Belly for Babies

Chapter 1 - Get the Cookies

I lay down on the couch, clutching my bare belly protruding out from under my pulled-up t-shirt. I push the waistband of my jean shorts further, as far down as I can. My skin feels warm and stretched to its capacity like my stomach beneath it. I can easily be mistaken for 3-4 months pregnant right now with how full my belly appears. My whole body is exhausted and I feel like any additional movement will cause discomfort. I try rubbing, but little relief is felt after what I accomplished. A whole medium meat lover's pizza and a 2-liter of Coke bubbled inside me. The bubbles are doing their best at bloating me further than other liquids could.

"Why do I do this to myself?" I think while my continued efforts for relief fail. I try my best to angle the camera on my phone without moving much, making sure my belly is the star. I caption it "like you requested" and send it to him.

I search for something to watch on my phone to distract myself but it only takes 60 seconds for a message reading "more" to appear on the top of my screen. I sigh and reply "soon. This puts me at my limit." 60 seconds later I read "you still have room. Get the cookies."

I sigh again, contemplating my decisions. I slowly sit up, cradling my stuffed belly. I put a hand on each side and release a few burps with my change in position. "Crap, that made some room. He's somehow going to know if I don't fill back up."

I slowly stand, realizing the change in gravity isn't as bad as expected but the food and soda sloshing around felt weird. I used to be a little heavier in high school but the immediate change in weight after eating still throws me off a bit. I go to the kitchen, grab the sleeve of Oreos and the whole milk carton, and slowly sit back on the couch, trying to not jostle around the contents of my stomach. With a few pats and a few more burps, I start eating cookies, one after another, then a swig of milk, one after another, another swig of milk. I watch social media videos on my phone to distract myself until I feel like I'm going to throw up. I count 15 Oreos gone plus milk. I'm officially overstuffed at this point and send another picture of my bare belly while sitting up captioned "better yet?"

30 seconds later I read "much" followed by "be home soon."

Life has been an adventure since Mikhail and I got married. We wanted to have kids right away but apparently my body isn't the best environment for them. I had 2 miscarriages and 6 more months of trying (not counting the months of sex when we weren't trying). I know that's not too long, but I'm young and started to lose hope until our mutual friend Sarah shared how she started "the stuffing method". Once Sarah kept her body looking pregnant for a few months, she conceived. She claimed she read this method worked for many women; their bodies needed to feel pregnant and gain some weight before they could be successful.

Now, I've always been a smaller girl with a little extra fluff. I am an even 5 feet tall. I weighed a thicc 140 for the better part of my time in high school but was able to get down to 125 during my senior year and community college. That's where Mikhail and I met. He stood tall and strong and unable to hide himself staring at me. He claimed me to be beautiful and after the first year of dating other people and being friends in college, we finally decided we wanted to be more. We were only engaged for about 2 months before we had a very small wedding.

We're both currently 21 years old. Mikhail got lucky and was offered a job as a business partner with Sarah's boyfriend, Matt, before he graduated. This was how Sarah and I started getting closer after meeting during first semester. I graduated and started working as an administrative assistant for an engineering company. The pay isn't great, but it is a great opportunity considering I'm not an engineer but am great with computers and talking to people.

I maintained 125 pounds before Mikhail and I decided to give stuffing a try ourselves. He tried to not seem excited but I caught glimpses of it when we discussed it. We're 2 months in and I'm tipping the scales at 135 on an empty stomach right now. Most of my weight has settled in my stomach so far, giving me a proper fat roll when sitting but I'm maintaining an hourglass from a frontal and rear view. My C-cup breasts are already larger for my size so I’m not sure if they will grow much. I have a little extra when it comes to my hips and rear which is where I take most pride. Pants are a struggle. It feels weird being almost back to where I was in high school when I thought I was chubby, but proactively trying to surpass that point.

I text the final stuffing picture to Sarah. She replies "such a great start! Your body is really expanding. You're going to be such a cute prego." She sent a picture back, showing off her 5-month baby bump that looked nearly 8 months with how much weight she's put on. "Her belly looks so round and her boobs just blossom," I think to myself. "She's massive and still has a long way to go. I can't wait to see how my belly grows."

Sarah was 150 lbs and 5'4" before trying this method. In a few months she was pregnant and weighed about 170, and if I had to guess she’s a soft 200 now. I am hoping 20 pounds is going to be all I need but not sure with my luck.

I feel how short my breaths are and close my eyes as I rub my full bare stomach. I hear Mikhail come home about 10 minutes later. I can feel his eyes staring at me on the couch exposing my gluttony. "My, my, piggy," Mikhail teases. "What a big beautiful belly we have here." My 6'5" 240 lbs muscular husband sits down beside me, placing his large hand on top of my warm creation. "I can't believe this used to be so flat."

"I've never really been 'flat'," I scoff, finally opening my eyes. "125 wasn't exactly skinny for my height."

"That's just in your head. You focus too much on BMI and shit which doesn’t account for your muscle."

"Well I'm gonna have to once I'm pregnant," I said, thinking about Sarah and her body. "I'm going to gain weight beforehand and then will obviously gain a ton with my sweet tooth."

"You're gorgeous and I want to fill you more."

We start kissing which turns into careful sex on the couch. Mikhail has been very gentle with me after every one of his "encouragement sessions" which leads me to laziness. These have been 2-3 nights a week right now. This method warns that times may vary to reach your body's most fertile weight. It also seems to have ignited a hidden fetish within Mikhail who's in full support of whatever it is we're doing. I know we got married pretty quickly so I'm learning deeper things about him.
17 chapters, created 2 years , updated 1 year
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Tanatos 1 year
Promising continuation. It will be interesting to see how things will develop further.
Tanatos 1 year
forward to continuing
RedMama09 1 year
thank you so much!
Escape60 1 year
I really enjoyed reading this, a solid story that I'm looking forward to continuing 😉
RedMama09 1 year
Thank you so much!