
Chapter 1 - The break

SNAP! Bruno heard the break as he fell to the floor in agony. He knew his leg was broken before the first person had even bent down to help him. Over an hour he had been travelling across town to work, and here, right in front of the office, was where he slipped on the ice. A small crowd gathered around him and a wheelchair suddenly materialised from somewhere. After that it was a blur of hospital waiting rooms and painkillers.

"We can arrange for you to work from your apartment for the next two months, whilst your leg heals" offered his boss, pleased that Bruno wasn't about to file a lawsuit for the ice in front of the building. "That's the good thing with you having international clients, you can pretty much do your work wherever."

Bruno's spirits lifted. He had been a little naive when he packed up his life and moved over to the states to work. He never anticipated that taking on a twelve month lease for an apartment four miles away from his office would result in a commute of over an hour. Even when he worked in London, travel times didn't seem as bad as this. He felt exhausted and so the idea of working from home sounded like heaven. He would miss some of the camaraderie of the office however. He had gelled well with everyone and for once, he seemed to find some Americans who could appreciate his dry British sense of humour.

At the tender age of twenty-four, Bruno had been offered the chance of a lifetime at this business. Not that he hadn't earned it; he had slaved away for years at his public school, before going on to Cambridge and then taking on a host of opportunities across the British Isles. His resume was one of the most impressive on the job market; twelve months here and then, who knew where next? The sky was the limit.

What had really attracted Bruno to work here? It was a question he asked himself a lot. Was it the opportunities for his career, or had he rather, been tempted by the skyrocketing obesity rates in women across the United States? Bruno had never really seen the lure of slim women. He hungered for the larger, fuller figure; the ample ass and bulbous breasts and yet, somehow, he always ended up with the slim, conventionally attractive women on his arm. Six months here and he had still yet to even chat to a larger girl at a bar. At 6'8, with a slender, pretty boy physique, Bruno just couldn't see how he fitted with any woman, large or small.

Time passed and Bruno was getting ready to have his cast taken off today. He felt claustrophobic, stuck in his apartment most days, with no family to help him out. His trash was filled with take-out containers and he was already missing the sweet start of Spring time outside. He longed to get his life back to normal. He waited in the waiting area, ready to kiss his wheelchair goodbye. Then it was snip, and chop and the pale skin of his leg emerged from its cocoon. The doctor seemed remarkably happy with how it had healed.

"You'll have to carry on using the crutches for the next month or so," she cautioned. "But..." she looked at him sideways as if concerned, " you mind if we just update your file before you leave?"

Next followed a long list of questions. No, he didn't smoke. No, there was no history of epilepsy in his family. He had answered all these questions eight months ago when he first moved here!

"If you could just come across to the scales for me then please," asked the doctor.

Bruno hopped up, pleased that he had the opportunity to walk about on his healed leg again. He walked the short distance across the room and stepped on the platform.

"Hmm," she mused. "Could you step off and on again for me please?" she asked; to which Bruno obliged. She breathed in, as if unsure how to say what she wanted. "Are you aware that you've gained quite a bit of weight since your last weigh-in eight months ago?"

Bruno thought about the question. "Well, I've not been able to go to the gym for the last two months," he tried.

"It says here that you're 35lbs heavier than you were. That's quite significant," she cautioned. "Would you like some advice on diet and nutrition?" she asked helpfully.

"No thanks. I'm alright," Bruno mumbled feeling a little uncomfortable.

"It's just something to keep your eye on," smiled the doctor cheerily.

"Okay..." Bruno mumbled, suddenly feeling like something monumental had happened.
9 chapters, created 6 years , updated 3 years
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SyabLovesChub 6 years
Another chapter to this, please
Pd500 6 years
I'm digging this!!
Growingsofter 6 years
More please