Plump as a Princess Peach

Chapter 1

“Ooo, that was something else,” Princess Peach said, tracing her fingers on Bowser’s green shell. She had long ago publicly announced her feelings for the King Koopa, but their love united the Mushroom and Koopa Kingdoms since the day of their wedding ceremony last month.

Bowser wraps an arm around his bride, caressing her curves with his other hand. “I could go for one of those power up mushrooms and another round,” he said in a sultry voice.

Peach reaches for her nightstand where the last red mushroom sat on a silver tray. She fed it to him, and they made love for the third time that day.

It is only a few short weeks before Peach realizes her time of the month is late and she isn’t feeling well. She takes a test confirming she is pregnant. The royal doctors tell her to get as much rest and nutrition as possible for they had no idea what her offspring are like yet. The next two weeks consist of morning sickness and barely eating. Thankfully that soon passes, but this presents Peach with a new feeling: being ravenous. She consumed double helpings of all three meals in the royal dining hall daily. Previously she’d eat just enough to remain healthy and fit. But Bowser and doctors all ensured her to listen to her body, wanting to minimize the risk of losing the pregnancy.

It didn’t take long before her dress started straining a little around her middle between the pregnancy and extra calories. Peach looks in the mirror, noticing the small curve of a little belly protruding from her frame, but also noticing it isn’t totally firm. She has never experienced much extra fat on her body before, so she rubs her belly, caresses it, turning from all angles to examine her new appearance. Bowser comes up behind her, wrapping his big strong arms around her midsection.

“You’re beautiful, my bride.” She turns to face him. He holds out an abnormally colored mushroom, one that resembles the yellow Grow Mushroom but with pale pink spots. “This is from the royal medical team. They formulated a mushroom just for you during this time to ensure the baby grows and gets all the nutrition it needs. They recommend you have at least one a day, or as many as you crave. Please, try it.”

Peach picks up the mushroom and quickly eats it. She feels and hears her belly gurgle like it is hungry. “Well, it sounds like it’s time for breakfast.”

Peach and Bowser enter the dining hall. He encourages her to eat her fill. Peach clears three servings of French toast with eggs and bacon with gusto. She leans back in her chair, rubbing her full stuffed belly. “I think I’m going to need new clothes soon. I can barely breathe in my dresses.”

Bowser calls for the royal seamstresses who ask Peach to stand to take her measurements. She struggles but manages, feeling the extra weight more now on her feet. They watch as the toadstools write down what they find. “We’ll make sure there is room to grow, my queen,” they say before scurrying off. Bowser takes this opportunity to soak in the view of his growing wife, full of food, realizing he’s appreciating her growing form more than he thought. He didn’t realize how turned on he would get by seeing Peach’s belly grow round and full and seeing her lethargic and over encumbered after stuffing herself like she appeared now. Bowser realized he wanted to keep her well fed and round these next 7 months or so.

The next morning, Peach wakes up to a new dress, built into 2 pieces, a top and skirt, to ensure room for her growing belly. She didn’t realize that Bowser told the seamstress toadstools to give her new dress stretch but to not make it too much bigger because he wanted her to have another new dress soon. Peach tries on the dress, happy with the design and how it fits her body. Bowser left 2 mushrooms for her on her bedside before attending some royal meetings.

She eats both and gives her gurgling belly a pat. “I hope the doctors can do some imaging soon. I’m getting suspicious there might be more than one in here. I’m getting big fast and I’m always so hungry. I’m mostly human and part Toad, and Bowser is an alligator snapping turtle, so who knows what’s going on in here.”

Peach reaches her third month of pregnancy when her bump is undeniably present. She’s gained a fair amount of weight which shows up a small amount on her upper arms, thighs, and her cheeks have gotten a little puffy. Most of her weight gain falls within her belly and hips. Her breasts have grown an unnoticeable amount compared to her midsection. The doctor says she’s far enough along and out of the woods for miscarriage now so they can perform more tests. Bowser made sure to be there for the appointment.

Her bloodwork and blood pressure all check out. She steps on the scale, noticing just how far her belly sticks out now that she needs to strain her neck to see the number. Previously Peach’s pre-pregnancy measurements said she was 6’1” and 132 lbs. Between her feet, she’s able to make out 152, meaning she’s gained 20 lbs in 2 months since finding out she was pregnant. She rubs her belly the whole walk to the exam table, Bowser keeping a protective hand on the small of her back. The toadstools and koopas work together, taking images on the ultrasound screen before finally announcing the babies appear mostly humanoid and large so far.

“BabIES?” Peach asks, semi expecting it but needing it confirmed. Bowser places a hand on her exposed belly.

“Yes, we see 4,” a koopa doctor answers.

A toadstool doctor adds, “Please continue to eat the mushrooms as much as possible. They will keep your energy and appetite up. They are growing quickly. You may not even carry them a full 9 months as a regular human pregnancy, but we cannot tell yet, my queen. Try to eat 4 a day, one for each baby. Rest and eat as much as you possibly can.”

For dinner tonight, Bowser orders a full Michelin star style buffet for his queen. There is no shortage of food placed in front of them as they sit next to each other at the long table. Bowser finds himself indulging a little more than he thought, seeing Peach next to him enjoy herself so much and knowing it’s expected for even him to put on some sympathy weight. Peach feels some panic of her previous restrictive eating, fearing she won’t eat enough to support the four babies she just found out she’s supporting. She feels as if a new mission has been unlocked: to eat until she’s stuffed full every meal. So, the plates are cleared one by one, quickly packing away as much food as she can before her stomach can signal to her brain it’s full.

Peach feels her belly expanding with each plate, but continues to block everything out, eating and eating until she finally feels pangs of pain from her midsection she can’t ignore. She looks down and sees her belly sticking out a few extra inches from her body, confined under the top of her dress. Bowser watches through his peripherals. She wiggles her skirt down, giving her a little extra room, but the top now exposes about an inch of her belly.The chefs bring out dessert, which Bowser pressures Peach into indulging, “for the babies.” He slowly feeds her spoonfuls of pudding until her face cannot hide her discomfort anymore.

“Are you alright?” he asks, genuinely concerned.

“I am way…beyond full,” she breathily says. “My stomach feels…like it’s going to burst…if I eat anymore…. I didn’t want to disappoint you…but I was already painfully stuffed before dessert.”

“I don’t want you hurting yourself. Would some belly rubs help?”

Peach nods in agreement, clutching the sides of belly, letting her eyes close and head fall back as Bowser reaches over and rubs, noticing there’s a little more skin showing than before dessert, showing her stomach was finally digesting and processing the extra food since. Peach quietly moans, the vibrations from her sounds soothing her. Bowser waits until she’s regained composure and leads his queen to their chambers where they gently and carefully make bloated full love.
3 chapters, created 6 months , updated 6 months
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