Chapter 1
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Day after day, and at Jenny's purposeful direction, Kyles consumption of fattening foods increased, with Kyle totally unaware that "his fat waitress" with the help of the chef and owner had been doctoring his food to add more calories. Kyle did however notice that Jenny had a bad habit of bringing him regular cokes and rum, instead of the diet rum and cokes he ordered. Pauly, the fat chef and co-owner of Piggys, along with his wife Tiffany, even chose the largest and fattiest pieces of meat, when serving Kyle.
At the same time when Jenny had secretly increased her piggy's daily caloric intake to well over 15,000 calories a day, Kyles former rigorous exercise routine had inversely ebbed. Too heavy to run long distances anymore without tearing up his knees, Kyle had gotten to the point of just simply walking. Also, the former gym rat, was usually too bloated and hungover to make it to the gym at all these days. And when he did manage to haul his growing behind to the gym, which was now never more than once or twice a week, his sessions were short and could no longer be described as vigorous.
Usually he would hit the treadmill for a few minutes, mind you walking a mt a slow 2.5 speed, then go do some curls, and bench, his previous body weight, as he was now where fit to push up what he weighed now.
As a result, somewhere around the second month of constantly over eating and drinking, the now 239 pound Kyle came to the realization that he was going to be forced to invest in a whole new wardrobe, as his soft and growing paunch along with his burgeoning love handles couldn't be properly covered by his shirts any longer. Not to mention that said doughy gut of his totally had "dunlaped" the waistline of all of his jeans.
Now technichally overweight and officially a "skinny fat boy", Kyle's belly wasn't the only thing that had grown in circumference. With his ass and thighs were rapidly thickening, even his largest waisted jeans that were a stretchy 34", looked as if they were painted on his chubby thighs.
Contemporary Fiction
Friends/Family Reunion
Mutual gaining
Sexual acts/Love making
Fit to Fat
6 chapters, created 2 years
, updated 2 years