What does rabid gaining feel like

It must be hard with the foaming of the mouth.
3 years

How can i approach my partner

You just joke and kid around. While eating in a restaurant, you say something like, "if I have dessert, I'll look like her." (point out a very fat woman.) See what he says. It sounds like he is a feeder, and you are a feedee, but you are both afraid to admit it. But some joking around before having a serous conversation will give you both a good idea where you each stand.
3 years

Weight loss product ads on mobile - rant and questions

The FDA only makes sure the medicine is safe. They have no say whether the medicine works or not. Most ads have a disclaimer that the FDA has not evaluated the effectiveness of it. This pretty much applies to "homeopathic" medicines. Prescription medicine is handled differently.
3 years

Dealing with this fetish as i start dating again

I think one problem, is that most FA's do not know themselves if they can be in a relationship with a thin person. Will the personality, looks, politics, and interests be enough? Or will the FA have to end the relationship because of no physical attraction and hurt the other person? Now, if an FA thinks the other person will gain weight, that happens only in fat fiction, and not real life. It doesn't hurt to date a thin person, and during the "discovery" period show a perspective relationship pictures of exes who are larger, or casually mention you don't mind dating larger people. In that period, there is a lot of negotiating about all kinds of things to determine if the dating turns into a boy/girlfriend situation.
3 years

Want to be 600lbs by 30

I’m assuming they’ll be ok with it. They don’t know I’m purposely gaining. I mean what choice will they have when I’m 800lbs and unable to walk?

I mean, they could always throw you out on the lawn. It's not like you'll starve to death. You'd only need vitamins and water from then on.

How would they put me out on the lawn if I’m 800lbs?

it could be long before 800... you won't even be very mobile at around 500+...Theyll probably tell you to lose weight, so you can ya know work, be mobile have a life etc...Listen I'm not hating on your fantasy, yet thats what this is, a fantasy... The only way immobility fetish's can happen is if both parties consent, and you don't have the other party....

It’s not a fantasy for me. I’m looking very hard to find a feeder. But in the meantime I’m gaining as fast as I can.

I hate to join the other people, but there are far fewer female feeders than male. This person will not only have to feed you, pay for all of the food, and support you, since you have never worked. In addition, they will have to attend to you every minute. Someone can have a fantasy of a partner gaining to 800, but working all day to support you, and then come home and wipe your butt does not sound like a life most women would want.
3 years

Is it fair to tell someone you’re into their size; even if you know they’re not happy

It depends on how you word it. If you keep touching his fat, and tell him how much it turns you on, it might be a problem. If you tell him you don't mind larger men, then it might make him feel more comfortable.
3 years

Gaining from 30-35yrs old stopping point

You can ask some of the people here about stopping once you reach a goal. For many people that is just physically and mentally impossible. So, keep that in mind as you are gaining. I know one woman who planned to stop at 300, then 350, then absolutely at 400, but she has blown past that now. Her goals are not controlling her weight, her weight is controlling her goals.
3 years

What would my daily life be like at 800+ lbs?

Living with your parents isn't going to help if you outlive them. Although at 800 pounds, there is probably a good chance that you won't. How do your parents feel about taking care of you for the rest of their lives? It might be a turn on to make such a high goal, but if you spend your life in a nursing home, in pain, and unable to care for yourself, it may not be as much fun as you think.
3 years

Area in the us with the most gainers/feeders/fas?

Nobody knows where the fattest states really are. It's not like someone asked people what they weigh. They use criteria like the proportion of fast food restaurants to gyms. They do not take into account how many people use the fast food places or gyms, what people eat, or how long they exercise. And they assume that people only get fat at fast food restaurants, and only get thin at gyms.
3 years