Queen Sized: the Story

Chapter 1 - Queen sized: the story


Dear diary,
Hi my name is Queen Mai (I prefer to be called Mai) I have recently just become Queen after my mother and father Died last week but I am setting my role as queen quite easly (probably because I am sooooo HOT!) but today has been quite easy. First I held court and elected: Lady Vannessa as my viceroy (she will handle all of my main stuff because I can't read, Madame Cartain as my general and Lady May as my aide (she so nice and soft!) then I listened to my people and had an awsome feast! Next I walked down to the dining hall and had quite a large meal. Then I had an extra meal because I was extra hungry (coutesy of lady May) and now I think I should go to bed.

CW: 110 pounds
WG: 0 pounds
FIGURE: slim
MIRROR: Looking into the mirror you can see your beautifully slim body. Boys drool at the sight of you and other women are jealous. From your sharp face, small and round boobs, thin waist, wide hips, thin thighs and tight ass, what man could resist?


Dear diary,
Another day has past and strangely my weight has increaced by 10 pounds but it doesn't really matter (I think?) But anyway I started of the day by going to the dining hall where (feeling extra hungry) I ate 2 large meals then I went to court. In court I had a delicious feast (Why am I so hungry today?) then I finished the day of by talking to lady May.

CW: 120 pounds
WG: 10 pounds
MIRROR: Looking into the mirror you have the body of your average woman. you have a average face, average boobs, average waist, average butt, average thighs.


Dear diary,
I woke up today and everything was the same so today was basicly the same exept that now my queendom (as I like to call it) has a alcemist/ potion mistress named annatte! So I can't wait to try her potions!

CW: 135 pounds
WG: 15 pounds
FIGURE: average


Dear diary,
I woke up this morning and felt a little heaver than usual as my belly now has a little bit of fat on it but it should be nothing to worry about. After that I went to the dining hall and had the usual 2 meals and left for the courdroom. In the courtroom Annette gave me a potion that made me gain some extra weight! Then I had a quick snack to finish off the day.

CW: 175 pounds
WG: 30 pounds
FIGURE: soft
MIRROR: Looking into the mirror you are met with your round face, which is a bit softer than normal these days.

Gazing further down you see that you have soft boobs that bounce and jiggle when you go up or down stairs. Below your boobs is your belly, which is covered in a soft layer of fat. You have wide and well-padded hips, thighs that are thick and fully rubbing against each other and, of course, your butt. A little larger than your boobs, your butt is full of jiggle and moves and bounces when you move.


Dear diary,
I woke up today and had the regular 2 meals but then I was still hungry so I had a third, then went down to the courtroom. Today in court a baker arived named madiline and wanted to work here at the castle and after trying one of her desserts I hiered her! (she is so cute!). then I left for my bedroom.

CW:195 pounds
WG: 20 pounds
FIGURE: soft


Dear diary,
My morning started the same as yestarday exept I could only fit in 2 meals so I headed down to court. Annettes potion today made me more atrractive (YES!) then I was feeling hungry again so I had another meal. Then when I arrived at my bedroom I had fun chat wit May.

CW: 210 pounds
WG: 15 pounds
FIGURE: soft


Dear diary,
Okay I deffintely need to start to lose weight, because all of my dresses are feeling tight around my rear and my belly plus my boobs are like a shelf now but I became so hungry that I stayed in the dining hall all day (god i'm a lazy butt).

CW: 240 pounds
WG: 30 pounds
FIGURE: chubby
MIRROR: Looking into the mirror you see your chubby body. You're an odd sight to many as only a few nobles are chubby. You have a round face with a slight double chin and large boobs that bounce and jiggle when you go up or down stairs. Holding up your boobs is your belly, which acts like a shelf for them. You have wide and well-padded hips, your thighs are thick and full—rubbing against each other down to your mid-thigh—and, of course, your butt. A little larger than your boobs, your butt is full of jiggle and moves and bounces when you move.


Dear diary,
I am starting to worry that all this weight is going to slow me down but it s probably not.

CW: 270 pounds
WG: 30 pounds
FIGURE: plump
MIRROR: Looking into the mirror you can see that you are no longer just a little chubby, but downright plump.

Your face is more of the same roundness with a slight double chin and your neck is thicker, covered in a small layer of fat. No longer is your weight contained to your boobs, belly, ass, and thighs. Your shoulders now have a bit of soft flesh covering them, your arms are starting to become filled with fat, even your fingers are a bit plumper!

Focusing back on your assets you can see that your boobs are now as large if not bigger than your head, to support your huge milkers your gut has formed a shelf. Your belly is one of the softest things that you have ever felt, to the point that sometimes you find yourself mindlessly rubbing it when you're thinking. Your hips are now coated in a thick heavy layer of fat, making your body about 2 feet wide.

Turning around you can see your juicy ass, which is nice and round, its softness rivals that of your belly. You have thick thighs which are always rubbing against each other, touching a bit past your mid thigh. You turn back facing foward with a quick motion, causing your whole body to shake and jiggle. Maybe it's not so bad...?


