The Stepmother

Chapter 1 - rock bottom

Sadie sat there in her car looking at her father's front door. She was dreading knocking on that door, but she didn't have any other options. She was broke, her car was idling on fumes having barely made it here, and she had no other place to go. What made it all even worse was her father wasn't even there. He spent most of his time a thousand miles away at the company where he was hired as a CEO last spring. Instead of her father, she would be greeted at the door by that bitch he married, her stepmother Ashley.

Ashley would be so fake. She would act so concerned, so worried about her. Sadie could see right through that bitch. She thought she was so perfect. Perfect body, perfect skin, perfect face, perfect hair, 39 years old but looked 25. Sadie saw right through her though. Sadie was the only one in her whole family - parents, aunts, uncles, cousins, any of them, that even had an ounce of fat. Her whole damn family on both sides could be fitness models, and Sadie had always had to watch everything she ate as even half a cookie seemed to go to her belly. None of it was fair and now to add insult to injury, she had Ashley, who looked like a cross between a porn star and a model, as her stepmother.

So here Sadie was, broke, having flunked out of college. Having even resorted to stripping before being fired from it because "she had gotten too chubby" as her sleazy boss had told her. Evicted from her apartment, and taking her last 100 dollars to get herself back to her father's house, the only place she had left to go to.

Worried that her car was about to run out of gas, she turned the ignition off, grabbed her large suitcase, got out of the car, and walked up to the front door. She rang the doorbell and after a moment she could hear someone coming. Ashley opened the door. She was in a bikini with a towel around her waist, obviously having been laying out by the backyard pool. Sadie thought to herself "those tits have to be fake."

Ashley "Sadie I am glad you made it."

Sadie "Thank you for letting me stay."

Ashley "It's OK, there is plenty of room. Come in."

Sadie followed her into the house. She had only been here a couple of times as her father had bought the house just after he married Ashley. It seemed so over the top in size and how palatial it was decorated.

Ashley asked "I bet you are hungry?"

Sadie was hungry, having only eaten gas station junk food on the way down to save money so she replied "I am actually."

Ashley "I ordered pizza."

Sadie "That sounds good"

Sadie followed her back to the kitchen where there was a large pepperoni pizza and a box of cheesy breadsticks on the table. She picked up a plate and grabbed herself a few breadsticks and a couple of slices of pizza, then stood in the kitchen eating. Ashley didn't say anything to her, she just stood there and watched Sadie eat. Sadie thought that was just as well as she didn't feel like talking to Ashley anyway. When Sadie finished the pizza and breadsticks, Ashley picked up two more big slices and set them on Sadie's plate saying "here, eat some more." She just stood there watching Sadie eat, and when she finished the pizza, Ashley said "I bought a cake to welcome you back, it's a carrot cake from Nothing Bundt Cakes." Ashley walked into the kitchen and brought back a large, very richly frosted Bundt cake. Sadie thought it looked good, but she was full from the pizza and said "Maybe later, I am kind of full." Ashley said "You should try it now, it's good." Then Ashley cut her a huge slice, probably a third of the cake and put it on a plate, and handed it to her.

Sadie "Seriously, it looks good, but I am pretty full."

Ashley all of a sudden looked very angry and said sternly "Eat the cake."

Sadie didn't know what to do and just started eating it like she was told. Ashley started to smile again and she watched her eat. The cake was good, but it was such a big slice and the cake was so sweet and rich. After a few minutes, Ashley started to talk to her as she ate.

Ashley "So what happened with your job dancing?"

Sadie, embarrassed swallowed a bite of cake and said "Well the sleaze running the place fired me?"

Ashley "Why?"

Sadie "He thought I was getting too big". Sadie thought she wasn't that big, at 178 and 5'4.

Ashley walked up to her and poked her stomach with her finger saying "Yes, I suppose they don't want girls like you stripping."
Sadie just stood there in disbelief as she finished the last of the cake thinking "God I hate that bitch."
8 chapters, created 6 years , updated 6 years
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Karenjenk 4 years
I really like this. how she was forced.
and the rate of gaining.
QuebecFA 6 years
I really enjoyed this story! You really have a penchant for writing! :-)
Hotdog14 6 years
Good story but killed it when just getting interesting
Growing Bigger 6 years
He. Wasn't expecting the ending. I would of rather keep them going with her dad away. But o well
Pinkbelly 6 years
oooooph, i am enjoying this one!
Bradypig 6 years
Please write more!
Jazzman 6 years
Terrific start!