The Challenge Extravaganza

  By Abol  

Chapter 1 - The general backstory

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This story starts off with two unlikely friends, one being a 5'8", 115 pound cheerleader with a slight tan named Kaitlyn Collins, who has been involved in cheer since the 3rd grade, the other being a 5'5", 135 pound Drum Major for their University, named Maggie Smith, who has had a strong passion for band since the 6th grade. The two met when they got paired up for a lab in a 7th grade science class that they shared at Arden Middle School in Sacramento, California. The start of their friendship was partially of a cliché, Kaitlyn was the popular cheerleader, who didn't do any work and was failing because of it, however Maggie was the type of person who'd help a student with anything, no matter who they were. At first, Kaitlyn took absolute advantage over Maggie because of her kindness, but after a little while, and some confrontation from Maggie herself, Kaitlyn got her act together. After spending so much time studying together, they started to form an actual friendship that grew as time went on. Instead of just meeting up for studying and being nice to each other at school, they actually started to hang out at each other's houses. The variety of places they were able to go grew with each passing grade, eventually they found their Friday spot in a mall by the name of Arden Fair, this spot was a Cold Stone. That is where they've spent an hour or two every Friday after school since the middle of the 10th grade. However, throughout the rest of high school and the beginning of their Uni days, the amount of days that they went to get ice cream had evolved from just Friday's, to now Monday's, Wednesday's, and Friday's. Said Cold Stone shut down and was replaced by an advertisement wall, showcasing a similar place called "Bakers Delight Superb Desserts", this obviously displeased many customers who had come to love the place.
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Bakers Delight Superb Desserts Advertisement that was displayed on the wall:
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This new place took about a week or two to officially open up to the public, but when it did, it had an amazing smell of sugar cookies. People from all over the mall were able to smell this place. The smell was the main reason why Bakers Delight did so well during its opening week. Maggie and Kaitlyn would be walking blimps if they didn't go to the gym for an extreme three hours of exercise, every Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday in order to fill themselves to capacity with ice cream on Friday's. Due to various reasons, both Maggie and Kaitlyn hadn't been able to meet up at the mall, or anywhere actually, since the Friday before the Cold Stone had notified the public of its replacement. This extended amount of time had made both girls even more eager for Friday to roll up so that they could go to the Cold Stone that they had become regulars at. When the two were finally free enough to meet up, it took Maggie a little bit to recognize Kaitlyn due to, what Kaitlyn had kept referring to as "The Accident".
5 chapters, created 3 years , updated 3 years
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