What clothes make you look fattest?

Short shorts, especially if they're a bit snug around the thighs.

Button-down shirts...as you fatten up, the buttons will start to gap and make you look like you're about to burst out of your shirt.

A bikini when you're at the beach.

Buy your clothes a size too small.
1 year

Is being out of shape a turn on?

Being out of shape has definitely been important to me from the beginning. When I began seriously gaining, I made a point to limit my activity as much as possible so that I'd develop a soft, porky look, like I did little more activity than feeding myself.

I enjoy that my muscles are puny and weak now, especially in contrast with how large I've become. People often think fat guys are strong, but I've done what I can to cultivate a round, plump look. I now have to use my arm to help me out of a chair and some doors actually require some effort for me to open.

Losing muscle also means that more of my weight is fat.
1 year

Speedo or "swim briefs" 300 plus lbs

I actually wear a bikini now that my boobs got big enough. I deliberately chose a stars-and-stripes one because it looks like what Olympic athletes wear, and I want people to think of their fit, tan, toned bodies as they see me, pale and porky, waddle onto the beach.
1 year

What i love about plumping up!

Fat On The Inside:
I actually love the idea of being a chubby American woman greeting people who are new to the country and who also dream of eating as well as I do. Lol.

This was a thing for me as well...when I was deciding to fatten up and what I wanted to look like, I found myself wanting to look like a European's nightmare of an American tourist: round and well-fed, constantly eating. Since I've fattened up, I've been to other countries and have even had people poke my belly. smiley
1 year

How big are your man boobs?

Mine measured out at a 46C on the calculator. I have a 44C bra that I can barely squeeze into now.

When I fattened up enough to get a decent set of boobs, I began wearing a bikini at the beach. It's an XL, but my boobs can barely fit in the top now, so I'll most likely be buying at least a bigger bikini top next summer.
1 year

Daily "i'm fat" reminders

The door brushing against my belly every morning when I open it to go take the dog for a walk.
2 years

What is your favourite roll?

I have to admit, rolls under the arms aren't that comfortable.
2 years

Tips on habits to passively gain weight

Others have talked here about limiting your physical activity, which helped me a lot, but another easy thing to do:

Drink pop. Root beer, Pepsi, ginger ale, whatever. If you don't like pop, drink juice. Juice is LOADED with sugar and calories.
2 years


Correct me if I'm wrong, but it sounds like maybe you want to be talked into it. That's not a bad thing, and it's extremely common.

On one hand, you won't get huge overnight, so experimenting with a smaller gain is a good idea. However, you should also be thinking about your feelings regarding what people will say. I don't know how much you want to gain, but people may very well view you differently if you really fatten up.

Think about how fat you dream of being and then imagine what it would be like to be that way all the time.
2 years

Padding in your childhood

It took all my courage, but when I was 14, I went into Frederick's of Hollywood and bought a pair of padded panties. I loved that added fullness to my bottom...it was comfortable when I sat down and I loved how it filled out the whole seat of my jeans and secretly hoped people noticed.
2 years
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