A Skinny Piggy No More

  By Growingsofter  Premium

Chapter 1

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*** If you are enjoying this story, check out, Sarah, The Fat Waitress, and Discoveries, as they are part of this growing universe ***

Teasing with a wink, Jenny said, "Well.... that wouldn't be the worst thing in the world, would it?"

Kyle didn't know what to say at this point as her last query caught him completely off guard. Sure seeing the way Jenny dressed at work, she was definitely comfortable with her own chub, and Kyle had his suspicions that Jenny may have preferred bigger guys. He'd wondered about that for weeks as he'd begun to notice that the plump Jenny only took to flirting with big guys, really big guys, and of course humself.

Still not uttering a word, Kyle's growling belly told Jenny all that she needed to know. Her "Skinny Piggy", was most definitely a feedee, even if he didn't know it yet. A general tease like that one usually lead "regular" people to laugh. However, feedees or piggy's as Jenny liked to refer to them, were a completely different story. From her experince as both a dominant feeder as well as a submissive feedee, Jenny knew that when an innocuous little comment about weightgain shouldn't have triggered Kyle's belly into audibly groaning, but it most certantly did.

Moist between her legs and with her heart pounding almost out of her chest over her piggy's dead give away, Jenny steadied herself and said, "Nahhhhhhh you get the usual today... maybe even a little more. Its obvious my growing boy is hungry today. Aren't you my Skinny Little Boy?", teased Jenny while actually using the term "Skinny Little Piggy" in her mind.

"Oh, I don't know", whined Kyle.

"Just shut up Kyle, I know hunger when I see it, and you sir, are definitely ravished".

"Grrrrrrrrrrrlllllllll l", went his belly again and Kyle did exactly as he was told, and just grinned and nodded in affirmation.

As Jenny turned however to go and start putting in Kyles big order, her own belly began to grumble as her own hunger began to swell. Mindlessly, she began tucking into a huge piece of chocolate cake that she had left staged for the fattening of Sarah. All she could think about was fattening her piggy, but all those thoughts about him also left her ravenous.
8 chapters, created 2 years , updated 2 years
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