Lesbian, gay, bi or transexual?

At Fantasy Feeder we pride ourselves on the friendly, tolerant and accepting nature of our community. Fat related fantasies are not restricted to any particular type of person, and all are welcome to join us in the discussion and fun. We have a special forum and chat room for LGBT's where you can make friends and discuss related issues, but you are equally as welcome in the more general areas.

Special areas for LGBT's

We have a special forum and chat room for LGBT's where you can make friends and discuss related issues, but you are equally as welcome in the more general areas.

It's open, accepting, fun and despite there being a sub-forum for LGBT people it doesn't mean they/we have to hide here and not dare post elsewhere.

Open, accepting and fun community

This place is like a real community because it allows people to be more than just the one or two aspects of their personality that brought them here.

A safe place to explore your fantasies

It was on this site that I really began to explore the LGBT world and understand myself better. I know I won't get called out or mocked on here regardless of my fantasies or sexual orientation.