Plumptown (feederism)

  By Koiity  

Chapter 1 - Disappeared

Normally one would believe that the government is in control of everything but it is not so, we are still human, despite our technology we are still flesh, fat and bone. We continue to see through our eyes, feel through our skin, and hear through our ears. We are still limited... Also, what happens when our technologies fail? Easy to answer: We can only depend on our body, Jade, Elena's sister, had to learn that, whose family member disappeared a few months ago, three to be exact. This she believed in the police that she went to investigate because the satellites cloud and fail to take satellite images of the place where they are going, what's more! No device more complex than a flat screen, radio, or cable phone worked here in PlumpTown. PlumpTown is a city in the north of Jade Country, a very hidden country in the Middle East which bears the name of Harren, like a city that was destroyed years ago but this is the country, not the city. Harren has been a country dominated by Latinos and Americans so both English and Spanish are spoken, in PlumpTown it became more notable because most of the people there were children of Latinos and Americans, hence the name PlumpTown. This city was like a town between rural and urban, it is big but being well distributed it seems small because it is easy to move from one place to another, this was done because for some reason the people there were always thicker than usual and chubby That didn't mean that there were skinny or big muscled people like Elena's boyfriend who took her to PlumpTown a year ago. Jade had always been able to communicate with her sister but one day everyone in PlumpTown simply fell silent in deathly silence, no one answered, not even the police, so it was easy for Jade to have several patrols go to see what was going on but the city where Jade lived, she was not the most developed in the world either, so Jade, seeing that those policemen never returned and with the pressure of her brother who was abroad and could not return soon, she had to grab her car keys, start determined and with the equipment he thought was necessary and drive to PlumpTown.

Jade was on that road starting her car at a gas station about ten kilometers before PlumpTown, as I imagine everything was covered around by a cold pine forest, she turned her thin figure to place the dispenser pistol and suddenly collided with the owner of the local, a man in a rather dirty uniform with a beard and a cap, took the gun and put it in its place to watch with a smile as Jade was startled and gave a small scream with her mouth closed. -ha ha ha! Nervous? I see...she's going to PlumpTown and she's nervous about losing that figurine haha! Well, your nerves at least make sense dear... Good morning, you pay for the page- said that fat man before walking to his plastic chair while pointing his head to the side where the QR code of the page was, Jade without answering something annoyed by the stress she felt plus the previous scare, she only paid, she got on and left, stressed while eating a chocolate bar that she bought at the gas station.

As she was driving quietly and towards sunset while she was somewhat asleep but still concentrating on driving, she turned on the car lights to suddenly see a rather large white creature with long hair that covered her face and breasts a few meters from the car, barely Recognizing a humanoid figure with plump and rounded shoulders that were curved and surrounded by hair, an obese belly that did not reveal the navel, thighs and legs that were visible was the cause of why he moved so slowly, all of this in a millisecond Jade realized. She analyzed her adrenaline shot to the sky and braked the car, rising up and crashing into a tree, making it skid in that darkness while she saw more terrified beings in that way around her, observing one of them with a jaw split in two with a huge tongue. falling between her tight breasts by what appears to be a torn black bra. Jade lost control of the vehicle colliding from the sides with different things and skidding around in the air before seeing a house with a brick wall and there everything would become dark and silent, she Jade has become unconscious.

