The Tale of the Sisters

  By Abol  

Chapter 1 - The wishes

Once there were two sisters, one fat (Alexis) and one thin (Chloe). They had gone out of the house one day to take a walk, they saw many beautiful flowers and animals then they came across a witch who was standing at the end of the tree-canopy trail. She claimed that she could grant them one wish each. At first, they thought she was joking, as anyone would, but soon realized she was serious. After a little bit of thought, Alexis wished to be skinnier, so the witch made her thinner, causing her dress to get a little bit loose on her.  Before they knew it, Chloe’s body started to tremble as she started to grow, filling up with the fat from her sister. During this transformation, Chloe’s face plumped up, she began to develop layers of fat on her arms, she got sausage fingers, she could feel her belt became tighter, her shirt rose up above her belly as her breasts went up two cup sizes and her belly grew bigger and softer, her legs and ass went from somewhat toned to big, plush, and cuddly, causing her jeans to stretch so much they ripped a little at the seams and the button to pop off. She got really big, even bigger than the former state of Alexis. Both girls were surprised that Chloe had grown this much, but then the Witch smugly explained that Alexis’ weight had to go somewhere and then she chuckled. While Alexis wish was to become nice and thin, Chloe’s original wish was meet the love of her life and raise a happy family, but since Chloe transformed, she changed her wish to being able to have all of the food in the land because she got hungry due to a stomach x10 the size of its former size. She got her wish granted and they started to head back, but the witch warned Chloe to watch where she because she would end up breaking many pieces of clothing and furniture in her future due to her newly found weight. She foolishly did not pay attention to this warning. When they got back to the estate, Chloe found the food that she had wished for, so she changed into her “fat” clothes, even those were fitting a little snug now, and started to eat and eat. As for the Alexis, she decided to see what she could do with her newly slimmed form. She ran all around the castle, took many walks through the courtyard, and even started a garden.
12 chapters, created 3 years , updated 3 years
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