Why is obesity attractive to you?

I really have no idea, but it is very attractive. I rarely think of fit or muscular men when I masturbate or look at porn. It used to be those guys but it gradually changed to being attracted to fat guys. I tried to get that athletic look, and was successful to a degree but now when I see those pictures I rather see myself fat. I’m not shy about saying I don’t think I’m bad looking and am happy and proud to be one of those fat guys.
3 years

What "awakened" this fetish for you?

It was gradual. I was somewhat athletic (running, mountain biking, weightlifting) but I was attracted first to chunky guys then fat guys then somewhat more than fat.

Ironically, being athletic I wanted to look like them. I was always insecure about my looks and my weight ... I always tended towards “overweight”. When I saw attractive overweight guys I thought there are too many good looking fat guys out there for there to be anything wrong with being fat.

So it dawned on me to go for it, and the rest is history.
3 years

Regret losing the weight

Up to last May I was up to 245 lbs @ 5’6”, in 44 waist pants that were getting snug. I’d get so turned on at the thought of getting to 46-48s and 260-270 lbs. My belly was 53”. I imagined how it would be at 56-57”. Woof!

But in moving last year, pretty much by myself except for the big furniture the movers handled, I lost 30 lbs. I would load up my truck with boxes, go to the new house, unload the truck, carry the boxes up the stairs. I did this almost every day for about a month.

Now that I’m trying to gain weight again, I have little appetite. It’s pissing me off! Lol I’m about 215-217 now, my belly is about 47”, my 42s are a little loose. I can tell though, that they and my shirts are getting a little snug. Yay!

I wish there were a fat pill! Lol But kooky as it sounds I believe you can imagine yourself into gaining weight. I think if you tell yourself often enough that you want to be fat, are getting fat, the brain dies something to change the body’s chemistry.

I hope so!
3 years

Places to buy dressier clothes for bhm

My dress up is a polo tucked into nice trousers, haven’t had any complaints from anyone yet actually loads of compliments.

Yep, that is one of the sexiest looks on a guy.
3 years

What happens next?

I’m just about 5’6”. My goal was 250-260+. I got to 245 but unintentionally lost about 30 lbs from increased activity. I’d like to gain back about 15-20 lbs, to about 230-235 to make my 40s and 42s slightly snug, and to fill out my shirts to show off my belly. At that point I’ll probably maintain.
3 years

What was your most embarrassing moment in public?

I was in the hospital almost two years ago for what they thought was congestive heart failure. I passed the stress test, EKG, ECG, and blood work with flying colors. The cardiologists were scratching their heads. It wasn’t CHF, it was probably my thyroid which went berserk again.

When I followed up with my primary care physician I was sitting in the examination room. The doors to each room, which face each other in an octagon shape, were open. He says very loudly “you need a bypass”. I asked why since my heart was fine. He said a gastric bypass. I was mortified because I didn’t know just who heard it besides his nurse and interns. I was also stunned and didn’t know what to say. By the time I got home I was furious. At my next visit I ripped him a new one. He apologized profusely and said he wouldn’t do that intentionally.
3 years

How fat is "too fat"?

I think “too fat” for me would be trouble walking, breathing, cleaning myself, blood work being negatively affected, i.e. blood sugar and lipids going up, liver and kidney functions degrading, etc. I did have a problem with cleaning myself after dropping a deuce. At home I would just get in the shower and use the handheld shower head. I dreaded having to go at work or somewhere else. Conversely, though I have a fantasy goal and image “fat enough” is 260-270 lbs, 46 waist pants. I’m 5’6”, so that’s pretty hefty, yet I think I could till function.
3 years

I’m afraid my gain is on the brink of getting out of control

This kink or fetish is almost an addiction. I have liked fat guys for a long time. I saw pictures of guys, and guys in real life that at the time I thought were really obese. I still found them attractive, I didn’t judge. It was just a matter of perspective and frame of reference. As time went on and I was gaining those guys seemed to be not so obese anymore. As I gained and hit milestones, weights I had never reached before, I thought “that’s all I am?” and pushed to gain more. I didn’t hit my goal, and actually lost unintentionally. I’m gaining again but it’s not enough weight fast enough. In short, we raise the bar. I think something hormonal or in our brain chemistry happens that we don’t think we’re fat enough.
3 years

How do you know if you like fat on others only or if you like fat on yourself?

I've mentioned before that one of the most insightful things I read here was that if you get turned on by the prospect of being fat, you pleasure yourself, and afterwards, you are glad you're not fat, don't do it.

Often people think if something turns them on, they are obligated to embrace and express it, but there's a reason why people have sexual FANTASIES. Getting fat is a big commitment.

This is it. In the beginning I got very turned on as I was gaining, but after orgasming I lost the desire and disliked myself for letting myself go. Other times I said to myself this (getting fat) isn’t me. I realized it was only because other fat guys turned me on, I wanted to be like them.

But as time went by and I got used to being fatter, didn’t get ridiculed, found I could buy larger size clothes I thought hey this isn’t so bad.

So I guess it was both... I love fat guys, and I actually got to like being fat, and liking how I look. In my case it just took time.
3 years


I’m just about 5’6”, currently 215-216 lbs give or take, my belly is about 46”. So my fantasy goal, and I say fantasy because I don’t think I can reach it, is to get to 260-270 lbs, 56-57” belly, 46-48 waist pants. I’ve even wondered if I could ever get to 300 lbs.

think about sitting in a restaurant, or anywhere with my blubbery belly and love handles spreading and overhanging my belt. I think about how my belly would ripple as I walk. I’ve found pics on the internet of guys, and seen some in real life I would love to look like. But I do have a limit and think of guys I saw that I don’t want to look like.
3 years