Karma Hit Her Like a Bus

  By Abol  

Chapter 1

Ah, yes… the Charleston family! With several generations, and a ton of pounds under its belt, the Charleston family has an undetected pattern of fat women within their family tree. This fact leads us to the main portion of this short story, in which I shall talk about the two most current generation of this family.

First things first, the start of this story takes place 15 years ago, at a BBQ. Now, the day was like any other for the Charleston family, with many things were made and even more was eaten, especially by Jane Charleston, a mother of two and the host of the BBQ’s. Because she ate the most of her immediate family, she was the biggest. This came with some teasing from her daughters. However, Jane's eldest daughter fat fetish was exposed as well; the exposure was caused by the fact that she fed her mother the whole time. I know, kind of weird, but this is a truth. I said that Jane’s 426 pound frame came with teasing, well turns out that Jane’s eldest teased the most. “Wow! You got so fat from those hot dogs, mom! I wonder how much fatter you’ll get!” Jane’s eldest exclaimed from behind while squishing her mother's belly. “You know, if you keep calling me fat, you’ll end up fatter than me when you’re older!!” Jane responded in an embarrassed voice. “Nonsense! Nobody, but Aunt Barbara could ever get fatter than you!” the eldest teased back. Obviously, everyone heard this because the statement was said a bit too loud, and Aunt Barbara said from inside the kitchen, “Karma’s a bitch, y’know!” Karma would use this exact moment to spark a 15-year flame of weight gain upon the eldest daughter of house Charleston, Bella.

(10 year time skip)

Now, finding out your parents are right about something may not be the best thing in the world, but that’s exactly what happened with Bella. What happened? Well that’s quite obvious, but if you insist… I mean, I guess an explanation wouldn’t hurt anyone. So, after a few months, when she turned 18, Bella started to unintentionally gain weight. Everyone knew that this would happen, as it always happens no matter how many attempts at avoiding the weight gain period. Bella’s meal portions throughout the day, and night, grew from a large plateful, to seconds, thirds, and within time, even fourths. While on a stead pace towards morbid obesity as 28, Bella grew and grew. She never stopped eating. Eating twice as much as her mother now, Bella was truly an eating machine. As the amount of food that she ate climbed, so did the number on the scale. At 18, Bella weighed 126Lbs, she was skinny and active; at 23, she weighed 315Lbs, she was fat with a sedentary life; at 28, she weighed 498Lbs, she was fatter and lazier. 7 years after she had moved away from home, Bella came back to visit her mother and sister. Bella had surprised them in more than one when they saw just how fat Bella had gotten since the last time they saw her. Now, Bella’s sister, Anne had gotten a little fat over the years, but she was nowhere near as fat as Bella. The last time Jane and Anne saw Bella, she was around Anne’s size. To put it as a visual, Anne has a decent sized belly, bigger boobs, softened arms and legs, a fatter ass, and a rounder face, while weighing in around 205Lbs. Now, Jane and Anne observed a very fattened Bella, who now gained the nickname “Belly Bella” from her sister. They could see that Bella’s whole body had fattened up sort of equally, with a little extra weight placing itself within the belly region of the body. What used to be slightly softened arms and legs were now jello-like limbs that jiggled and shook with each step Bella took. Her face had gotten even rounder and pudgier, which caused a friend for Bella’s chin to grow and a roll of fat to form around her neck. Bella’s boobs had ballooned from a C cup size to an F cup size and her ass grew to the size of a pair of large Pumpkins. Finally, Bella’s belly had extended and rounded out immensely, distending about a foot farther than her boobs. The odd thing about her belly is that it was the only legitimately round one out of all her relatives/family. Now that I’ve given a description of what Bella looked like at that time, I’ll now briefly talk about the family meetup. So, when Bella arrived, she waddled her fat self into the kitchen to greet her mother and sister with a big, soft, hug. With both Anne and Jane trapped within their fattened up daughter/sister, they both thought the same thing “What the hell happened?!”, while knowing the answer. Seeing that she was the fattest of the three, Bella asked her mother if she still had the outfit she wore on the day of the BBQ. Knowing what her daughter wanted to do, Jane said yes and went up to get said outfit. Now, like her daughters, Jane had gotten fatter, so she couldn’t fit into the light blue crop top or the light gray shorts that she wore on that fateful day of the BBQ, but she kept the clothing, knowing this day would come. After grabbing the clothes from the top of her closet, Jane made her way back down to Anne and Bella, who were catching up, and gave the clothing to Bella. Bella left the room to change into her mother's old clothing, which were XXL’s… Bella was 4XL. After around a half an hour of squeezing herself into the obviously too tight clothes, Bella waddled back into the room. “Huh… I guess mom was right. I AM fatter than her now! I mean, HER old clothes don’t even fit ME! Is this karma for what I said all those years ago, or Have I always been destined to be fat?” Bella said with an uncertain look on her fat face. “SURPRISE! Did you really think that eating more than mom EVERY DAY wouldn’t make you fatter than her?” Anne exclaimed in response to her sister's remarks. “It’s called karma, honey. I warned you, but you failed to listen to me, now look where that’s gotten you.” Jane said to her daughter that actually managed to become fatter than her. “I know, I know… but the food is ju– POP! POP! RIP!” It was during her response when the clothes that were way too tight for her when the buttons and a seam had burst apart on the shorts. The rest of that day was filled with Anne teasing Bella about how fat she got since the last time they saw each other. After the day at home, Bella wouldn’t be seen for another 5 years, only called.

