Have any feedees/gainers told their family they want to get fat or fatter?

While not a gainer myself, I have heard mixed reactions.
When fattening my now husband, he didn't exactly say he wanted to get fat, but they tried to get him to exercise, which of course he was reluctant to do as he got fatter. There were some disagreements about his gain, but eventually he did tell his sister that he was happy where he was, and although she has a hard time dealing with it, she eventually stopped trying to promote exercise.
My current friend who gained 50 lbs in quarantine has completely let loose
3 years

Quarantine gain

My friend messaged me saying she went back to work in her old fat pants and popped the button before lunch. Says we should hit the gym...

I think other wise

He hated going to the gym. He went for 90 mins per week and found it torturous. Now there's no question of him ever going again.
3 years

Tricked into becoming a fat pig

just a quick update... i am now 100 lbs heavier than before my gain. my gf has casually thrown out the idea of 300 lbs as a new milestone, which would be double the weight i was around the time we met!
i feel powerless to do anything to avoid it, to be honest.
and i think i really may be past the point of no return. while working from home for the last little while, i thought i would try and eat healthy/eat less while di was still going out to work... but i can't resist the junk food, the treats! i have a normal portion of something, and then immediately i go and have double that (or triple)! it's like i have been conditioned.
i guess 300 here i come?

Such a good little feedee. Good job.
3 years

Gaining weight make you happier?

Just a platitude reminder to love your body and yourself whatever shape you are. With all the stuff going on in the world, remember to love yourself no matter what.

End of corny message, good luck with your gain.
3 years

Quarantine gain

Well I hope you don't mind if I update.

There are moments in a person's life when they're on the cusp of having to make decisions.
Although this friend was happy fattening up, and his mood has been better, he reached a point where he realized what was happening to him. Since then he has started enjoying his soft, fat body and has settled into becoming a fat person. Recently he was talking about his work need to lose the weight and he said, "I...Like being fat. I'm a fat person."
Having embraced being fat, he's been very contentedly eating away and I couldn't be more pleased.
3 years

Macaroni burrito?

It was something he came up with on his own.
3 years

Macaroni burrito?

I don't know if anyone has already had or seen this, but my friend who is getting fat had what amounted to a burrito ... on top of macaroni and cheese. So, it was regular (looked very rich) macaroni and cheese, with the beans, meat, etc. I don't know if this is a thing already but I thought I would post it to see other peoples' reactions.
3 years

Quarantine gain

A friend of mine has been at home since mid March and looks fatter in every photo he shares. He loves to eat sweets and do nothing, but he usually can't because of his job. Over the past few weeks he's done nothing except be sedentary and has allowed himself to completely go crazy over sweets. He's still in the denial phase - my favourite phase of weight gain, when they're just happily fattening up and not even realizing how soft and plump they're getting. I think he's gained about 10 since the start and I hope as this goes on he will just get fatter.

Fat Bear:
I also wanted to gain weight.
But the problem is, I can't stop gaining weight.
I am always hungry at the moment and cannot do anything about it.
This is particularly bad in quarantine.

He's noticed this as well - he's much hungrier than he used to be. He's always gotten hangry really easily, but now it's been harder for him because he is just about always hungry. I've been getting him to focus on how the food makes him feel, that he feels happy when he's full.
3 years

Quarantine gain

It is a recurring trend, but I've never seen anyone go at it with so much gusto and naïveté as this person. He's always loved sweets, and usually takes a little "break" from his diet for two weeks before having to gear back up again.
This time, though, he reasoned that with quarantine he had nowhere to go and his job was on hold, so he literally sat around and ate. He posted on social media about having devoured an entire tub of ice cream, and said that it felt "so good". Over the past weeks he's even been having hunger pains at night, so I said well you should put something aside so you don't have to walk all the way downstairs. He did and what with the constant indulgence of his sweet tooth he's put on quite a few pounds. Even his sweatpants look like they're wearing out. The other day he started getting worried about work - he would have to diet at some point and he said the thought made him miserable. "I guess I've overdone it, huh?" But I told him not to worry.
It's just nice to see another person,fulfill their inner longing for food, to finally "find who they are" and realize that after all the weight he's put on, there's very little chance he will ever lose much. I'm currently trying to get him to accept himself as a fat person and it's wonderful to see. 😊
3 years

Quarantine gain

A friend of mine has been at home since mid March and looks fatter in every photo he shares. He loves to eat sweets and do nothing, but he usually can't because of his job. Over the past few weeks he's done nothing except be sedentary and has allowed himself to completely go crazy over sweets. He's still in the denial phase - my favourite phase of weight gain, when they're just happily fattening up and not even realizing how soft and plump they're getting. I think he's gained about 10 since the start and I hope as this goes on he will just get fatter.
4 years
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