Lucky Rainy Day

Chapter 1 - Rainy day

Aaron, a youthful attorney known for his striking hazel eyes, bears a prominent scar on his left cheek, a testament to a past battle. As he steps out of the imposing law firm, the heavens open up, releasing a torrential rain. His once impeccably tailored suit clings to his frame, highlighting his strong figure, accentuating his rugged charm.

"It's raining again..."

not far from there, Natascha, a young girl, Her eyes, like azure gems, contrast against the grayness of the rain-soaked surroundings. Natascha's every step feels like a burden as her feet move with a heaviness that mirrors the weight she carries

"Ho I want to eat something..."

Aaron is instantly drawn to Natascha, who seems almost in agony as she walks. The young girl is just as beautiful as she is fascinating. He can't help but wonder what caused the sadness in her eyes.

"Excuse me, young lady, are you alright? You seem to be struggling with something."She turns to Aaron.

"No, I'm fine..."

Unbeknownst to Aaron, Natascha carries a great burden - her weight. She is morbidly obese, her girth increasing with every meal, so that simple daily tasks, such as walking, have become a laborious effort. Aaron notices the way she looks at him.He cannot take his eyes off this young girl with clear signs of obesity.

"You seem troubled... Is something causing you worry? Your eyes are so full of sadness..."Her stomach rumbles slightly.

"Well, um, I do need something..."

Her cheeks flush slightly as she shifts slightly on her feet.

"I'm hungry, I must confess..."

Aaron cannot help but notice the way her belly stretches the fabric of her shirt...Aaron decides to act. He's going to find out who this girl is and take her to lunch to find out what's wrong.

"Perhaps it's best that you and I seek safety from the rain. There's a cafeteria in my office building, where we can take shelter and find something to satiate your appetite."

He extends his arm, offering to lead the way.Natascha gazes up at Aaron's handsome face and charming smile, her eyes twinkling from the rain. She's never had any luck with men, so her attraction to Aaron is immediate and powerful. She takes his hand gratefully and follows him up the stairs to the office building, excited for a warm, dry place to eat and spend time with such a handsome, kind man.Aaron guides Natascha to his favorite table in the canteen, helps her sit, and introduces himself.

"My name is Aaron. It's a pleasure to have run into you on such a dreary day. Please, allow me to offer you a token of my appreciation."

He smiles gently and looks down at her.

"What is your name?"

He looks up and sees the way she looks at him. She is not merely hungry... She is smitten. He smiles a little at the thought.She has a small smile on her full lips, her eyes shining in his attention like two sapphires.

"Natascha... That's my name... My pleasure to meet you."

Aaron can't help but notice her body, the way her ample curves pour out of every single tight fitting piece of clothing she's wearing. Natascha is a walking testament to the dangers of gluttony and is clearly suffering as a result.Aaron is genuinely concerned for the young girl at the table across from him. He sees in her eyes a sadness, a loneliness, but also a deep longing. With the hope of finding out what's troubling her, he makes a bold decision.

"Well, it's my pleasure as well, Natascha..."

He sees the way she looks at him, her plump belly hanging low underneath her shirt. He can't help but feel pity as he notes how her clothes are almost uncomfortably tight and her face is full of the hunger that only food can satisfy.

"Well... I could eat... anything at all..."

Natascha has a look of hunger on her face. She looks at the cafeteria menu, trying to see what is the most fattening food available to satisfy her hunger.

"Do you recommend anything in particular, Aaron?"

Aaron can see the way her large belly almost bulges over the table, her fat pouring out of her clothes that leave nothing to the imagination. Her weight is clearly not something she's happy about, but a result of her addiction to food.Aaron's eyes are drawn to the way she stares at him, her eyes filled with desire. He notices how she glances at the menu, seeking to find something greasy, heavy, and filling. He can't help but think about what she must look like naked, her fat so soft and feminine. He quickly shakes the though and smiles.

"Yes, actually, I recommend the cheeseburger... If I'm not mistaken, they're made with 100% beef. And the bacon, too, for good measure."

He winks at her playfully.Natascha smiles at Aaron's advice and winks back in gratitude. She looks at the menu to confirm his suggestion.

"Cheeseburger and bacon then..."

