Chapter 1
"Are you ready for your treat? Here you up, come on.....come on....." the cooing saccharine voice that filled her ears had nothing on the chocolatey, gooey, overwhelmingly rich treat being gently pushed against her lips, trying to ease her mouth open so Suzy could consume the sweet treat.Despite having just woken up, fatigue keeping her eyes closed, Suzy still had enough sense to clamp her lips tightly shut. She heard a sigh of disapproval before pressure increased on the pastry being shoved in her face.
"Come on now, time to stop fooling around. Be a good girl and eat. I've spent all morning baking up these delicious goodies to fill this big ol' belly, so stop being disobedient and open up those piggy lips."
Suzy shook her head, grunting. The voice huffed.
"Don't you want to be a good girl for your Mama?"
At that, her eyes shot open, anger blazing in those hazel orbs. She glared up at the middle aged woman hovering over the bed.
"You're not my mo--mfff!" The pastry was quickly shoved into her mouth, all the way in so Suzy couldn't spit it right out.
The woman smiled with pleasure at the fat girl, and stroked her chubby cheek as she indignantly began chewing. Eventually, the irritation in her eyes gave way to a content daze, and she started to moan as she chewed. Once the final bite was swallowed, however, she started to protest once more--and was rewarded with another chocolatey goodie.
Again, her protests seemed to melt while she was eating.
"Aren't they tasty? See, you know it's pointless to fight," said the woman, one hand poised over the tray of pastries for when Suzy needed another, the other hand running down the front of Suzy's nightgown. The buttons strained, barely managing to keep all the bulk contained; after another couple of pounds they would surely snap.
"This is your true nature, to eat, and eat, and eat, and fatten yourself up like a big piggy on a farm, whose only concern is when her farmer will decide it's time to devour the succulent porker she happily turned herself into!"
Panic flashed in Suzy's widened eyes, but she had no chance to speak before another pastry was in her mouth. Her meaty body trembled with a combination of fear and anger, but the fat girl kept chewing, though she cursed every glorious bite.
The trembling was doing nothing to help the straining buttons. The older woman watched with delight at how the girl's fatty body now jiggled, particularly in her bare arms and thighs. Giggling, she moved her hand from Suzy's belly to one of her thick thighs, and squeezed.
"Awww, I'm just teasing you, hun. Besides," she winked, giving Suzy's thigh another squeeze. "You'd have to become much fatter to make a proper meal, and at the moment you're too small--so how about you finish up this tray? Look, there's only three left!"
Suzy eyed the tray. While she finished chewing the food already in her mouth, she tried to speak.
"I'm not......mmm....not a pig!" There was chocolate filling all over her mouth. "You can't.....mmm......can't treat me like......mmmmm...." She swallowed, but was unable to continue her rant before being silenced by another dessert.
The woman smirked, and squeezed her thigh a bit tighter, digging her nails in to the creamy skin.
"I can, I am, and I WILL continue to do so until you are as fat as the most prized pig in a country fair! Now eat!"
This time she didn't even wait until Suzy was finished before prying open her mouth and shoving another pastry in. Suzy almost gagged, her round cheeks bulged like a chipmunk, but she managed to get it all down without vomiting.
By this point, though she was still resistant to the situation, at this moment in time Suzy didn't have much strength to fight.
"Only one more?" she asked wearily.
The woman plucked the last treat from the tray and smiled.
"Just one more," she replied, and this time carefully fed it piece by piece to Suzy, and when she finished the plump girl even had a small smile on her messy face--which fell as soon as her captor said:
"Time to get up! You've got a big breakfast waiting for you!"
1 chapter, created 6 years
, updated 6 years