Chapter 1 - Science be.
"I am the greatest Otter in these waters! Behold my majestic tummy! So many a clam I have broken on my impervious chest. What say you, Charles? Your clam breaking skills are deplorable. I can crack three clams on my chest and feast off of my glorious tummy before you fail to crack open even one!""Nonsense Eisenhardt! I can catch and ravish six salmon before you even nibble on one tiny clam. There is no otter in the land that can eat as much salmon as I. Feasting on the tasty orange flesh of fish is the true way of the Otter."
"Absurd, Charles! Otters are meant to feast on the bounty and glory of clams and clams only! Your blasphemous salmon appetite is appalling! Your tiny tummy is clearly proof of this. No stream swimmer is match for my appetite. Clams, clams and more clams are what line the wall of my glorious tummy!"
"Clams are for lining the bottoms of castle moats in Scotland Eisenhardt! Not for filling the tummies of otters! You disgrace the otter kind. Salmon is the only meal fit for a real otter. My chest may be soft, but my salmon filled tummy is strong and mighty!"
"Rubbish, Charles! You tiny urchin. I bet you don't even weigh six-hundred lolsquids."
"I am a stately six-hundred-sixty-six lolsquids Eisenhardt! Proof that salmon is clearly the proper diet for an otter. My tummy is the greatest of all the most powerful otter tummies in these waters."
"Tiny you are Charles. Tiny! Your blasphemous salmon diet has clearly failed you! My tummy is the greatest in these waters! My tummy is the greatest otter tummy in all of the waters that otters swim. My last clam put me at six-hundred-eighty-eight lolsquids just this morning."
"Fat Eisenhardt! You are fat! You couldn' catch a salmon if you tried. You are fat and nothing more! Your violet-wrenching tummy be cursed! Be gone with you. Far away from your clam-driven apocracy I must go. Back to the falls. To more salmon upstream I go."
"Ha! Enough, enough. My tummy is the superior otter tummy. Now all of the clams wait patiently to fill my tummy and my tummy alone! Goodbye Charles."
1 chapter, created 2 years
, updated 2 years