The Suit

Chapter 1: The Urge

I sat alone in my apartment, the soft glow of my laptop screen the only light in the room. Shadows danced across the minimalist furniture, but my focus was entirely on the search bar in front of me. My fingers hovered over the keys, hesitating as they often did when I was about to indulge in my secret desires. Tonight, though, the urge was too strong to ignore.

It had started so innocently, a fleeting curiosity that I had pushed to the back of my mind. But over time, that curiosity had grown into something far more consuming—a need that I barely understood. The idea of being completely immobile, of surrendering all control, sent shivers down my spine. I wasn’t interested in pain or humiliation; I craved the thought of being bound so thoroughly that I could do nothing but feel. The thought both frightened and thrilled me.

I had tried to satisfy this craving in small, safe ways. A silk scarf tied loosely around my wrists, tight clothing that restricted my movement just enough to excite me. But it was never enough. The more I explored, the more I realized that what I wanted went far beyond what I could achieve on my own.

Tonight, I was determined to find something more. I typed the words slowly, deliberately, as if each keystroke was a confession. “Full body restraint suit… custom-made.” I hit enter and watched as the search results filled the screen. Most of it was the usual—sites selling cheap costumes or basic bondage gear that I knew wouldn’t satisfy me. But then, something caught my eye.

A small, unassuming link buried among the others: “Richard—Custom Restraints and Fetish Designs.” My heart skipped a beat as I clicked on the link. The page was simple, almost too simple. No flashy graphics, no overwhelming text. Just a brief introduction: “Specialist in custom-made restraint gear, designed for maximum sensory experience. Discreet and professional. Inquiries by appointment only.”

This was it. I could feel it in my bones. This Richard, whoever he was, could give me what I’d been longing for. I hesitated for just a moment before I clicked on the contact link and typed out a brief message, my heart pounding in my chest.

“Hello, I’m interested in discussing a custom design. Something… unique.”

I hit send before I could second-guess myself. The wait was agonising, but within minutes, a reply came through. “Thank you for your inquiry. I’m available to meet tomorrow evening. Discretion is assured.”

I leaned back in my chair, a mix of excitement and nerves swirling inside me. This was real now. Tomorrow, I would meet Richard, and maybe, just maybe, I’d finally be able to fulfil the urge that had haunted me for so long.
1 chapter, created 20 hours , updated 3 hours
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