(Another 5 Year Time Skip)

So, the past 5 years had caused Bella to more than double in size, putting her at 1,166Lbs, which made her practically immobile without her belly cart. Everything on her body had fattened up three times over these years. Since she had continued to fatten equally all over, she still had a very small ability to walk around her apartment. It was December 10th, and not being able to fit through doors, Bella invited Jane and Anne to her apartment for the Christmas season. Scheduled to arrive around the 23rd, Jane had arrived early to surprise her daughter, not knowing what she would witness after she entered her daughter’s apartment. When Jane did enter Bella’s apartment, however, she didn’t know why, but she wasn’t as surprised as she thought she would be when she saw her practically immobile daughter, who’s belly rested on the floor, sitting on a reinforced couch. Now, the two had discussed putting Bella on a diet several times, which worked… for a week at a time. Anyway, a few days went by and, during said days, Jane got accustomed to her daughter's eating habits. Before she knew it, Jane had done something that she’d thought impossible. She gained 18 pounds of pure fat just by eating what her daughter ate. This caused the clothes she packed to tighten on her, what was now, 586 pound body. It was around this time when Anne arrived. After struggling to get through the “small” door, Anne witnessed her sister and mother. “HOLY SHIT, SIS! You’re HUGE!! You too mom! Also, I thought you put her on a diet!” Anne exclaimed in a very distraught voice. “Yeah, I know. I’ve come to terms that I was destined to be fat.” Bella said calmly in response. “What she said. Also, I don’t believe you have room to talk, seeing as how you said that you were 35 pounds heavier than me last week.” Jane slickly replied. Since all three of them were there, together, Bella said that she blamed the weight gain on Quarantine. “I mean, all of us seem to have fattened up a lot since the last time we met. You’ve always been fat mom, but just look at Anne, she’s bigger than you! She used to be the thinnest, now she’s the second biggest within the whole family tree.” Bella said to her mother. All three agreed to blame quarantine, knowing that wasn’t the reason, but there they sat denying that they got fat on their own occasion. Jane and Anne stayed at Bella’s until the new year. Of course all three of them fattened even more, and by the end of the “reunion”, each of them had gained another 75-100 pounds of pure fat.

So, that’s that. The story of the two most recent generations of Charleston’s. Karma did in fact hit Bella like a damn bus, didn’t it? Now, I bet you’re wondering how Anne and Jane were able to leave the apartment since they were too fat for the door. Well, they actually had the door expanded to be french doors so that they could leave, and the door would still look normal. If you don’t like that solution, then you can use your imagination to create your own true ending.
1 chapter, created 3 years , updated 3 years
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