The Pizza Chase

Chapter 1 - The First of the Dominos:

"It's time to cut to the chase."

"I'm sorry babe. I don't know what you're talking about."

"It's simple really. But you need to say it."

"Really Steph, I don't know what you're talking about. Wait, what's that smell? Did you bring home Dominos? I was going to make some pasta or something, but I've been all wrapped up in this project…"

"Jack, you're getting fat with me."

"What Steph? I uhh… Woah, that's like 12 pizza boxes."

"You're going to indulge with me tonight and you're going to love it. Then we are going to repeat the process every single morning, every single afternoon, and every single night."

"I uh… Steph, I would really love you to eat like that, but I can't eat like that. I'll get… fat."

"You want to get fat Jack, admit it. You want me to strip off all of my clothes and feed you pizza until your eyes bulge out of your head."

"I… don't want to, uh, well. Wait? You naked? With the pizza? That sounds... Does this mean that I could have some of the chocolate cake I baked for you earlier too?"

"Jack, you're eating the whole freaking cake. Admit it, you've been pushing your sweet tooth off on me for months. You want it for yourself and you're going to have it. I'll order another one for myself after you lick the last ounce of chocolate frosting off of my pinky finger. After the pizza of course. I ordered all twelve pies in meatlovers, your favorite."

"Has it been that obvious? Ever since you asked me to feed you doughnuts in bed last week... I mean, it felt so good to admit to loving to rub your belly while you're on top… I've been feeling different."

"Different Jack? You've been practically drooling everytime you see me eat something sweet. Give in already! I'll make it worth your while. Admit it! Say it."

"Steph, I like your curves and I love seeing you enjoy yourself… and food in foreplay has been great."


"I want you to feed me too."

"Not good enough."

"Fine! I want to get fat Steph! I'm so freaking hungry and horny all the time now that I can barely think."

"Finally! Was that so hard? I'm starving."

"Did you really buy twelve meatlovers?"

"Is that a stage prop in your pants?"

"Wait… you said we're going to do this every day?"

"Every day, Jack. I cashed in my laughing dog money. I'm rich. I'm rich and I'm going to invest it all in our bellies."

"We might get really, really fat."

"That's the idea. Just you wait. So stop whatever you're doing and get over here. We need to eat this before the first delivery order comes in with the lava cakes and icing."

"Uh oh…"
1 chapter, created 2 years , updated 2 years
1   0   1176

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