Shock and Awe: Changes

  By Fg590

Chapter 1 - Introduction and Chapter 1

There she goes, her jiggling arse wobbling as she plods to the door. She was up and out of the bed before I’d even realised the food had arrived. It has been this way for weeks, the constant eating and snacking. All extremely unhealthy and fattening, of course. It all started when we were at a Union event and her best friend, Sarah, commented on Eve’s arse.

“Fuck me Eve, look at this”, Sarah said, playfully slapping Eve’s bum causing a small ripple.

“Shut up, you’re just jealous at how good this skirt makes me look”, retorted Eve, “You know any weight I gain goes straight to my fat backside” giving her bottom a slight jiggle, to Sarah’s delight.

“Well, just be careful eating like that Eve”, Sarah pointed at the glazed donut in Eve’s hand, “Your little waist surely won’t stay so slim forever”.

Eve had always been slim. Skinny even. Whilst other girls developed breasts and curves Eve had grown a soft, rounded backside. This was not to her detriment, of course. Her pixie like features, electric personality and alt-style made her extremely attractive. Still, in her mind she was known as the skinny one. Small and slight, inconsequential even. It didn’t particularly bother Eve, but she didn’t like so small. In truth, she didn’t care about her weight or her size in any great way. She liked her fat arse for the impact it had on men, and women, but otherwise she paid it little mind. What she really loved, what really turned her on, was shocking people. Controlling a situation, knowing something is the case, but acting like she has no idea all the same. “Oh? I hadn’t realised I’ve changed style, I just bought things I liked and here I am”. Her ultimate fantasy was body transformation. To change in some way in so that people murmur about her, about how she’s changed all whilst she is pretending not to notice, acting shocked as people profess their concern. How she would achieve this she didn’t know. Until that day with Sarah. Sarah put the idea in her head.

If people expected her to be small and skinny with a fat arse, why don’t we shock people by getting big and fat with a huge arse to really get off?

So where do I come in? Well, I was her boyfriend - I still am. A lot has changed since that fateful day. This is that story.

Chapter 1
Her and I have the same friend group where we live, its almost 1:1 in crossover. As such, any big (and shocking) changes will necessarily be something we share. She didn’t tell me directly about her plan at first, she just played up my greedy tendencies and wish to spend time with her. She’d order in food every night. Pizza, fries, burgers, Chinese, curry, fried chicken and we’d wash all this down with dessert, of course. Cakes, shakes, sweets, ice cream. And that’s not to mention the snacks she’d bring us at home or pack for us when we were apart or the alcohol. Our friend group revolved around political organising and when we weren’t doing that, we were drinking and going out. As such, we drank a lot of beer and had a lot of drunk and hungover takeaway food. And this was on top of our new diet of snacks and fast food.

As you can imagine, we started to get fat. Unbeknownst to me at the time, this drove Eve crazy. We started fucking multiple times a day whilst we were stuffing our faces. She’d talk about how big and fat her arse is, how much it jiggles and moves when we’re fucking. She began talking all about how much people will be shocked when they see her ass jiggle.

“Little old me”, Eve would say, “Gosh people will be so surprised when they see all this jiggle” as she attempted to stuff her consistently expanding arse into her pants. I should have seen it at the time, but she was barely hiding how turned on she was becoming witnessing her widening proportions. And mine. I wasn’t spared from her sudden desire to shock with her expanding size. I was eating all the while at her side, just as much, just as often, just as fattening. I was overweight for my height at this point. Not that you could tell, but my bum was jiggly and my little paunch of a belly was beginning to become clear under my t-shirts. With my fat more distributed, I didn’t look as big as Eve. An ass like hers was unmissable even before we started to gain. Not that she looked fat at this point. With big asses and thick thighs decidedly in fashion, there wasn’t anything particularly shocking thus far with her expansion. A slightly soft belly and ever so slightly larger tits were barely exceptional compared to her backside. Of course, our story doesn’t end there. Our expansion didn’t stop there.

