Dr Wu Opens up a Bakery

  By Growingsofter  Premium

Chapter 1

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Well to be honest, Dr Wu didn't really open her own Bakery/Delicatessen, Robinson's Bakery all on her own, but she had fronted the very young, twenty four year old owner virtually all of the capital to get started. Of course, with such an investment, there were strings attached. This was of course Dr Vivian Wu. Everything was to be paid up front by the wealthy Dr but Autumn Robinson had to agree to test out an experimental drug on one of her new employees. The Dr reassured her that it was an anti starvation drug, that would only possibly make the subject temporarily indisposed to gaining "a little weight". The Dr then went on to say that the subject should be lean and tall to begin with.

Autumn knew it wasn't exactly kosher or even legal, but the tall and buxom Asian woman had not only made her dream of owning a bakery come true, but she was also going to atempt to fatten up one of her employee's right before her eyes. As a long time closeted feeder, this was all too much to resist.

Autumn knew she'd have to give some warning, nothing to specific, but she had to keep her conscious clean, so she posted in the local college paper as well as the internet an interesting little job posting: "Robison's Bakery, starting salary $25/hour plus full medical benefits... but one warning, the food here is so good, don't apply if you're not willing to put on a couple of pounds.

The bit about weightgain kept the skinny minnies away for the most part during the hiring and interview process. She only really needed to hire three employees and she managed to hire both a chubby girl named Mary and an equally chubby guy named Bubba from the local campus, but alas their was no thin and fit guy to fit the the Dr's bill until, the tall, slender, dark and handsome Johnny Robison, a college Senior, looking not only to be hired, but to intern under her. Besides being the perfect specimen for Vivian's designs, she genuinely found Johnny to be quite handsome and charming, if still way to skinny for her likings, but if anything the Dr said was true, that was all about to change for Johnny.
124 chapters, created 2 years , updated 1 year
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Growingsofter 1 year
That’s because I’m completing them. Soon they will be available in the store completed as part of an anthology, along with five other new stories.
Inthecourt 1 year
Good to know!
Inthecourt 1 year
Nice! Liking the focus on Johnny and Amber, as I find their dynamic the most interesting.
Quick q: Why is it that I can no longer find some of your stories like "A Gradual Change" & "Witch Switch?"
Arito125335 1 year
Oh my god, this is sounding amazing! I can't wait to see where this goes!! Is there an even more potent version of the drug floating out there?
Flit88 1 year
This is a good story keep up the great writing.
Arito125335 1 year
Oh! Also, I love the idea of Johnny being able to take massive bites, and learns that everyone is amazed at how much he can fit in his mouth.
Arito125335 1 year
Omg! I absolutely adore this! If I was to make a suggestion, I would absolutely adore Johnny to start getting stronger and more heavily laced drinks, and have Johnny's capacity absolutely explode~
Inthecourt 2 years
Excellent addition
Inthecourt 2 years
Love the stuff between Johnny and Autumn
Growingsofter 2 years
Your wish is my command
Growingsofter 2 years
Thanks. It's nice to know that my work is appreciated. Any suggestions? I write my stories for fans. I'd love to hear your ideas/kinks and possibly turn them into a story for you.
Mexi 2 years
Personally, I like the Kirk part of the story the most so far. So I’d like to see more of that smiley
Mexi 2 years
I definitely like it! I check on a daily basis if there’s a new chapter!
Growingsofter 2 years
Thank you. You'res is the first positive comment on this story. I was thinking about discontinuing it as no one seems to like it.
Inthecourt 2 years
Sadly, work like this generates viewership but limited interaction.
Inthecourt 2 years
Good stuff here