Special shake suggestions

If she doesn't want to feel full but does want to gain I'd say maltodextrin is your best friend. It's what bodybuilders use to bulk bit if you're not exercising you will gain weight in fat and you can buy it cheap on the internet. If she doesn't like to feel full but does want to do shakes I'd recommend throwing a spoonful in the blender along with some nondairy milk and ice cream (which feel less heavy in the stomach than regular milk and ice cream) along with a flavoring of her choice (fruit juice, chocolate syrup, etc.)

Nix this idea if she has a gluten allergy though as a lot of the malto on the market is derived from wheat.

I would be careful tho, maltodextrin is synthetically made and usually used as a food addictive. It's basically sugar, except even stronger and more simple to digest, which means it can quite easily lead to diabetes
2 years

Greater houston area?

It's always kinda sad to see everyone trying to meet up, and me here in a country with basically no users :/
2 years

Girlfriends unintentional gain

Man, this girl I've been seeing is just like that, working at home and specially this summer which she basically stayed home, had a toll on her. She doesn't seem to car, only that some of her clothes are a bit tighter.

Even last month when we went out togheter she brought a dress and told me it had to be like that because she had to unbutton her pants for driving.

I think she has no idea those kinds of talk are a turn on for me, but she does them anyways.

Out of the blue she usually starts talking about chocolates, she has a real sweet tooth, even more than myself.

Wish me luck because I definitely want to see this relationship progress to the next level
2 years

Longer stories

I can say I share the feeling, longer more drawn out stories are usually the ones I appreciate the most. But it depends, a well written short story can still be good
2 years

Theory: how did we end up in feedism?

For what I know, it's a mix of genetics (ie stimuli that arouses a person) and personal history, being that childhood has the biggest effect on it. I've actually looked up research about feederism and being attracted to fat people but I haven't found anything, it was a very brief search tho.
I remember that as a kid I already used to play pretend of being fat ahahah.

I'm actually stud psychology, maybe I'll do my master's thesis on the topic
3 years

What anorexics and feedees have in common

It's a shame I haven't properly studied it yet, only bulimia, but I can try and have a look. It's really fascinating how similar you have described them. It must have been pretty tought for you, I hope you arw felling better now. I think a difference is that anorexia is actually classified as a problem and being feddee is basically never mentioned

Thank you for your input by the way. I think this can be a very interesting discussion if people keep an open mind about it.

To be honest even don't I'm doing my best to be "body positive" I'm really struggling and have a lot of body hatred.

My fatter body feels foreign to me so I avoid mirrors and having my picture taken as much as possible.

Whenever I'm trying to find myself in a group picture, it takes me a while because I don't recognize myself.

The girl in the picture is so much fatter than the girl in the mirror! Just like I couldn't see how emaciated I had become at my sickest with anorexia.

Do you work in the field of psychology?

I don't work there yet, I'm still finishing my masters, so I'm far from knowing everything about it. It's really a shame that even now you don't feel totally confortable, but I'm sure you made tons of progress already and will keep one feeling better about yourself. I can't even imagine how you feel looking at the mirror and not fully recognising the body. But it's also a sign of the strength you have to be able to deal with that and keep on working on yourself
3 years

What anorexics and feedees have in common

It's a shame I haven't properly studied it yet, only bulimia, but I can try and have a look. It's really fascinating how similar you have described them. It must have been pretty tought for you, I hope you arw felling better now. I think a difference is that anorexia is actually classified as a problem and being feddee is basically never mentioned
3 years

Writers of ff

I only posted one story here, which is almost complete, but I have several ideas and I'm working on a second one now. Everyone has a unique way of doing it, I plan ahead, I already know the chapters I'm making and what I want to say in each of them then I just write them. I use the Novelist app, it helps a lot in organising the process.

Edit: I should add, altough I obviously write about what I enjoy, I try to think about what others might enjoy and try to also add it, that way it can be enjoyed by more people. I also find that keeping things somewhat vague, in descriptions of scenes, people's appearance and such, helps because it leaves room for the reader to insert his imagination into the story
3 years

Wanted to see what people think about this

I actually think the first idea might be the best to create an interactive story. Because if there's a murder, there's a criminal, and a criminal is a perfect threat and a way to create failure conditions.

I don't know anything about the process of making a game/movie tho, I only about the writing stuff part
3 years

Old stories being reposted

Totally agree on that tbh, it seems to be always the same ones lately
3 years
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