This routine continued for some weeks. We met up, we laid in bed, we ate thousands of calories, we fucked, we went out for a meal or a drink with friends, and on the way home we would grab more takeaway.

One evening she pulled herself up on top of me. Her little belly plopped onto mine. She spread her fattening arse across my legs. I could feel her cheeks move and uncover her soaking wet pussy. She pushed herself down onto me to her pussy was pushing against my stomach. I could feel its wetness slowly trickle onto me, warming my belly up as my cock throbs into her wobbly, quivering thigh. She felt soft in my hands, her love handles pliable and squeezable as I pulled her toward me. 

“You’re getting a little chubby” I said playfully as I slapped her already wobbling bum. She giggled in response.

“Well”, Eve said with a sly smile creeping over her ever-so-slightly rounded face, “as I can tell I’m not the only one who’s ‘getting cubby’ am I? Look at how close our bellies are, you don’t think they’re so close because they’re both getting closer together, fatty”.

With this she picks up a mound of soft fat from my belly, dropping it down and watching it jiggle. It felt weird, this soft thing sitting on my now quite wide thighs. I could feel my bum spilling out filling the bed beside me, wider than I’ve ever been. It was only noticeable because I was sat there naked and full, but it was noticeable nevertheless. I’d definitely started getting fat, fat enough that people will soon be taking notice. “He’s getting a bit…bigger isn’t he?” people will say, “Fuck they’re getting huge look at them. Such a fat couple”. How embarrassing, how mortifying, but how fucking hot. Everyone we know, everyone that knows us as a young, skinny, attractive couple seeing us blow up in front of their faces.

As I looked up a Eve beginning to ride me, pushing my throbbing cock into her dripping pussy, I saw it in her eyes. She wanted more, and I wanted in. Watching as her little belly wobbled as she bounced on my cock I imagined it twice the size, her pussy being pushed off of my cock by the fact we’re both getting to fat that we can barely fit between one another, our huge bellies pushing against one another as we spill over the bed together. But I also wanted to play into her game, to pretend I don’t know what she’s doing, what we’re doing.

As I padded to the bathroom before we went to bed, I noted the slight wobble in my body like a wave mimicking my motion. It was part of my body, but I couldn’t control it. It was soft, and flabby and out of my control. My bum felt bigger too like I’d filled them up with cream, soft and pliant, into each cheek. I felt that little bit wider, slower than I was before. Since I was an adult, I had been average for a brit - 178cm, 75kg. Totally average. Finally I made it to the bathroom and allowed myself to lift and lower my feet onto the scale. 85kg is what it read, over 22 lbs.

I looked back through the open ensuite door at Eve as she hopped heavily off the bed and began to pull on her pyjamas. She was clearly fatter to the naked eye. Her backside, her only usual ally, was noticeably larger, softer and wider. As I say, not that many would complain, let alone call her fat, but her arse wasn’t all that was jiggling. As she pulled her body into a standing position, her little belly wobbled and settled jutting out just over her waistband. Not that it was hanging at all, but by no means flat - clearly a chubby girl’s tummy. Her tits were still small, but had filled in and rounded out, puffed up with a little fat. People would notice her arse, they always have, but if we continue whatever this is it may well lead them to notice her burgeoning belly and widening legs.

As I pulled myself up to her in bed, I could feel her digesting our most recent indulgence, our most recent “treat” as we pretended to ourselves it was. It was a funny feeling, that my own belly is pushing against the back of my formerly skinny girlfriend as our bodies automatically convert our twisted little game into more shock and more fat. My cock once again pushed up against Eve’s soft backside as I thought about this, how we’ve in such short time began to change and how much we are going to change in the future.

NOTE - First story on here and first writing in some time. Feedback and thoughts welcome!
1 chapter, created 2 weeks , updated 2 weeks
26   2   1323


Angelhoney 2 weeks
fave writing i’ve read in a while! love the narration from the boyfriend 💗
Ferro1987 2 weeks
This is great! Hope it keeps going for a long time!