She makes her choice, her desire for food growing like her belly. The smell of food in the cafeteria is tempting and makes her salivate. Her belly rumbles and she puts her hands around it, trying to hide her hunger as much as possible. Her clothes hug her body, clinging tightly to her figure and highlighting her weight. She finds it difficult to walk as her weight and fat keep pulling her down.Aaron can't help but notice the way Natascha holds onto her belly, her body shaking ever so slightly as she sits. He cannot imagine what this poor fat girl must be going through... And who caused her to be this way.

"Well, I see you've made your choice for lunch. I'll have the same thing."

He smiles as he sees how Natascha lights up, her eyes glowing and her belly rumbling, eager for food.

"Let me tell you a little about myself. I'm an attorney here in town and..."She listens intently as he tells her about himself. She is surprised by how handsome and kind Aaron is. She takes note of his sharp dress and his clear intellect, wondering why such a man would waste his time with a fat girl like her. She smiles at him as they wait for their order to be ready.

"That is so nice..."

Her eyes twinkles in the light, her belly shaking slightly as her weight shifts in her seat. She leans in a little too close to him and he can hear her stomach growling in anticipation for the food to come.Aaron and Natascha receive their lunch. The cheeseburger looks greasy but delicious. His eyes are drawn to the way she shovels food into her mouth. He watches as the corners of her mouth are stained with grease and she keeps licking her lips. Her clothes become tight over the course of her meal, the fat just pouring out of them.

"Natascha, can I ask you a question...?"She looks at Aaron, half her plate empty, crumbs from her cheeseburger around her lips.

"Hm? Of course... ask whatever you want..."

Her mouth is full, but she still manages to talk to Aaron. Her belly jiggles as she chews, her body clearly uncomfortable under her tight fitting clothes.

"What is it you want to ask...?""How did you... Umm... How did you become this way, if that's ok to ask...?"

He notices the way Natascha holds onto the fat around her belly and the way it sways with every movement she makes. Despite himself, he finds it quite alluring.

"Was it something that happened slowly or...""O-of course you can ask! You've been very kind so far..."

Her belly is big and sexy, the large rolls of fat hanging under her shirt. She continues eating and speaks while eating.

"Let's say... I had a bit of an unhealthy relationship with food from a young age... At home, a... let's say a rather unpleasant atmosphere, led to me coping with food. But... well... here I am... "

Her belly sways as she eats, her clothes stretching with every bite she takes.Aaron watches the rain outside the window, his thoughts turning back to Natascha. She's been through so much misery in her life, her body the result of her use food to cope with her emotions.

"I see..."

Aaron reaches out to pat Natascha's fat belly, not able to resist. As he touches her, her belly shakes slightly, the fat rolling and spilling out.

"You know, your belly is really soft and jiggly..."She feels his hands on her soft belly and looks his way, blushing.

"H-haha... yeah, it's the only soft thing about me..."

Her belly sways and jiggles, her weight pulling her down. Aaron cannot help but feel the way a man must feel when holding his pregnant wife. Her stomach rumbles and she reaches for another piece of food.

"How about you...? What's your story?"

Natascha is curious about her attractive dining companion, her heart beating rapidly.Aaron sees how Natascha stares at his scar, her eyes brimming with curiosity.

"You want to talk about this...?"

He points at his scar on his left cheek, a small disfigurement which he's self-conscious of. His gaze wanders up and down over her body, the way her rolls of fat spill out of the top of her shirt and how her clothes almost cannot contain her girth. He can feel himself becoming more and more attracted to her, her womanly figure so appealing to him.She turns to Aaron, looking at him.

"Yes... how did you get this scar...?"

Aaron can feel her eyes roaming his body, her eyes hungry for more than just food. He also notices her belly, how much fat is hanging out of her clothes and how her clothes almost burst in every direction. It's quite a sight, seeing her so chubby in such form-fitting clothing. He feels himself getting more and more attracted to her.Aaron sighs.

"I was abused, physically abused, by my father when I was a child. I don't want to go into too much detail, but this scar is the result of that abuse..."

