Vacation fattening!

Go with a fat friend.

Years ago I was following someone on ff who was in the “normal” weight range before going on a three week vacation to Florida with a fat friend. The friend warned her that she would gain weight if they went together, but she didn’t believe it. They were staying across the street from a donut store. They were eating like crazy and by the final two weeks, every day after breakfast they would buy a dozen donuts and consume them through the day. I think on the last day they even bought two dozen and each consumed a whole dozen in a single day.

Bottom line, she came back with a big round belly and almost 20 extra pounds.

I remember that. Just can't remember her name.
And then there was Plenty who gained 18 lbs in 13 days on a cruise.Good memories
4 years

That lovely fat feeling

Tubby Marie:
Maybe its the day. I have not been feeling so great about regaining 18 pounds been feeling kind if disgusted in myself but suddenly today I love my fat bidy and pot belly.

I Love when your belly is bigger Marie.I feel like you look healthier and happier when you're bigger.
4 years

Sensitive underbelly

Hi ya Jazz.
I am that way in a few places.

Hello to my wonderful friend. So Beautiful. I have missed you so much.
4 years

Sensitive underbelly

A friend who was here years ago had the same sensation. She was nearly all belly and that spot was extremely sensitive for her.And when she was huge it intensified even more
4 years

Warnings gaining maybe addicting

I definitely can see how addictive gaining can be. As I get close to my goal of 180 (only a couple of pounds away) I feel like I am not ready to stop there. I don't think I look or feel as big as I imagined I would at this weight, even though it is twice what i weighed just a couple of years ago. I am enjoying the process too much. I like not having to choose between the cheesecake and the carrot cake, and just having big slices of both (as i did this evening.) I get so excited every time I see the number go up on the scale. And I have reached a point when eating where I don't actually feel satisfied until I am truly stuffed. And I can't imagine depriving myself again.

You are a Fabulous gainer.And obviously this desire is part of you.Your Calorie count posts are wonderful. I think you should think about a different doubling. Double your starting weight at your job.220.How about it?
4 years

'tis the season

You beat me to the punch Miss Porker! Lol
Best uninterrupted gains I recall were two tall BHM brothers I played music.They were both over 300.One gained 12 and the other 14 from Thanksgiving to the following Monday.
Best feedee/gainer was a former FF member.She went from 300 to 314 Thursday to Monday.
Hope we get some Thursday morning weigh ins and a Cyber Monday update.That would be Amazing.
4 years

Holding the stories section to ransom

Agreed.And Another problem is that we can only hit like one time. It's a very illogical way to proceed.
4 years

Stuffing or snacking?

The weight I have gained over the past year has definitely been due to an increase in snacking (combined with a more sedentary josmiley. I haven't really stuffed myself on purpose...although the idea of stuffing...with someone else's encouragement. ..does intrigue me.

You can get all of the encouragement in the world right here on FF.Having accidentally gained 30(?) or more in a year.You seem to have great potential as an intentional gainer .Why not do a trial run until the day after Thanksgiving. I bet you could get to 165 by Thanksgiving morning. See what you think and feel with the reactions from family. If you like it you could just continue on through New Year's day. You could do a gainer page here and keep track.
4 years

How much heavy cream in a shake?

2 to 1 ratio with chocolate milk being the 2. So maybe start with a quart of chocolate milk with a pint of heavy cream.Or go more ambitious with a half gallon of Chocolate milk and a quart of heavy cream. You could also experiment with adding a can of Sweetened Condensed milk to the recipe. It packs a lot of calories for a low price
4 years

Skinny people who became fat?

I was the typical athlete who went to college and indulged and gained weight lol. Went from being somewhat lean and lots of muscle to a doughball

What was your weight as an athlete? Maybe 135?
4 years
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