Dear diary,
OH MY GOD I AM SO GODDAMM FAT. My boobs are litarly the size of my head, My butt is a literal shelf, my hips are about 2 and a half feet wide and my belly hangs over my thighs ( but part of me actualy likes it!). I waddled my way to the court room after eating an entire feast by my self where I took annettes potion and it did nothing! (Though I did feel a tingling in my brain) then went off to my bedroom.

CW:335 pounds!
WG: 65 pounds!
MIRROR: looking into the mirror you can see that you are downright fat. Really fat.

Your face is even more rounded with a permanent double chin, your neck is thick, covered in a layer of fat. Your shoulders are looking even larger and squishier, your arms are starting to look not unlike hambones, and your fingers are becoming plumper as well.

Focusing back on your assets you can see that your boobs are easily a bit larger than your head, sitting proudly on your large gut. The belly in question having gotten large enough to sag over the upper parts of your thighs. Your blubbery hips are so coated in fat that you are now about 2 and a half feet wide. Turning around you can see your rear, which could possibly be used as a shelf with how much it sticks out, if not for how jiggly it is. Your thunder thighs are constantly grinding against each other, with only parts of the lower thighs able to escape each other. You turn back to face foward with a quick motion, causing your whole body to shake and jiggle.

God, you're getting fat, Maybe it's time to cut back on the sweet rolls... But a part of you likes it...


Dear diary,
I woke up thesmorning and realized that I should be proud of my weight and to induge as much as possible so I waddled down to the dining hall and ate TWO WHOLE FEASTS! Then I went to the court room Where I Ate ANOTHER FEAST then went back to my bedroom feeling fat and happy.

CW: 375 pounds
WG: 40 pounds


Dear diary,
Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh! it feels so good to be a fat queen so here's my daily plan: First, eat. Second, attend court. Third, eat more. And finaly, eat again.

CW: 450 pounds
WG: 75 pounds


Dear diary,
Guess what I'M FINALY OBESE! To celebrate this joyous ocaccion I am doing one more diary entry tomorow anthen not writing for another week and I'm going to go stuff my face. Bye!

CW: 500 pounds
GW: 50 pounds
FIGURE: obese
MIRROR: God, the mirror is fulled with your girth. No matter where you look its filled with your flesh.

Your face is fat, your cheeks are starting to grow with lard, your lips have started to grow as they fill with fat, and you have a well-defined double chin. Your neck has started to blend into the rest of your body. Your shoulders and back now are filled with lard. Your arms are like fat-filled pillows, your fingers are like fat sausages.

Your boobs are large and still round, if it wasn't your fat belly your back would be killing you. Speaking of your belly, it has grown just like the rest of your body. No longer is it just one roll, it is now two soft, warm rolls. Moving down to your hips you can see how wide you have gotten. Your hips graze doors, bump into things, rip dresses and fill chairs.

And, of course, with huge hips you have a huge ass. Your butt makes a large jiggly shelf, no matter what suface you sit on, you can sit on it with extreme comfort. Where your ass meets your thighs rolls have formed. With your thighs competing with each other for space, they touch down to just above your knee, no matter how far you spread your legs you can't get them to stop touching.

God, you're so fat, you feel ashamed just looking at yourself... Though as you look yourself over, you feel a sense that Maybe, just Maybe, you kind of like your body.


Dear diary,
Urggggggggggg I "Huff" ate so much food "Huff" yesterday that "Huff" my chair broke "Huff" so I have to stand "Huff". Thats It I'm going to the "Huff" dining hall.

CW: 700 pounds
WG: 100 pounds
FIGURE: morbidly obese
MIRROR: You grab a roll of you belly...


It would seem that you have only gained weight...

Huff... Huff...

Do you hear that?

Huff... Huff...

Thats right. You're so fat that you've run out of breath while simply standing. How did you let this happen?

Your face is drenched in fat, which has started to move around your eyes. Your cheeks are huge and filled with fat, you lips too are filled with fat. Your three chins have started growing a fourth chin, and your neck is now just a roll.

Your shoulders and back are just rolls now, so blubbery that you can't even raise your arms above your head, though your arms are so heavy you wouldn't be able to do it anyways. Your boobs are huge and stick out Maybe two feet in front of you, however your boobs have lost the race outwards to your belly. Your gut has only gotten bigger, rounder, softer, and lower, hanging down to your knees. Your hips are covered in atleast a foot of fat on each side. Behind you is your ass, which is a bit larger than your belly—pushing out past two and a half feet back—yet its as soft as a pillow. Because of your belly's size, you can't see your thighs, however you can see that your calves have started to touch. your whole body is covered in a thick layer of sweat, your face is beet red and your legs ache just from standing, Maybe you should just go back to sitting on your ass and stuffing your fat face...

Face it, you're never losing this weight.


(Hi may here, I'm writing for the queen because she's to busy stuffing her face)

Dear diary,
Hi diaRy i'M ImmObiLE nOw.

CW: 1000+ pounds
WG: 300+ pounds
GLUTTONY: ??????%
FIGURE: blob of lard
1 chapter, created 1 year , updated 1 year
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