Natascha watches him with empathy, her heart almost breaking for him. Her eyes linger on his face, his strong jawline, the scar, so masculine and strong... She reaches out and takes his hand, her grasp surprisingly soft and tender, almost a reassuring hug. He feels her warm hand on his, their fingers interlinked...Their fingers interlocked, their eyes meet. Natascha's eyes are full of kindness and empathy. She stares deeply into him. It's as if their hands are locked into the most romantic way possible. The way their fingers intertwines is so sensual, so intimate, so arousing...

Aaron can't help but feel a pull to Natascha. Something about this woman, the way she watches him, the way her fat pulls her down, is like a magnet that draws him in. His heart is racing at the touch of her hand.Aaron cannot help but feel the spark between him and Natascha, their hands intertwined in a warm embrace and their eyes locked in a stare. Her face is full of the kindness and empathy he seeks in a woman, his gaze lingering on her soft and fat belly, her large thighs spilling out of her skirt...

"Do you want to see each other again...?"

Natascha looks at him, their palms sweating from the intense embrace her fat creates. She nods her head in agreement, her jiggly chin and belly almost spilling out of her shirt. A spark has been lit.She nods, and a tingle of excitement shoots through her body. She feels the sweat on her hands too. The way he looks at her, at her fat face, her fat belly and thighs, the way her clothes strain to keep her in, makes her body shake with arousal. Something has been lit inside of her, a fire that will never go out. She feels a deep desire, to let all her weight spill onto him. And he, with his strong arms, must help her with all this fat, all this weight...They both get up. Aaron helps Natascha out of the seat by lifting her with his strong arms. The touch of her fat is so pleasant, her body so womanly. Their eyes lock. He sees the hunger in her eyes, sees the sweat on her face, the way her shirt cannot hide her enormous breasts.

"Do you need to be taken home...? I'm willing to walk you there."

He notices her breathing getting heavier, her weight straining to get up from the seat. It seems a bit too much effort for her.She looks at him, panting slightly and struggling to get up. She is not able to get up by herself, not anymore.

"Yes... please.."

"I feel my weight pushing me..."

Natascha watches his muscular arms, so strong, able to haul her massive mass up.

"I need your help..."

Aaron cannot believe that there is a woman as overweight as her, a woman struggling to find breath and balance on two legs. Her clothes are so close to tearing open, her belly hanging almost low enough to touch the ground.Aaron looks at Natascha's fat and how much it pushes her down. He can see her belly dangling low, her clothes straining to keep her covered. And yet, despite it all, he can still see her beauty, her softness as it jiggles and quivers. He cannot help but be attracted to her, despite her size.

"Of course... Come, let me help you up..."

Aaron lifts Natascha, taking most of her weight on his strong arms. Her belly is soft and jiggly, so heavy... The jiggling fat makes him shiver with arousal.


She leans on his strong body, her immense weight dragging her towards the ground. She is so heavy, even Aaron struggles to keep her up. Her eyes are desperate, her heart racing with this sudden attraction... His arms are so big and strong, his body so desirable. She needs him to relieve her weight, she needs the man.

"So... h-Heavy..."

Her breathing is shallow, her legs so heavy that she could almost be a wheelchair. A strange, new sensation flows through her entire body, her attraction growing rapidly.Aaron is stunned by her immense weight, his muscles straining and tearing to hold her up. He is amazed by how feminine she is despite her size. The feeling of her jiggly fat, her large belly hanging low and her round shape... It all turns him on, his arousal growing. He can see how much she needs him, her eyes full of need and desire.As his muscles slowly give in and his arms almost collapse under her weight, she whispers:

"P-Please... help me..."

She breathes heavily, her heart beating fast and arousing. Her need for his strong, masculine touch is almost unbearable at this point. She sees how her weight is getting him sweaty, his muscles straining to lift her. Yet this is so new and exciting, this fat, this need for a man's touch. He must know that he's turning her on. He must feel it. His muscles, his touch. Oh, how she wants him...
3 chapters, created 1 year , updated 1 year
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Viking73 1 year
What a fantastic start! Please continue as soon as possible with as many chapters as possible. This story is amazing and can develop so much. Looking forward to more!
Anikasbbw 1 year
Oh thank you so much! I update it soon!
Sofianb 1 year
A very good start! A very beautiful story (: