Chapter 1
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“You’ll be fine,” he said, trying to reassure me. “All the ingredients are natural. I’ve just found the perfect combination to help the process. So it’s totally safe! You trusted me just a few weeks ago, remember?”
He’s not wrong. Dr. Brooks is a fertility doctor specializing in developing drugs to help women get pregnant with multiples and accelerate their natural pregnancies to repopulate the planet. A disease ravaged us a couple years ago with many lives lost, so the government started a “Repopulation Initiative” where women who met certain physical desirable criteria were recruited to help the movement. With my naturally large chest, very wide hips, and a little extra insulation around my belly, I was instantly accepted. My red hair, green eyes, and pale skin adorn my face, which I was always told was beautiful, but it was “a shame” I was so overweight. In reality, I have a few extra pounds on my naturally semi-muscular frame that would put me borderline overweight at 5’2” 135lbs, yes, or chubby/thicc as a previous generation might have labeled me as, but it wasn’t majorly noticeable and what was once mocked will now help me breed the next generation.
Dr. Brooks had given me “Conception Drug 2.0” to help ensure I get pregnant, but the 2.0 greatly multiplied my chances at carrying multiples. There were only a handful of women within the program that met the criteria for this drug to prove effective and safe, one of which being the extra weight I referred to earlier along with being aged 18-29 with a hip circumference of 38-50 inches. I am currently aged 18 with a 40 inch hip circumference.
Today was only 2 weeks after conception, which was technically just having (amazing) sex with one of the attractive, fertile men in the program. We were paired up ahead of time based on compatibility, since studies showed better pregnancy results from mothers who felt attended to, appreciated, and desired by a committed partner. Malik is gorgeous. I prefer enjoying meals and spending time with those I care about, so the lack of visible abdominal muscle and amazing biceps is my physical preference. He has thick wavy black hair and gorgeous brown eyes. He’s slightly tan and stands at 6'4" from the tan-skinned tall race his mother hails from. He shared with me that he prefers his women with a little thickness so I was a perfect match for his desires as well. Sex with him was wonderful and easy, so much so that we participated multiple times during the 3 days it was advised to make sure enough of his sample would enter my body and ensure fertilization.
Because it was still early, all I know is that I tested positive on Dr. Brooks’ pregnancy test, making me 4 weeks along. My 34C cup breasts are tender and as of this morning I am feeling slightly nauseous, all symptoms of a successful implantation and pregnancy, as I am told. I gently rub my belly, feeling the small soft layer of existing fat. I debate the consequences of this second new drug the doctor is offering to me. “What are the possible side effects?”
“I have only had 1 other breeder meet criteria for me to use it on. So far, her pregnancy is with twins and has progressed only slightly ahead of a traditional gestation of 40 weeks. I estimate she’s accelerating at 1.2 speed and will deliver at roughly 32 weeks. Her offspring are indeed measuring rather large for twins, however, but their development reflects their gestation. They may be born weighing roughly 8lbs a piece instead of the modern traditional average of 6.5lbs for twins and 7.5 for singletons. I believe in part this is…nevermind, this is all science biology jargon. Basically, I haven’t had many subjects, but everything is promising so far. She also took the Conception Drug 2.0 you took to help her implant twins. We will have to see in 2 weeks just how many fetuses are growing but based on your hormone levels the drug worked and you’re carrying multiples. With proper nutrition and care, you can more than easily carry your offspring at 1.25 speed like the other breeder.”
I have been thinking it over as he was explaining. My goal is to become the top breeder, recognized historically for repopulating our land with beautiful children. To do that, I will need to progress quicker than typical gestation, and this second drug can help ensure that. I’m sure Malik will quickly and easily impregnate me again, too. “What’s this new drug called?”
“Progressephene is what I’m calling it. Are you interested, Nahava?”
I paused for a second more. “I am. Please give me the drug and instructions, doctor.”
Science Fiction
Medical/Scientific Experiments
Weight gain
First person
7 chapters, created 9 months
, updated 5 months