Chapter 1
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Tommy's TV and sleezy lawyer Horatio Suziki, informed him that the evidence against was solid and that putting up any defense, would only result in the judge adding to his prison sentence once he was convicted. So, It was his lawyer's ernest advice to plead guilty. However, his Horatio did have some good news as well.
Smirking, the scumbag lawyer looked him up and down and then said, "Tommy, you just changed your name to Tammy, right?"
"Yeah, but it was just because of losing a bet with a group of old college buddies", chuckled the downtrodden Tommy.
"Well that's your silver lining!", smiled his sleezeball lawyer.
"What the hell are you talking about?", asked Tommy more than a little upset, thinking he was about to be the butt end of some stupid assed prison joke involving his name change and now having officially two female names.
"Tommy, I mean Tammy", leered the lawyer in a much more somber tone, "Look, you're gonna do some time, that's a given, but if you follow my well paid advice, you wont have to do any hard time and trust me Judge Masterson is notorious for sending first time offenders like you to maximum security facilities. Now you don't want that, do you?", asked Horatio Suziki.
"N, no", stammered Tommy, "but I still don't get it".
"It's simple", interjected Horatio, "All you have to do is show up as a trans lady, Tammy... and like magic, that old asshole on the bench will be forced to send you to the newly built minimun security for the transgendered.
"Yeah, but I'll still be in prison, and...
"Ok, but if a fit little pretty boy like you goes upstate, you're gonna come out transgendered anyway Tammy", chuckled the TV lawyer", before passing over the necessary paperwork to get the ball rolling.
Contemporary Fiction
Medical/Scientific Experiments
Sexual acts/Love making
Transgender Female
Fit to Fat
101 chapters, created 3 years
, updated 2 years