especially when she was reminded of the dangers her girlfriend was facing.
"I miss you, too," said Laurie warmly, determined to find ways to soothe and inspire Sophia, if only for a moment while they were apart.
"I'm worried about you," Laurie continued, "Do you need anything? Anything at all?"
"Love..." Sophia weakly sighed, trying to put Laurie at ease. Despite the fact that her voice betrayed her predicament, her tone remained soft, as if she was speaking through her affection. "Please... don't worry about my health. It's fine, dear." She was unable to put up a better front than that.
"I... just want you to know that I love you." Sophia's words trailed off into a brief silence. She didn't have the energy for idle talk, but she still needed to express her emotions toward Laurie.
"How... are you doing with your weight, Sophia?" Laurie asked cautiously. As much as she wanted to keep the focus on her concern for her girlfriend's health and the strain on her lungs, she couldn't help but wonder if Sophia was struggling with her size in other ways as well.
"Do... you like feeling so big?" Laurie inquired hesitantly. The subject might be embarrassing or uncomfortable, but it was important for them to be open and understanding with each other. After all, Sophia was at least trying to downplay her own concerns about her health, which Laurie recognized.
Sophia slowly removed the oxygen mask from her face, taking a moment to breathe deeply before answering Laurie's question.
"Hmm..." She groaned, trying to collect her thoughts despite the constant pain from her sheer weight pressing on everything, including her lungs.
"At first... I felt... uncomfortable," Sophia confessed, "But... I've learned to accept... my size." She took a breath.
"Now... I don't... mind it as much anymore... Especially if I have you by my side..." She looked at her cellphone screen, seeing Laurie's face on her display screen.
Laurie felt immense pity and a sense of responsibility as she listened to Sophia struggle to speak. She knew she had done everything within her power to prevent Sophia's weight gain, but it didn't work out as she hoped. And now, the consequences had become dire as the massive woman was at serious risk of dying from even a basic lifestyle.
Even if Sophia didn't mind her size anymore, Laurie couldn't help but imagine how much better her girlfriend's life could be if she was in a healthier state. However, the focus needed to be on Sophia's current condition, which was becoming more critical by the second. "Laurie... do you... still find me... attractive?" Sophia had become increasingly aware of the changes in her body as her weight increased; she couldn't ignore how much of her appearance she had already lost just from the sheer fat that had formed as a result of her overeating. And as her body changed, she started to worry if Laurie's feelings for her might change as well. So she decided to ask directly.
Laurie's mind immediately envisioned Sophia's disfigured body, particularly the huge flabby mass where her stomach used to be. It had grown to an unprecedented size and shape, almost unrecognizable to Laurie despite seeing her girlfriend's transformation over the course of several months. And even though she wanted to support Sophia in whatever condition she was in, she wasn't sure if she could still find it attractive.
However, when she saw and heard her struggling girlfriend's question, Laurie realized how much Sophia cared about her feelings. So, she mustered all her willpower and responded honestly. "Yes... I do find you... attractive." Laurie replied, trying her best to sound certain of her words. She didn't want to lie to her girlfriend or lead her on, but she also didn't want to cause further distress and potentially break Sophia's spirit.
"You're still beautiful in my eyes." She added reassuringly. Despite the changes in Sophia's appearance, Laurie couldn't forget the wonderful memories they had made together, both in the past and present.
"Oh, dear..." Laurie winced as she heard the sound of Sophia taking a swig directly from a large bottle of heavy cream. The image conjured up in her mind made her stomach churn, imagining how much more weight Sophia would gain by indulging in that particular craving. And the sound made her physically cringe.
"Sophia, please, don't..." She begged with genuine worry in her voice. "You don't need... to eat anything else, do you?"
"I... just want some... more cream..." Sophia responded with a tired sigh, continuing to sip from the bottle. Her speech and coordination were noticeably affected by her increasing size and the high amounts of calories she had already ingested.
"Please... I just need... a little more." she begged, her tone gradually becoming more and more lethargic due to both the strain of her daily life and the lack of self-control concerning her food intake.
"Sophia, darling..." Laurie tried to keep her tone patient and calm even as frustration grew within her. The sound of her girlfriend gulping down the heavy cream filled her with both disgust and pity.
"Your weight is already more than alright..." she started, slowly losing her patience. Her girlfriend, of all people, should have realized how much she already struggled with daily activities. "You need to... need to stop this before..." She trailed off, not wanting to say the obvious that Sophia was still so far from understanding.
"I... need food... more food!" Sophia struggled to speak clearly as she called to her caregiver Tom from her bedroom. While she had learned to be as self-sufficient as possible, her dependence on others to manage her day-to-day tasks had only grown the larger she got. Now, she found it physically impossible to move out of bed without the help of another person.
"Can you... bring... some food?" she asked, using all the remaining strength she had, barely managing each word.
