Chapter 1
*** If you are enjoying this story, check out, A Skinny Piggy No More, The Fat Waitress, and Sarah, as they are part of this growing universe ***Michael and Anne Rodgers were the envy of all their friends. They'd married poor and were constantly on the brink of bankruptcy through their early years together. However, through sheer dedication, ingenuity and hard work, both made a fortune as stockbrokers back in the late 90's. Rich now beyond their childhood dreams, both were socially concious people that gave heavily to charities and likewise put in physical effort with organizations like Habitat For Humanity. This hard labor along with intense gym sessions and professional chefs, transformed both from chubby "Wall Streeters" when they first met to fit and trim gym enthusiasts.
When they first married, Mike was a very plump 265lbs, but instead of growing fatter, the way he did while they dated and were engaged, Mike began to slowly shed the 40lbs he'd accumulated in that time, and lost an additional 25lbs, to a trim and lean 200lbs.
Anne loved her husband dearly and kept silent about her preferences. To her she thought it was obvious, but Anne felt that she was to blame. Too afraid to tell Mike how she really felt, she encouraged her husbands work out efforts and no matter how hard she tried to tempt him to indulge, Mike proved stubborn as a mule, only eating low and no carb meals, while working out tirelessly at the gym.
And while Anne was happy that her husband seemed content, her sexual passion for Mike's now lean and muscled body began to manifest in the bedroom. Little by little, their once steamy and even kinky love life ebbed to just a few times a month. And to be honest, when they did, she found it hard to get excited enough to even reach climax most times.
Anne's lack of libido wasn't lost on her husband. He tried every (everything besides pigging out and growing fat that is), to please his growingly distant wife, but to no avail.
Insidiously the misconceived idea that Anne must be cheating on him, took hold until one day while she was still sleeping, Mike decided to open up Anne's phone and check her messages and her web browsing histories. Along with that he also checked for "low key" dating and sex apps.
To his relief, Mike quickly assessed that Anne wasn't cheating on him. He couldn't be sure to within 100% probability of her innocence, but seeing how her phone lacked any dating and sex apps, along with a rather mundane set of messages, there was no reason for Mike to worry any longer about infidelity.
Any relief he gained from his initial discovery was dwarfed by the shock that soon took hold of him when looking through her web history. Slowly he recognized that she had open multiple internet tabs on her smart phone for quick access.
It seemed like every tab left open contained graphic and pornograhic images and videos of fat men in tight clothing, or being stuffed, or fucked. There weren't just a few, their were hundreds of sights viewed over the years, and most had to do with male weight gain of some sort.
It all made sense to him now. She wanted him fat, and by the looks of her apparent spank bank. Anne wanted him not just plump like he was when they were married, she wanted him huge, if not immobile.
In truth Mike never really liked working out, he only got into it because he thought that's what Anne wanted. He loved his wife and seeing how they were probably heading for a divorce soon, Mike decided to take drastic action.
He'd often fantasized about how much fatter they would both be if they both stopped going to the gym and ate fatty foods like most other people their age. Mike grinned to himself thinking just how wonderful it would be to get fatter while coaxing his unwitting wife into turning herself into a whale. For his part, gaining was going to be easy. All he had to do was just give in and eat whatever his wife suggested. However Mike knew that to get Anne fat was going to take some real planning.
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Anne wasn't sure what had gotten into her husband in recent weeks. At first she thought that he must of gotten the flu or something as Mike refused to go on runs with her, saying that he'd go tomorrow. But for two weeks tomorrow was always a day a way. Anne's concerns for him eased when she came home from running to see her husband chowing down on fattening foods every time when she returned.
Anne noticed that not only was her husband eating more, but he was eating much fattier foods and lots of it. Instead of ordering water to go along with his usual moderate portions of sushi, Mike was now ordering cokes to go along with his oders of ribs and fried foods. Even more apparent change was his ordering of multiple milkshakes and desserts to accompany his big meals.
Within a month, Mike had gained over 25lbs and in the process lost most of his muscle definition and was sporting the cute little belly that had first drawn her sexual attention back in college.
Mike didn't seem to mind that he'd destroyed five years of training in just a few weeks. And when he did complain about it, Anne found it irresistible how he kneaded his soft belly and growing love handles. She'd often tackle him to the bed after listening to him whine about how fat he was getting. Anne would either tell him to shut up or that he looked absolutely great before straddling him and fucking his brains out.
Anne especially liked the way his now convexed belly now hung down when he was on top of her, rubbing her clitoris and often driving her to orgasm even before full penitatration. She could swear that he was doing it on purpose, but even if it were just because of his newly added girth, Anne didn't care. It felt great to have her chubby hubby back.
In the past when Anne attempted playing with his fattened parts, Mike used to tense up and move her hands away. He usually diverted her hands from his most jiggly parts and to his more solid sites strong arms or legs. But now Anne noticed that he seemed to relish her touch, never once moving her fingers away from his belly and often begging her to suck on his fleshy and shaved, thick and erect nipples. Shyness and embarrassment were replaced with ecstasy as he now moved her hands towards his soft belly whenever they lay idle.
With all of his sexy complaining, Anne figured he would have by now already bought some larger sizes, but when confronted about getting larger sizes, Mike would scoff and say, "Nah, this is just temporary", as he shook his belly up and down in a teasing manner that he knew drove her crazy. "Nah, I'm not gonna be chubby for long", he said while drinking down the last of a chocolate milkshake and rubbing his exposed belly.
"I'm sure your right", said Anne, walking over and pushing her hard and toned body into his squishy belly. Reaching around and grabbing his thick saddlebags she whispered into his ear, "But don't go to crazy now, I actually like these a bit", as she massaged his love handles and back fat.
As a result Mike's belly and love handles showed through his dress shirts, with strained material and fat hanging over the sides of pants that seemed plastered to his chunky thighs. By not buying larger clothing, his gains were even more showcased than they had to be.
Mike noticed that when they went out and friends either poked fun or raised concern about his gain, that Anne was a raging beast in the sack later when they got home.
Now that he understood his wife's inner most desires and how to drive her wild, Mike's relationship with his softer body was quite different from the years past, filled with daily doses diet and exercise. Back then, if Mike would have gained 25lbs so fast, and most of it pure adipose tissue, he would have freaked out and been filled with dread and disgust. But now that he understood that his growing bulges drove Anne crazy, mike actually grew fond of his new suppleness. He often found himself kneading his own belly and tugging at his own nipples in the fashion after his wife.
College Fiction
Friends/Family Reunion
Mutual gaining
Sexual acts/Love making
Fit to Fat
13 chapters, created 5 years
, updated 2 years