Chubby vs fat vs obese?

This question comes op almost every month.

I don't think BMI alone is all that useful, because people have different body shapes. BMI might classify someone with almost zero fat and a lot of muscle as "obese".

Here is a more detailed discussion where I tried to build up a classification system based on how the weight affects ones lifestyle>
4 years

Gainers: which causes of gaining do you like the most?

Even for those who got fat unintentionally, there can be two independent causes:

1. Metabolism. Genetics, easy to gain weight, difficult to lose. You just gain and gain and gain weight seemingly without eating more than ordinary

2. Appetite. Huge appetite, feeling hungry all the time.

If you are gaining intentionally, and could choose between two pills, one changing your metabolism to be able to gain faster without eating more, and the other augmenting your appetite that you would feel hungry more often and would require much more food until you feel satiated, which one would you choose?

(ignoring the money aspects, so assume you could afford the extra food if you've chosen the second one)
4 years

Do you find the physical limitations of weight gain a turn on or a turn off?

There are many types of physical limitations, and one can have different feelings about them.

1. having trouble fitting behind booths, through narrow doors
2. becoming slower, tiring faster
3. health issues, diabetes, heart problems
4. sweating heavily
and many more.
4 years

What experience do you want to fulfill?

"Converting" a big but shy woman to feederism. No tricks, no cheating, no unethical methods, just simply showing love, care, and adoration. She then turns from someone who hates herself for heir weight, to someone who accepts her weight, then slowly to someone who enjoys her weight. At the same time, she goes from trying (but failing) to control her huge appetite (the reason she got fat for in the first place), to a phase of just letting herself go, and then graduating to a phase of deliberately overstuffing.

I've never heard any example of someone who wasn't interested in feedersim in the first place, to develop it later due to the persuation of someone else, except for Cherries (from BigCuties)

So although such people are rare, they exist.
4 years

Good weight gain stories

I'll completely agree about Jean Therapy. It's an all-time favourite of mine too, both well told, and just a bit edgy.

Was it removed? I can't find it here.
4 years

Is it weird to “live out” a feeder fetish in video games

Stardew Valley is another game where there are several mods which make certain NPCs fat. Currently they are static (so the NPCs become fat from the beginning, not gain weight), but it's theoretically possible to make a mod which makes NPCs to dynamically gain weight. (I checked the code, it's possible)

If no one else makes it, and I'll find enough time for it, maybe I'll code such a mod...
4 years

Communists and other leftists ?

Whenever I'm bored I'll just open up this thread and laugh at how strong the ideological echo chambers in many commenters' heads are.

I've never seen one single intelligent comment here. All of them are just tribal signaling. Everyone wants to feel superior, and seemingly didn't chose their side out of some rational evaluation, but on how easy to feel superior by bashing the other side.
4 years

Obesity of 2nd type

Do you have any issues be 2nd type obese?

If you described in a few words what you mean by it, maybe people would be more inclined to answer.
4 years


There is one kind of video content I've never ever seen.

A time lapse video of weight gain. Make a picture every day or almost every day, in the same pose (or you can slowly rotate the pose), for years.

It would be very interesting for someone who starts relatively thin, to get huge over the years and make a time lapse video. It seems no one ever did it.

There are time laps videos about pregnancy, and about growing hair. But about gaining weight, there aren't any.

You can become the first one in history to do it smiley

And it would be a welcome addition, as videos seem to have much less variety than pictures. In the pictures section there is a wide variety of poses, styles, clothes, situations. In the videos section it seems 99% are just about rubbing your own belly from a close-up view, and the rest isn't really diverse either.
4 years

There seems to be a bug with unfollowing blocked users.

I followed a user, but later decided to unfollow. However, there is only a "follow" button on the profile, I cannot unfollow. If I click on follow, a message comes up that I've been blocked by that user. However, that user's content is constantly showing up on my following page, and as a very "productive" user, it floods out all other content.

It seems there is a bug, that if you follow me and then I block you, you can no longer unfollow me, and my content will forever litter your page.
4 years