AND BOOM! suddenly and from a fright Jade would wake up lying at the wheel of her vehicle while her deafness slowly allows her to hear the horn of her car and so nervous and sweating cold she would get out of her car that was upside down, in that town full of fog, her eyes slowly focused until she saw a sign that read "Welcome to PlumpTown, a city of plenty." Jade then remembered those creatures looking at her sides extremely nervous and her anxiety and stress out of nowhere cornering her causing her to lie on the ground feeling all that noise and cold in her head while she thinks that she will soon be devoured by whatever those things are but her instinct Survival forces her to run to the car and get back in there, being a safe place to spend the night, she takes some of the clothes that fell from her trunk suitcase which was scattered on the grass and shelters inside her car, closing the door to be able to sleep peacefully in a safe place until morning, surely there are people nearby but they won't even come out knowing that these things are lurking. When he woke up he could see the sun somewhat covered by the clouds and the mist, so he tried to get out but the gate did not open, he was going to push it but he saw some people with masks walking out of the city, there he covered his mouth so as not to scream and so he slowly left to walk through the farm where he crashed in his garage, there he walked through that huge field before seeing concrete under his feet, because he arrived in the city but he did not see anyone, only on the ground a sign that had been detached from a wall, it said "Great event, appointment of the great mother." Jade was somewhat surprised by everything so she decided to investigate, walking through that city she ran into a thin and old man kneeling before a religious figure of an extremely obese woman in a kind of bed with a sun for a crown, her prayers could be heard "all be it for the mother", "mother... we need abundance, more..." Jade interrupted him and the man, seeing her, got up and took her by the shoulders saying "Thank you mother!! Thank you!!", Jade missed only her He said -Um... sir, something happened? what happened here? this- she was interrupted by the man who kept speaking in a very low voice - are you crazy? you speak very loud! do not bother the "Fed" by the mother... they are in charge of looking for food for her... she shouldn't even be outside either but here I am because I just needed a young lady like you, follow me- Jade missed by religion so strange and that the happy mother was apparently some kind of Queen, she only followed him because she needed information, walking through the field she realized that the man was the owner of where he crashed his car but he did not even show importance because of the vehicle behind his destroyed farm , I just entered her house where Jade sat at the table while the man brought hamburgers and fries that Jade thanked for hunger and began to eat, when she finished the second hamburger she said -Well, why did you need a woman like me? Also, who is the mother?- The man smiled as he called his son who introduced himself, after quite heavy steps, a 19-year-old young man weighing approximately 210kg was revealed, who sat his huge buttocks in an armchair filling it up -So that he would marry my son!- Jade, looking at the situation, just laughed a little and said -I like that they have a little more meat but...I don't even know the place, I don't even know what it's called and I don't want to have to support and help whoever my husband is hahaha! Seriously sorry!- The man then looked at her with disdain and said -You deny my son while you eat our food and on top of that you reject the traditions?!- Jade then somewhat remorseful said -nono! am... I'll think about it okay?... just let me spend the night here and maybe- Jade was no fool, at night she would escape from this place in search of her sister, so she went to sleep next to that butter ball, they didn't speak, that boy just spent his time eating hypnotized by junk food. At night, Jade dressed and silently left the room with her things as she went down the stairs to the door, where when she opened it, an obese woman in a white raincoat cut on the sides with only front and back fabric was waiting for her, the back fabric tight by her obese and round buttocks full of cellulite and the one in front barely reaching the navel between her slices, with symbols of junk food in gold and a gold mask in the shape of a woman puffing out her cheeks and her mouth elongated to the front, this grabbing Jade by the neck with incredible strength saying "Mother welcomes you to PlumpTown, Jade Hogson!" From MotherTown!- Thus, opening Jade's mouth with her fingers before spreading a blue and gold liquid on her tongue, frightened Jade only touched her knees as she fell to the ground, seeing how that woman vanished into the mist and the lord He left behind his room with her things as she went downstairs to the door, where when she opened it, an obese woman in a white trench coat cut on the sides with only front and back fabric was waiting for her, the fabric at the back pressed tight against her fat, round buttocks full of cellulite and hers. in front barely reaching the navel between its slices, with symbols of junk food in gold and a gold mask in the shape of a woman puffing out her cheeks and her mouth elongated to the front, she is grabbing jade by the neck with incredible strength saying - the mother welcomes you to PlumpTown, Jade Hogson! From MotherTown!- Thus, opening Jade's mouth with her fingers before spreading a blue and gold liquid on her tongue, frightened Jade only touched her knees as she fell to the ground, seeing how that woman vanished into the mist and the lord She came out from behind her room with a shotgun yelling -Damn liar!- Jade just began to run scared as she felt her strange abdomen, something softer and bouncier than normal as she heard behind the shots along with orange sparkles accompanying the shot that was dyed on the fog.

Jade finally arrived at a store that had its metal shutter half closed and she would finish closing it while she sat in a corner without being able to analyze anything that was happening, she could not understand, her head only thought about her survival and nothing else, she needed to find to her sister as soon as possible, her mind already put her to the worst fate, death, refusing that and in a peak of madness Jade just began to laugh carefree while this laugh became stronger and stronger until looking at the ceiling she faint falling to the ground. At sunrise Jade was eating from that store that was fairly large full of junk food and a microwave, a radio, a flat screen and some weapons, Jade due to stress while she was thinking, she spent her time eating hamburger after mega burrito after chips after snacks after queue after candy after pizza. This is how a few weeks passed while she planned and got ready, she thought "nah... tomorrow!, yes, yes, tomorrow!". a month after Jade arrived in PlumpTown she lifted her fat, bare bottom off the makeshift bed she had made for herself, yes, you read that right, fat ass. Jade went from 67kg to 164kg in those weeks, she was naked because all her clothes no longer fit, except for her shorts, which were now a tight thong that she could wear, although somewhat complicated because she had to raise her belly to put them on and no longer she liked to make efforts, she was in her comfort zone, she didn't care about the obese pig she had become, there was a mirror and everything, but seeing the fat woman she had become only made her want to eat to forget it, like this in a cycle of endless gluttony and hedonism and constant fattening, so Jade finished her fourth can of ice cream ending up with all the ice cream in the place lying face up in bed looking at her stretch marks until, "BUUUURP!" a big belch came out of her jaws while she struggled to get more ice cream until she turned around moving her slices on her back and a little chin when she heard something on the radio! "If anyone listens to this, we know that several have come to investigate what is happening here, all of us who are looking for that mother and where our relatives who came to PlumpTown are at the radio tower, we also have useful information for those who took the mega feeding syrup, my name is... va... Come on, we need-". Jade lifted her fat ass and in search of answers, her sister and her food left her store on their way to the radio station.

end of chapter one

Sorry if you find grammatical and spelling mistakes, I'm using the Google translator but if you want to get ahead of the chapters, here's the link to the original story, only it's in Spanish: plumptown-feederism

Very soon I will upload the second chapter even if you want to go ahead there is no problem
7 chapters, created 1 year , updated 1 year
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