Chapter 1 - Blake’s perspective
Hello, I’m Blake Barker and something VERY interesting happened today… something kinda hot. So, to start off, as you all know, I’m into bigger women. I mean, that’s kind of obvious since I post on a fat fetish website. Anyway, it all started when I was getting gas earlier today. You see, while pouring the gas into my car, I looked around the busy station. While doing so, my eyes landed on this red-head chick, who I’ll call Kaitlyn for the rest of this story, since I don’t know her or her name. What made it even better was what she was wearing. Office attire, you know, the typical white button-up that was usually too tight in the chest region with the black dress pants that usually clung to every curve of the bottom half. Before she noticed me staring at her, I quickly turned back to focus on the fuel going into my car, slowly becoming the cost of a small fortune.Now, me being me, I automatically knew Kaitlyn was completely out of my league… she drove a Porsche and I drove a 2010 Corolla at the time. As hard as I fought it, while I was filling up the car, which had taken a bit longer than it was supposed to take, my mind drifted to the world of the fat fetish. Almost instantly, after I drifted into said land, I started fantasizing what that woman would look like, I don’t know, 300 pounds fatter. Images of Kaitlyn, still in the same attire, started to appear. In my mind, I saw her blow up. As layers of fat piled onto her body, her clothes tightened at a linear pace, eventually ripping at the seams. While the whole sudden gain was in motion, Kaitlyn had a look of confusion and fear on her softening face.
By the time she was done growing, her pants had several tears along the seams. The buttons on her shirt had burst off and were pretty far away, exposing a black bra. What used to be slightly toned arms were now meaty, sporting several layers of fat extending even to her hands a little. Her toned legs had obtained the size of tree trunks… trunks that supported an ass that consisted of two cheeks the size of beach balls. Kaitlyn’s boobs had also grown, almost enough to pop the clasp of her bra, but instead, her boobs seeped around the bra. I’d say the most noticeable part was her belly. Before the events that occurred in, what I thought was my mind at the moment, Kaitlyn had abs… a stomach that was slightly more muscular than her limbs. Now, that once muscular abdomen was now a bouncy, jiggly, mound of fat that rested under her boobs.
Yes, I know. The fantasy was kind of vague, but that’s what went through my mind. So, yeah. However, what happened next was the fascinating part. After the click of the gas nozzle snapped me out of my trance, I put it back, closed the gas flap, then made my way to the driver's door. No that’s not the fascinating part, lol. Kaitlyn was still there after all that. However, something was wrong… her face showcased a look of discomfort. It was then when she clutched her stomach with a now pained look. Her actions now had the attention of everyone who could see her. A few seconds after, her body started to tremble. Next thing I know, she starts to grow just like what I had just imagined not 2 minutes ago.
It seemed like there wasn’t a concrete direction of gaining. She just started growing all over, equally. The more layers of fat that added to her, the tighter her clothes got. As said before, her pants burst at the seams, the button on her pants popped off, and the buttons on her shirt burst off and far away. By then, her belly was fully exposed. During the whole series of events, instead of having a confused and worried look, Kaitlyn seemed to be straight up terrified as she grabbed her stomach and shook it to see if it was real. Then she did the same with her ass and basically the rest of her body. After about 5 minutes of prodding her fattened body, Kaitlyn realized she wasn’t dreaming. “WHAT THE FUCK?! WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED TO ME?! I’M FAT!!” Kaitlyn screamed with many emotions. The people who witnessed this looked upon Kaitlyn in confusion, worry, and other expressions. In the imagined version of this, Kaitlyn just stood there, not moving, just staying still. This wasn’t the case for the real-life one. See, Kaitlyn tried to hide from society by waddling over to the driver's door and trying to enter. However, it seemed like she had gotten too fat to enter without moving the seat backward first. So, she hastily did so, now with more shamed than any emotion. After she managed to get in the car, she tried to close the door, but again she was too fat. The door simply bounced off of her thigh. She tried again, harder, it didn’t work. The jostling of her weight DID shake the car, however. She tried a third time, this time leaning into the car. This time, the door closed. After a few more minutes, the Porsche sped off… this was when everyone who witnessed, including me, looked at each other, mostly to ensure that this wasn’t a huge trip. That was the first and last time I ever saw Kaitlyn.
Did I cause that? Did my imagination cause that woman to blow up like a balloon? I mean, I had daydreamed about many women in a similar scenario, but THAT never happened to any of them. What made this woman special? Was it all just a dream? I’ll never really know since I don’t know the lady at the gas station, so I can’t meet with her or call to see if it’s true.
The End
Second part will be out shortly
1 chapter, created 2 years
, updated 2 years
but slow down. i can see how each chapter could be a seperate person... or even herself that blows up