Yes sir, i'm fat and happy now!

Chapter 3

The next morning Sammie woke up, and got out of bed, she had over slept and she started panicking about not being ready in time for when Hughie picked her up.... He was giving her a ride to college today,

She kind of grabbed her uniform (damn these private colleges with stupid uniforms, why cant her parents have just sent her to the local state college where she could have worn anything she liked, she could have gone in her pyjamas today and no one would have batted an eyelid!) she went into the bathroom and started to get dressed. Sammie started to button up her blouse, and noticed that it seemed to have shrunk in the wash, or maybe it was an old one and had got mixed up in her drawer, but she didn't have time to change it now. The buttons were done up, it was just a much more snug fit than yesterday, and her skirt kind of dug in her waist, it certainly didn't feel comfortable. Sammie just had time to do her hair grab her bag and Hughie arrived.

Sammie opened the front door and walked out, Hughie just kind of stared at her, 'hey babe. What you do to yourself, you look all fat and urgh'. Sammie laughed it off, she was getting used to his nasty comments now, but she did sit down and take a deep breath as the waist band really cut into her. Sammie hadn't really noticed any difference to herself when she woke up this morning, but she did wonder what the hell was going on with her clothes.

They walked into class and sat down for another day in the classroom.

Mr Andrews arrived in the classroom, gave everyone a big smile and a good morning, before starting teaching, he did have a little glance at Sammie, and he did notice the buttons gaping ever so slightly on her blouse, he also noticed how snug the skirt seemed to be around her middle, and that it kept riding up coz she had to keep pulling it down. He chuckled to himself with the thought of what Sammie will do when her uniform doesn't fit her any more, which prompted him to go round with a special drink for his class.....

He had already poured out the drink for everyone in his class, he said it was a well done for working so hard in the heat of the summer, he made sure Sammie was the last to get her drink, and he gave her a special cup too, Sammie noticed and just smiled, she new Mr Andrews liked him, she didn't mind the attention, there was 'something' about him, maybe it was the sexy eyes or the thrill of the 'older man'.

By lunchtime Sammie was starving, she had never felt anything like it before in her life, she was in pain, She went to the cafeteria and ordered a cheese sandwich, a plate of fries and a burger. She didn't notice the looks of her friends, all she cared about at that time was food, and how hungry she felt, she sat there and ate the lot, but she also still felt hungry, she left her friends (who were kind of in a stunned silence, as they had no idea what was going on!) and she walked off campus to a local shop, she bought another cheese sandwich and 2 bags of chips and ate the lot, just stood outside the shop. Sammie new something wasn't right, she had never eaten like this before in her life, her belly hurt, her skirt button felt like it was going to pop open, she could see her bra through the gap in her blouse where the material was being pulled tight. Sammie burst into tears, she suddenly felt scared, she had no idea what was happening to her, she headed back to college, feeling so uncomfortable.

As she walked back into class (she arrived a few minutes late) everyone turned to look at her, she mush have looked awful, her tear stained face, her skirt that wasn't staying down at all, her blouse gaping so much at the front, everyone just stared at her, Hughie took one look at her and turned away, only to go and put his arm around Amanda, the bitch in her class. 'How Dare he' Sammie thought, I'll show him im not bothered. And Sammie put a smile on her face and just walked past everyone, talking her place at the front of the class.
5 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 14 years , updated 54 years
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Tjpbeatles 13 years
awesome story. this one is very similar to one of my fav fantasies