Five Days at Billy-bob’s Cabin

  By Abol  

Chapter 1 - Story set-up/day 0/sunday

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“Aw, damn! Not again! Did you really have to break down HERE?” Marcy exclaimed as her car came to a stop without her permission. Taking a moment to scan her surroundings, Marcy came to the conclusion that she was officially in the middle of nowhere. With no signal, and a broken down car, the only thing Marcy could think of doing was continuing her journey on foot. After about a mile or so, a pair of dimly lit headlights could be seen in the distance by Marcy. It didn’t take long for Marcy to realize that it was a towtruck. “THANK GOD! I’M SAV-”... it was then when she took notice of the driver. He was wearing a baseball cap, overalls with a broken strap and a white shirt under it, he also seemed to be VERY well-fed, to put it nicely. Before she knew it, the nameless towtruck driver stopped his truck in front of Marcy and politely introduced himself as Billy-Bob, then proceeded to say that she could call him Bob. Now, Billy seemed to be a nice soul, but Marcy didn’t know him at all, so she refused to drop her guard. After a brief conversation with the polite fellow, Marcy allowed Bob to take her and her car back to his place. He claimed to know how to fix cars, and something told Marcy that he was an alright person to trust. She got into the passenger side of the truck while being helped up into it by Bob, who was trying to be a gentleman. Bob closed her door, walked around the front of the truck, got in the truck and started what would be the 30-minute drive back to his house, which would eventually produce an interesting series of events. After they got to his house, Bob brought Marcy’s car to a big structure with many tools in it. After releasing the car, they made their way back to the front of the house. Now, Billy-Bob did not look rich, but his house and property said otherwise. Apart from being a small mansion, the bright moonlight reflected upon a well-kept garden maze which held a cement pond in the center. There were many other details about the house and property that Marcy wanted to take in, but Bob produced some news. In a deep country accent, Bob said, “Welp, I’ve got good news and bad news. Good news’ that I can in fact fix yer car! Bad news is that, I’ll have to go in town t’morrow to get a part and repair will take a few days…” Clearly, Marcy had to make a decision. She could think of two options that she could choose from, have Bob drive to the nearest civilization tonight, where she would probably have to pay a lot of money for repairs; or let Bob fix the car for free. The only problem that she had with the second option was that she would have to sleep in a stranger's house for a few days, but she REALLY didn’t want to pay for repairs, so she decided to go with the first option. After notifying Bob of her decision, Bob apologized for the inconvenience of having to stay at a stranger's house, but he reassured her by saying that if she felt too uncomfortable, he would drive her to town. This slightly calmed Marcy’s anxiety, pushing the thought of Bob being a psycho-killer to the back of her head. Bob then asked Marcy if she wanted to retrieve anything she might need from the car, which she did. Within a few minutes, they were inside Bob’s house, which was very elegant and clean with many pictures of what seemed to be a younger Billy-Bob with who she was guessing was his parents. Bob explained that the house was willed to him by his parents and that he was raised to respect everyone, no matter how wealthy he was. “Wow! This is getting better by the minute!” Marcy thought. He continued to explain that he had a daughter named Darla who’s in the same age group as Marcy and goes to college, but she left most of her stuff. Marcy thought it was a bit weird that this Darla would leave most of her stuff behind, so she asked, “If you don’t mind me asking, Why’d she leave her stuff?” Bob politely said that Darla planned to visit many times per year that she thought it would make sense to leave her things at home. After answering the question, Bob asked Marcy if she was hungry; she had just eaten an hour ago, so she said “No, but thanks for asking!” Bob then led Marcy to one of the guest bedrooms within the house and said that if she needed anything during the night, Bob would be in the last room on the right down the first hallway of the first floor. After giving her a pajama set that looked way too big for her 5’6” and 180Lbs frame, Bob left Marcy alone in the quite spacious guest room with a large, sturdy bed and doors that seemed wider than necessary. She changed into the pajamas, and as she thought, they were big too big for her, but they were comfy, so she kept them on and went to lay on the bed that she practically sunk into since it was so soft and cushiony. Checking her phone, Marcy could see that she had full bars and MANY calls and texts from her friends and family. Marcy went off to explain what happened and that she was safe to all of them. After that task was completed, Marcy drifted off to sleep.
9 chapters, created 3 years , updated 1 year
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