Could we get a agree to the chat rules pop up before being allowed to join chat

I'd much MUCh rather get a "user would like to private chat" popup like we used to int he old chat.
7 months

Tagging/badging blocked users

Block lists can get full. They are created only in order of blockage and can't be sorted. They're a bit unwieldy. Is there any way to either get a way to search/sort the list or for us to see a little "no" icon or something when we encounter a user we've blocked?

So many pics of cake/gray faces it's hard to keep up.
7 months

Can we geta rep system

I was not a fan of the rep system BUT I do think getting the verfied badge helps a lot. My karma was actually low because everyone thought I was fake lol.

Something that would be nice instead would be a visible mod point system. like user has previously been banned for harssment/evasion/fake pics or something. no details just "This has hapepend"

Of course hard to implement since so many freakin people delete all the time. But any way to note that I think would be nice.
7 months

Coming out as a fa/feedee

friend, I believe you are being too hard on yourself. This is literally just a kink. You do not need to "come out" it's not a sexuality. Everyone on the planet has kinks.

Now if you have internalized fatphobia, that's a whole different issue.
7 months

I’ve been hurt

Ive been hurt. Badly. By my wife. She wants a divorce. She says she’s not in love with me anymore and that I make her feel lonely and sad and ugly and unwanted for 16 years. I feel wrought with guilt, hopelessness, shame, and most of all devastation. Heartbroken.
I know this has nothing to do with the theme of this website. But I do not have anyone in my life to reach out to.

You're going to get vilified beacuse people have a black and white view of infidelity.

I can't know what happened between you and your wife, but i've been on the receiving end of cheating (I didn't know I was the other woman and it was devastating). I'll just share some things I have learned:

1. Cheating is a *response* to a bad situation, not the cause of one. It's not a emotionally secure response. It's not healthy. You are doing a disservice to you, your wife, and potential current/future partners, regardless of how you feel about any/all of the above. But—it's a form of seeking connection that you aren't getting. And you *know* why you're not getting it. So don't let anyone tell you that the breakdown for your relationship with your wife is 100% on your shoulders—if you are coming to terms with your sexuality, that means it was always there and the incompatibility was really no one's fault.

2. You are doing a bad thing because *everyone* (including you) deserve to be happy and who they are and with those they love, but that does not make you a bad person. You can choose to stop doing the bad thing and do the thing you really need the right way.

3. Guilt is something that we can do something with. Shame is not. Shame is the only useless emotion we have—because it says we are defective by default. No human is born defective. Guilt is a feeling over something we *did* not who we are as a person. You can resolve guilt. You can find hope in your situation. It does mean respecting your wife's request for divorce, and it's likely what will bring you both the most peace. She deserves to have the freedom to be with someone for her, and you do too.

4. Many many times in infidelity and/or other bad relationship situations, people conflate their feelings and affection for their partner as a sign to continue and repair. This is a HUGE mistake. Feelings are what keep us attached. We can care about someone emotionally and still intellectually recognize and choose to act on doing something better for the situation.

5. People will try to make you feel like you deserve to be alone and shunned and that's not the case. That resolves nothing and only causes more pain for everyone. You DO have a responsibility to choose to do the right things at this time, moving forward, but beating yourself up over your past actions isn't fair and won't bring you the healingy ou need.
8 months

Struggling with regular eating

Not everyone has an appetite. There are plenty of people who simply don't enjoy eating or forget to. However it may be worth looking into another cause such as neurodivergence—people with ADHD for example often struggle with remembering to eat. You may also have nutritional deficiencies that suppress your appetite.

Munchies' tips above are also useful. Make do with what you've got. Make sure you are healthy first, then worry about gain. If you decide to consult with a professional, bear in mind that a "nutritionist" is not the same as a dietician. The latter are registered, certified professionals.

As someone with ADHD how do i bypass it

The same as you would for anything else that ADHD makes you forget. Set reminders, make sure you have food ready—I've learned that while I *enjoy* cooking, I really don't do it much because it's too much mental work. I tend to cook more in the winter. The rest of the time I eat like a toddler. Sandwiches, snacks, quick-heat things. Whole fruits and veggies, pre-sliced cheese, steamed veggies, firm tofu, etc. Stuff that take very little prep to make, so even if I prep in advance it still doesn't overwhelm me.

