Codename Cheese Pizza

Chapter 1 - A Heavy Codename

She had had enough. Ever since she watched Austin Powers II on a worn-out VHS tape in her nearly forgotten younger days, she desired one thing and one thing only. With looks like Madonna and tastes like Martha Stewart, she wanted to find her perfect match, a rogue spy to make her own and fatten them to outlandishly cuddly proportions.

It turned out that espionage is fairly straightforward. She learned that it's all a game of Scrabble or Old Maid really. Just mix about in various social groups and they'll reveal who's a ghost, what's a spook, and which cakes to eat and which cakes to leave in septic tanks.

She was no fool. Being directly employed by a government agency was suicide in those days. So she did what she did best. She baked. She cooked. She made so much food. She learned the ins and outs of every restaurant and every culinary operation on the Eastern Seaboard. Whenever she would pick up greasy information from thick clients she simply said she was from the Culinary Institute of America.

She was aware of a few potential side effects that may take place when she chose her codename. It was so simple. Or so she thought.

Cheese Pizza has arrived.

I would like to see Cheese Pizza.

Send Cheese Pizza to Lincoln Park.

It was perfect. Thank goodness she kept it simple smartly and didn't choose Pepperoni Pizza. Two hundred pounds added to her figure was enough. Her dream of becoming Felicity Shagwell to capture Austin Powers was slowly becoming… well… a journey towards becoming… let's not go there.

She had chosen codename Cheese Pizza and was ready to have her Pizza Party.

She had gotten so big. She had truly become Cheese Pizza, but her mark was in sight. They were not as lucky with their codename selection and had gotten even bigger than her! Sugar? Like Some Like It Hot? So ridiculous, but she had to have them. So fluffy, so delicious, so sexy, so virile. A real international hunk of, well... not quite mystery, but certainly all the sweets a girl could ask for.

And maybe a few pounds more.
1 chapter, created 2 years , updated 2 years
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