Laurie's concern for Sophia's declining health grew more and more intense as she heard her girlfriend's voice grow softer with every sentence. She was fully aware of the risks that her girlfriend's addiction to food and lack of self-control were causing, and she couldn't just let it go, even if her own desires were strong.
"Sophia, please! You don't need..." She tried to argue, but her voice broke as she imagined her girlfriend's face and body, swollen with fat. With each day, Sophia was losing the features that Laura found the most beautiful, which only amplified her sense of loss.
The pain and fatigue that came with every movement was growing more and more unbearable by the minute, and the strain of her daily activities was obvious on her face. The sight made Laurie even more worried, as she saw how much more damaged her girlfriend's health was getting every day.
As Sophia desperately took more oxygen, she remained quiet, trying to gather her thoughts without exerting any more energy. At this point, she was too weak and tired to argue or even speak much. All she wanted was to rest for a moment.
"Sophia... yes, sweetheart, let's call later..." Laurie tried to offer support and words of encouragement, all while avoiding the uncomfortable truth: her girlfriend's condition was getting worse by the minute. Even having a more in-depth conversation was becoming more and more difficult, as Sophia's body was growing weaker, her movements slower, and her voice quieter.
"In a few hours, okay?" she finally said. "I love you, darling. Get some rest, if you can."
"Okay... love, a video call... next time..." Sophia was visibly exhausted and overwhelmed from her struggle to speak and breathe. The weight of her body was constantly draining her energy, and even having the simplest conversation became a great challenge.
"Let's... talk later, yes?" She managed to whisper. With that, she disconnected the call, and closed her phone. The only sound that remained was the soft humming of the oxygen machine keeping her alive.
As the call ended, Laurie could already see in her mind's eye the image of her girlfriend, whose big brown eyes were almost completely closed as she tried to touch her belly. She couldn't help but imagine how soft and huge it must have become, and the thought made Laurie feel lightheaded.
But her worries were more for the wellbeing of her girlfriend and loved one rather than the physical appearance of her body. She had always found bigger Sophia beautiful, but she couldn't ignore the signs of the severe health issues Sophia was dealing with.
Her entire torso had been overshadowed by the sheer amount of fat that her body had accumulated, making touch from any part of her belly almost impossible. And as she got heavier, it only became more difficult to reach anything beyond her own skin.
However, Sophia couldn't resist trying to do so, even if only to confirm her own progress with her own hands. And as she struggled to lift her arm, she found it hard not to let out a long sigh, as every slight movement caused her to waste more and more energy.
After struggling to touch her own belly, Sophia's body gave up. She just didn't have the energy to keep moving, even though her hunger was intense. Desperate for food or anything edible, she called for her caregiver Tom once more.
"I... need... food..." she muttered, almost begging this time. Her tone made it clear that she wasn't asking for a single meal or snack; rather, she wanted more food than she was already consuming. She was clearly obsessed.
Tom brought an overwhelming amount of food as he helped his patient. With Sophia's increasing dependency on his help, Tom had to take responsibility for her diet, which meant he had to bring her whatever she wanted. That resulted in huge portions and a never-ending stream of food, which Sophia happily consumed, with the carer barely able to keep up.
In a few minutes, Sophia finished her meal and even asked for more, but Tom refused, fearing the repercussions of this new addiction to food. Sophia wasn't pleased but was too tired to argue with him.
The phone's ringtone snapped Sophia out of a deep rest, and once she picked up, she was glad to see Laurie's face on screen. But the happiness of seeing her beloved girlfriend quickly turned into concern as she saw how much more swollen and tired Sophia had become in a few hours. "Hey, dear... are you alright?" Laurie asked immediately, sensing something was wrong. "Your body... looks..." she stopped, unable to find the right words for what she saw.
"Yes... I'm fine..." Sophia forced a weak smile to hide the severity of her struggle. Although she couldn't hide just how much more swollen and bloated her body looked in comparison to just a few weeks ago. That was just another reminder of how much more weight she put on in a relatively short period, and Laurie noticed it right away. "You... look so big, darling..." she said gently. The words might sound strange to some, but Laurie found Sophia beautiful just as she was, even if she knew just how unhealthy her girlfriend's condition had become.
“Oh... you are... gorgeous, Sophia..." Laurie was struggling to control her own emotions. She could feel her heart beating faster, her face heating up, and her libido going rampant as she looked at Sophia's growing body. Even if she knew how unhealthy it was, she didn't deny the feeling that her girlfriend's appearance was arousing beyond her control. She was glad that she was feeling something, anything, during a time when her girlfriend was fighting for her life. But she also couldn't deny her growing feelings of pleasure and satisfaction as she saw the weight gain itself.
"I... think I... weight... 425kg... now..." Sophia was too tired to say more, but her eyes were focused on her enormous belly, trying to reach it for a good belly rub. She could barely control her movements, but she really wanted to touch her body as she knew that Laurie enjoyed it as well.