I also have to remind myself to eat. Far too often I will have breakfast because my meds work better when I take them with food. Then I won't eat again until dinner. Setting reminders to log my day (I use the Daylio app) isn't a specific reminder *to* eat, but it asks how my day is going - I tend to remember easier and have a better appetite if it's "oh, my phone is asking what I *have* done today, hmm, a salad sounds really good right now."

YMMV, that's how I do it.
9 months

Dissonance between fetish and romantic life

Fair. But my issue isn't the will to find other things about them attractive: my fetish is frustratingly hard-wired, to the point where I struggle to get in the mood from anything else. It's been a conversation that I've mostly avoided in past relationships like that out of awkwardness (and not wanting anyone to feel like they had to change for me), so I just went along with things I didn't enjoy.

Because you have to have the conversation with them about what the fetish is and it's your responsibility not to project it onto them, which isn't difficult at all.

If you don't know how to say "this turns my crank" without them feeling like *they* have to be the one to turn that crank, it is *absolutely* deep-seated fatphobia or at the very least insecurity because you aren't able to be vulnerable. You are not compatible with these people because you cannot be the partner they deserve that is open to them. Somewhere, you still have shame about it—not about being attracted to fat people but the way people would judge *you* for it—and that is definitely rooted in internalized fatphobia. Just as you would be hurt by someone withholding something like that regardless whether or not you'd judge them, you are doing the same.

It's so super gross when an FA comes in here and says something like "This is so hard-wired in me!" as if it isn't for anyone with any other kink on the planet. Like that's literally the point of having fetishes and kinks. I can't tell you how, as an actual fat person, that feels and sounds like coming from others who are not (though your profile doesn't indicate either way so my apologies if I'm mistaken). It reeks a lot of "I can't help myself and I'm not accountable for this" when you definitely are. You are accountable for BEING a good partner, which includes being authentic. This is easier on everyone in the long run, and that way your partners won't feel betrayed or lied to.

No one is forcing you to pursue relationships with people that you know are incompatible at the outset. That's a choice you make. And then you choose to maintain the facade with them. This is a tale as old as time—whether it's the scarcity mindset, the pressure for people to be partnered, or just lack of knowledge about how relationships work (sometimes all of the above!)

If you want to know more about *how* to have the conversation with them, some of what I have here may help you:
9 months

Long distance

What's most important is figuring out what turns you on when it comes to submitting? What gets you into subspace? What about your dom? Go from there.

Here are a few things I have done that have worked well in remote feeding situations:

1) reporting my steps taken throughout the day
2) asking permission to do an activity
3) getting approval for an outfit
4) agreeing on rules/conduct when actively playing and engaging in fun times - this helps keep expectations clear, establish safewords, figuring out boundaries, and creating more fun and dynamic. For example there is one person I've worked with who had a rule that if he asked a certain question, I had to give the same response - it was a way of keeping me in that subspace and it's really effective!

It's REALLY important when doms and subs work together to have a strong idea of what is and isn't okay starting out, and safe communication for when those things change and how to ask for what we need (whether, more, less, or something new entirely). That will point you in the right direction better.
9 months

Boyfriend becoming hostile towards my weight gain


I don't want to go through the hassle of quoting etc etc so I'll just say a couple of things:

1) I'm sorry your partner is being a fatphobic *** to you; and

2) Relationships don't fail. They end. They end when one person is ready to grow or actively changing and the other isn't. Most relationships we have in life are not permanent and they're not supposed to be. Your body changes are not the cause of the relationship's end (if that happens). It's just a sign that he may not be ready for the kind of growth that you are. And you don't deserve to be abused for doing it.
9 months

Looking for feeder/inflator rp buddies!

Ms. Lora,
I would be interested in playing the counterpart to your feedee. Most of my writing has been on Reddit, and with your permission I can send you some writing samples.

Sure, go ahead
9 months
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