The Sand Witch

Chapter 1 - Never Getting to the Dunes

"You seem lost."

"I am not."

"Are you sure about that."

"I'm in Ludington, Michigan. I'm headed to the State Park. Want to come with me?"

"You'll never get rid of me."

"Sure. Sure."

"Will you buy me some ice cream? I have quite the sweet tooth."

"I'm not a big fan."

"Trust me. You will be."

"Okay, fine."

"You didn't ask my name."

"I'm Musik."

"I know you are. Let's go big boy."

"Are we in Killwins'? How did we get here?"

"Still think you're in Ludington?"

"Woah. That's a lot of ice cream."

"Get the picture yet?"

"Where'd the ice cream go? Oh my god! Did I just get fat?"

"Here, try this flavor next. It's my favorite.
Now try this flavor.
Now try this flavor.
Now try this flavor.
Now try this flavor.
Now try this flavor.
Now try this flavor."

"Uhhh… there. All so good. Oh my god. I'm getting huge. How did I get so fat?"

"You want to try my second favorite?
You want to try my third favorite?
You want to try my fourth favorite?
You want to try my fifth favorite?
You want to try my sixth favorite?"

"I… I… Yes. But I'm so heavy. I don't think I can leave."

"You still haven't asked me my name yet."

"I'm too heavy to think. How much do I even weigh now? Wow. You're getting quite big too."

"Do as I do, Musik. Scoop, eat, repeat. Scoop, eat, repeat. Scoop, eat, repeat. Easy, see?"

"I see that you're well over three hundred pounds! How'd that happen?"

"Less thinking, more eating. Please."

"But I can't. If I keep doing what you tell me to do, I'll be massive."

"I said I'd go to the State Park with you, didn't I?"

"You did. But, oh my god did we both just get bigger?"

"Well of course darling. You didn't specify how big we would be when we got there."

"Jesus, we both must be over five hundred pounds now!"

"Almost ready. I like my dates to be big events."

"Oh my god. Is the ice cream floating?"

"You were taking too long. Let's see...

"This is ridiculous. This can't be. I feel like a Led Zeppelin."

"Oh yes, and it's going down fast baby...

"Oh my god. Too much. Is it over? You haven't gotten to six-hundred yet."

"What's that? You want to be six-hundred pounds? Wish granted."

"No. I just. Wow, you look incredible."

"My curves are the shores of Lake Michigan big boy. You like?"

"Very much so."

"Can I take you out for pizza at Lucianos after the beach?"

"I was counting on it, Musik."
1 chapter, created 2 years , updated 2 years
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