Chapter 1- happy anniversary babe
“*Pant* Ugh! Come on!” Claire’s posh voice grunted wildly through the downtrodden walls of her boyfriend’s messy apartment.“Almost there! *Wheeze* Almost there!” She seethed, as her voice echoed down the small hardwood floor of the little hallway that connect her boyfriend’s bedroom to the rest of the apartment, “Ugh! *pant* Yes!! Grrraaaahhhhh!!! Get up there!”
“Come on this isn’t happening! You know you wanna fit over my ass! Come on! Please?” The noise of her stressed voice now softly rang around the kitchen/living room area where Paul listened in a certain amusement to the sound of his girlfriend’s struggles, “Fit! Fit! Fit!! Ugh!!! *Rip!* No!! Really?!”
With that, Paul immediately stood up from the couch. Had his ears just heard correctly?? Was that the sound of his beautiful girlfriend’s big ass ripping through her favorite pair of shorts? He remembered what she looked like in them a few months ago when she’d first modeled them for him at the mall. He’d been craving to see how they would hug her figure now that her womanly hips and lavishly padded buttocks had blossomed even fuller than before.
In the year since they’d started dating, Claire had slowly transitioned from a 136 pound twenty-year-old into a significantly chubbier 21-year-old. If only he knew just how much weight, she’d gained. It had to be at least 40 pounds at this point, maybe 50 by the sound of those shorts ripping, or more! Paul couldn’t help salivating at the though of knowing the truth.
Taking a breath and trying to play his excitement cool, Paul reasoned that his eagerness would likely have to wait. If Claire had outgrown her favorite shorts, she’d certainly be less oblivious about her growing figure than before. He was walking a fine line. Asking Claire about her weight was a sure-fire way to draw unwanted attention to an aspect of his girlfriend that he found increasingly irresistible. In the meantime, he’d have to be content with the thought of Claire trying to find something else to wear for their anniversary date.
Paul wondered with excitement at how kindly the increased fullness of his girlfriend’s figure would treat the meager supply of clothes she stored in his bedroom. He couldn’t hear her voice anymore. His imagination was running wild thinking of how Claire must be reacting to the now undeniable recent developments to her quite chubby figure.
“They’re destroyed?? My ass destroyed them.. They felt tighter.. Just a little bit tighter.. I didn’t think they’d rip.. Fuck.. I just bought these!” Claire whimpered to herself, in a less than dignified tone, while her hands explored the damage around her round fleshy tushy. Feeling concerned, she turned her back to the mirror that she’d placed on her boyfriend’s closet door. This was a major wakeup call. She didn’t want to admit it, but she needed to assess the damage.
She subconsciously knew her sexier clothes were fitting much tighter lately than they normally did, but her mind had told her that maybe her boyfriend had just shrunken them in the wash. After all, the normal myriad of skirts and pretty, non-restrictive dresses she chose to wear on a daily basis didn’t alert her to the changes taking place around her softening body. She prayed the source of her current frustration was the pesky basement washing machine. The other possibility was one she dreaded to admit.
Peering around her shoulder, her eyes widened at what she saw. Claire’s cheerful demeanor, which always seemed to serve her so well, finally faltered, “God.. What the hell? Did I get fatter or something? My butt is so big!”
Reluctantly pulling her gaze from the mirror, Claire stared down at her body in a mix of embarrassment, shame, and a solid sprinkle of fear. She was never one to put on weight, well.. not until recently.. She’d become so comfortable in her relationship with Paul.. Had she really let herself go that much?
No.. She wasn’t sleeping too much lately, and she’d certainly been snacking more out of stress.. Maybe she’d put on a little weight because of how often she stayed up late studying? Or maybe the new protein shakes her boyfriend started serving her for breakfast every morning contained too many calories for her metabolism to process.. She hoped it wasn’t the shakes because they were quite yummy.
Thinking a bit more deeply, her climbing weight was probably the result of the sheer amount of day’s she’d avoided the gym to cuddle with her boyfriend on the couch, drink with him at bars, or dine with him across town.
Whatever the reason, it didn't matter anymore.. Looking down past the b-cup breasts cradled tightly by her bra, Claire could plainly see her waist had grown. The stubbornly small bit of lower-belly pudge she’d carried since childhood had inflated into a ballooning mess of thick chub that jutted out from the waistband of her dangerously tight panties into a distinctly rounded muffin top complete with a pair of mushy love handles. If her gut didn’t look so soft, the convex ‘outie’ navel she possessed, coupled with the roundness of her outward poking belly, would probably cause people to think she was in the mid stages of pregnancy.
She’d once been proud of her abs’ relative tightness and pleasing aesthetic beauty but now, as her fingers prodded her soft and squishy gut, she felt betrayed by the body she’d once loved to put on display at the beach with her friends. Her body used to look simply magnificent tightly laced in a bikini, but now she knew she’d look awful in one. It wasn’t fair, but somehow her breasts hadn’t grown in size, along with her the rest of her enlarged body. Any growth in her modest bust size was clearly dwarfed by her sprawling gut, widened hips, and colossal butt cheeks. Looking at herself now.. she felt like a whale!
How had she let herself go to this point? To add insult to injury, while looking at herself in the mirror, Claire wasn’t even sure which stuck out more, her gut or her butt. Even in high school, when she’d been her absolute thinnest, Claire’s booty sported a bit more shape than she would have liked. As she’d gotten older her distinctly perky bottom swelled as the volume of her butt cheeks inflated ever more from the lazy lifestyle she’d embraced over the past year. Even her once toned thighs had bulged with a soft fullness that betrayed her body’s lack of fitness. In high school she’d once called herself a cross country athlete, now she couldn’t manage five minutes on the treadmill without becoming embarrassingly out of breath. Even her arms, once lean and slightly toned, now appeared slightly rounded and softened with additional girth.
She had to admit to herself that the original outfit she had planned to wear for the night wasn’t going to fit. She needed to figure something else out. Heck, even her bra and tight panties looked ready to rip apart into shreds!
She needed to buy new clothes. Unfortunately, to do that she needed money and she’d spent the last of her cash on textbooks for the fall semester that was about to start..
She’d have to make do with what she had. But what clothes did she have at her boyfriend’s apartment?? Claire opened up the drawer Paul essentially let her have in his dresser. There were a couple different tops, a pair of white denim jeans, a pair of blue jeggings, a sports bra with some old yoga pants and an old dress she’d left here after a lovely date night she’d had with Paul back during the beginning of the summer.
Grabbing the jeans, Claire quietly resolved to herself, “I’ll make them fit. It’ll be no problem. No problem at all..”
Contemporary Fiction
Mutual gaining
Sexual acts/Love making
Weight gain
102 chapters, created 5 years
, updated 3 years
@ClearSkyNZ Thank you! That means a lot! I hope you enjoy the next one!
Well done.