Even if Sophia could barely breathe due to the size of her abdomen, she managed to moan as she touched the flesh that had consumed her, hoping Laurie would hear her pleasure in the background and know that she was still loving it. Laurie heard the moan coming from behind the phone call with Sophia, and it sent chills down her spine. The fact that her girlfriend's body, especially her belly, had become so huge that it was making her moan while she breathed was both disgusting and arousing. It was like the body that she loved and adored had taken on an entirely different, gross form. Yet, she couldn't deny the intense pleasure it brought to her. And it was something Sophia was clearly enjoying as well. Sophia was finally able to touch her swollen belly as she laid on her bed. She could barely breathe due to her size, but she still remained focused on enjoying the feeling of her own fat flesh. The moan she made this time was louder than before, and Laurie couldn't help but feel both disgusted and turned on at the same time. It seemed like she was going completely insane. But as she watched the video, she could at least see the huge mass of fat in front of her, and she imagined her own hands on that soft, huge, and arousing belly once again.
“I... want... to... please... you..." Sophia's lips were barely moving, and her swollen belly was crushing her lungs. But she still managed to say the words out loud. While she didn't feel good, she wanted nothing more than to please Laurie... and to be pleased back. And the only way she could think of doing that now was with the distance sextoys that were installed in her bedroom. It was the only way for her to experience the sexual pleasure she craved so much despite her condition.
Laurie took control of her phone to try the app that had been installed in the bedroom. With just a few buttons and dials, she could control the distance sextoys, making Sophia's body move in ways she couldn't even imagine anymore. She couldn't keep her eyes off the huge blob of flesh that her girlfriend had become.
Although the sight made her feel both disgusted and aroused, Laurie couldn't deny the pleasure she was experiencing. And as she saw her girlfriend move and moan with absolute pleasure, she felt a strange sense of accomplishment. She was loving every second of it.
"More... faster..." Sophia's words came out with little more than a whisper. Even in her state of complete bliss, the lack of oxygen was slowly causing her to lose consciousness. But she just wanted more... she wanted to feel even more as her body moved and moaned, as she felt complete pleasure in all the places she couldn't reach anymore. She wanted more oxygen, she wanted more food, she wanted more of everything that she knew was killing her now. And even though Laurie knew she shouldn't agree, her heart couldn't help but go along with what her girlfriend wanted. Laurie wasn't proud of her own reaction, but she had to accept that the sight of her girlfriend's immense body and the sound of her moans were making her extremely aroused. Everything about Sophia's situation was disgusting and unhealthy, but for some reason, Laurie couldn't stop herself from feeling aroused while seeing her struggle and enjoying the distance sextoy toys installed in the room.
If she hadn't been so weak and in the state of pure pleasure herself, she would have never done this. But she was far beyond reason at this point and just wanted to see and feel more.
"I... love you... so much!" Laurie couldn't deny the strong attraction that the sight of Sophia gave her now, and she did what she could to satisfy her girlfriend despite the complete horror of the situation. While she had never imagined that she could enjoy such a thing, she now felt a deep sense of arousal at what she was doing. And after a few moments of pressing the "faster" button, she finally saw and heard just what her mind wanted to see. The thought made her sick yet she was too deep in the moment to turn back.
The pain in her heart grew even more intense as her body struggled to breathe and move. Her breath was short and labored, and she was doing everything she could just to stay awake. But the feeling of pleasure from the sextoy was too strong to let go of, and it was keeping her mind completely focused on the sexual acts she was experiencing despite her condition. If she had only listened to what she knew was right, if she had just been stronger... Perhaps things wouldn't have gone this way. But she couldn't stop. She just needed more...
Laurie pressed the "faster" button once more, making Sophia's body move even more vigorously under the effects of the distance sextoys. Even with the pain and shortness of breath, Sophia's body enjoyed the sensation, and she could even hear her own moaning and gasping as her swollen belly rubbed against itself during the movements. It was the most pleasure she had felt in a while, and as she was slowly losing consciousness, it was what she wanted most in the world. Sophia was enjoying herself as she heard her own moans and gasps under the intense pleasure of the sextoys. She knew this was wrong and too much for her body, but she still couldn't stop herself from enjoying the experience and asking for even more. But her heart couldn't handle this abuse and finally gave out. Her heart stopped beating, and her moaning and gasping breaths went silent. The pain in her heart became too much. No matter how hard Sophia tried to stay awake and enjoy the pleasure, she was too weak to do much of anything. The stress on her body, the lack of oxygen, and the effects of the distance sextoys... all of it was too much to handle. She tried to fight it, but her heart eventually gave out.
She had a cardiac arrest and fell unconscious as her body gave way to the combined effects of her weight, the lack of oxygen, and the sensations she had experienced with the sextoy toys.
[Thank you, Sofia, for being there for me and supporting me in my weight gain journey !
Do you want to be my next story? Come share your fantasy with me in a private message ]
3 chapters, created 1 year
, updated 1 year