Workplace Benefits

  By Twatty5  

Chapter 1 - Cara part 1

**This is inspired by a story I have always remembered but have never been able to find again. If the original author happens to spot this, or someone just happens to know who it is then FULL credit to that person. Just always thought this idea was a lot of fun and it deserves to be written again, even if its no where near as good as the original!**

"Oh wonderful, some new, stick thin judgmental twig to make me feel bad about myself" I thought to myself as I waddled to the conference room.

Our boss Dan had summoned all of the minions to meet the new employee and needless to say, I was less than enthusiastic. Being the only big girl in an office full of treadmill junkies and lettuce munchers had gotten old about three new people ago. They were all the same.

I edged my way into the room, thankful to see I was not the last one sitting down, and jammed my overfed curves into the cheap pleather chair in the back of the room, forcing down the warm feeling I tended to get when forced to confront how fat I had become. I looked like an overstuffed sausage casing, with my thick belly, wide hips and fat ass squeezing out over the chair.

The others filed in, lean, hard and plastic looking in their pencil skirts, pantsuits and bleach blond hair. They all looked like they came off an assembly line.

"All right everybody thank for coming, I'll try to make this quick!" Dan's voice sounded from the back, not breaking stride as he entered the room and went straight to the head of the table.

"We have been trying to fill the vacancy in accounts payable for a while now as you are all aware and I'm pleased to announce we have succeeded." he said with the half-hearted smile every manager had for when they needed to make a simple event feel like a win.

"I'd like to introduce Andrea Ortega"
The door opened, all heads turned to the back of the room, and in walked the MOST attractive women I had ever seen.

She was at most, 5'05 and 120 lbs, with just enough to still be curvy while also being quite obviously fit. Her eyes were sharp and alert, but the deepest color brown, like pools of chocolate. Her hair was dark, shaved on one side, and her smile was entrancing.

"Hey everybody, you can call me Andie, anddd I'm like really happy to be working here!" She said, slowly canning over the crowd as people called out their generic greetings and welcomes.

I tried to sink lower into my chair to avoid notice but when you fill up the entire chair that's easier said than done. I felt her eyes come to rest on me and forced myself to meet them.

I. Melted. #fatgirlinlove

God she was beautiful. I'm sure it was my imagination.. but I would swear she lingered as she caught my eye. I smiled awkwardly and waved, brushing my thick red hair out of my face.

"That will be all everyone, lets make sure we make Andie feel welcome. Cara! I want you to be her new employee mentor, can you handle that?" Dan asked,drawing every one in the room to look at me.

"Sure no problem" I said without looking up, trying to stare at my feet, if I could see them that is.

The room started to clear out as everyone went back to their pretending to work. After I extracted myself from my chair I stood by the door, waiting for Andi and Dan. I took Andi and led her to our office where the next several hours passed thankfully without my making a fool of myself. and now of course, it was lunch time.

I started to unpack my lunch, a pitiable affair made up of a kale salad with a meager dripping of dressing and a few shreds of grilled chicken breast.

"Is that all your eating? Andi asked

"Sadly yes, my mom came to visit last week and hadn't seen me for a while.. she had some opinions on my diet and what I should and should not be eating" I said with a sigh, accidentally letting my hand fall to my thick lower belly roll drawing out that perilous wave of warmth and pleasure. Please god don't let her have noticed

"Well, if you are having trouble with your diet my sister is a trainer, and I'm pretty experienced with food prep so maybe I can help! But not today, today I made a new friend, so I want to take you out to celebrate. Leave that sad excuse for a salad and lets go!"

I couldn't help but smile. She was so sincere, and I was NOT looking forward to that salad.

"Absolutely. Where do you want to go?" I stood,pulling my straining white dress shirt over my gut and she took me by the hand.

It turned out she wanted to go the Outback which just so happened to be my favorite. After we got seated and ordered drinks we started to chat, free to make casual conversation away from work.

Andi was smart, funny, and infinitely likable. I fell for her more with every word, allowing my insecurities to slip away and just enjoy the meal. She talked, and I ate, and I ate and she talked. She told me about moving here from California while I worked my way through the Bloomin Onion all on my own, and about her childhood riding horses with her sister while I polished off a full rack of ribs. I was so engrossed I didn’t think twice when she offered me the rest of her pasta and shrimp. Finally we talked about what brought her to New York while I ate both pieces of cheesecake that were brought to the table.

I was a little short of breath, and my double belly was hard and distended. God I was so turned on. I felt that tantalizing warmth creeping up, felt it between my legs and it made my tree-trunk thighs shudder. I focused my efforts on hiding it from Andi. She payed and helped me up from the table, accidentally brushing her hand against my plush love handle. I saw stars. She smiled and took my hand, leading me out of the restaurant in a daze. We got outside and she led me to my car, a smirk on her face the entire time.

“That was a good meal!” She said. Grinning from ear to ear.

“Yea no kidding, I think I ate 75 % of it” I said.

“Hey one last celebration meal is nothing to be ashamed of. We will get a fresh start tomorrow, I already texted my sister asking for help with a program. Don’t you worry a bit. See you at 10:30 am at your place” she asked

“Yea sounds great. Thank you again. It’s nice to have a friend at work” I said.

She smiled that brilliant smile, and got into her car, leaving me to waddle my way to mind and go home, to sleep off all that food, and dream of her.
2 chapters, created 4 years , updated 4 years
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Twatty5 4 years
came up with it. I hope you enjoy!
Twatty5 4 years
Howdy all, like I said in the beginning this is my own (significantly less well done) tribute to an older story that I can not remember the name of. If anyone happens to recognize the idea please let me know so I can can give full credit to the person who