Mia's Junior Year

Chapter 1- the race for the room

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With each hastened stride Mia could feel the burning sensation increasing deep within her tight hamstring muscles. Despite the stinging pain in her legs, the lactic acid buildup only registered as a minor annoyance in the back of her mind. After all, she was winning and that was the only thing that mattered.

Running down the streets of Adamsville never gave Mia more of a thrill than when she was in the heart of a competition. While she felt a bit gross and sweaty finishing up the final strides of her 5k, the sweat dripping from Mia’s forehead was merely a product of the warm late-August air, not a sign of fatigue. Casually bringing her hand to her face mid-stride and tilting her head to peer behind her while she wiped the sweat from her forehead, Mia nearly let out a boisterous laugh as she caught a glimpse of her stubborn roommate huffing and puffing for air in a futile attempt to catch up. If one wanted to view an example of a fatigued individual they need look no further than Kate while she lagged over a hundred meters behind Mia.

Unlike Mia who was relaxed and confident of victory, Kate’s lethargic pace betrayed her inadequate training over the summer. Her cheeks were burning red as she breathed loudly from her mouth. Even with her sports bra on Kate’s big boobs were bouncing up and down with every burdened step she took, slowing her pace considerably. She was clearly struggling to maintain her running form and, to make matters worse, it looked like she was drenched in sweat from head to toe.

While Kate suffered the consequences of her carefree summer, Mia’s summer of hard training and quality nutrition had prepared her for this final push. Sure, she was only two-hundred meters away from winning this little race, but thanks to her bet with Kate, once she reached their new shared off-campus house, their impromptu finish line, she’d be able to pick the room she would live in for the whole school year.

As Mia rapidly drew closer to her new home, the place didn’t look like much on the outside. The dull blue paint job had clearly faded, the gutters needed to be cleaned and certainly the deck needed to be swept but living in an off-campus house during her junior year meant more than just the sum of its parts. It meant freedom! Freedom from pesky university rules and RAs. Freedom to enjoy the independence of young adulthood. And well, Mia could think of a few other things that she was free to enjoy now, particularly on the weekends. That kind of freedom was worth any price.

Accelerating to the finish, Mia lifted her lean-muscled legs and propelled her fit body nearly effortlessly up the steps of the deck and toward the front door. After stopping, Mia glanced at her stylish Timex watch and noted that she had finished her 5k in 24 minutes and 7 seconds, one of her best times this year! Mia proudly smiled to herself, while she peered over the railing of the deck to look down the street. Sure enough, in the distance Kate was still trudging along.

It looked like she was awkwardly leaning forward as she hobbled along, her upper back must have gotten sore. Served her right for having those jumbo tits. Not wanting to watch Kate’s painful procession any longer, Mia opened the front door and slowly walked through the living room toward the hallway that lead into the kitchen to grab some water. The house might have been old, but it was spacious.

The downstairs sported a modest living room which one would enter from the front door. It opened up into the main hallway that connected every room in the house. There was a decent sized kitchen toward the back of the house, a small bathroom to the left of the old wooden staircase and what Kate referred to as the “party room” directly to the right after one walked through the hallway past the stairs. The ‘party room’ had clearly been designed as a dining room of sorts, but it was a much better place for a pong table, makeshift bar, and an intimate dance floor. It was a work in progress, but it would be awesome once it was finished.

The house was built for three people, the upstairs had two bedrooms and one large bathroom. However, the real kicker was that one of the rooms upstairs was built for two people! Since Jessica had backed out of the lease agreement earlier that summer, Kate and Mia had bet rights to that room on the race Mia had just wholeheartedly won. That meant Mia was gonna get to enjoy a ton of extra living space this year and.. a balcony! Mia couldn’t help basking in her victory and taking in the sight of her new home, but her momentum came to a halt once her eyes were met by her own reflection.

The mirror was propped up next to Mia’s dozen or so bags of luggage that lay, in no logical order, next to the wooden staircase. Gazing deeper into her reflection, Mia smugly grinned. She liked what she saw. At 5’6 and 118lbs Mia knew she was a knockout. Her light-blue sports bra, while covered in sweat, highlighted her round, firm and perky B-cup breasts while drawing attention to her well-developed abdominal muscles. She loved how flat and toned her stomach looked, especially after a run when it glistened slightly from her athletic perspiration.

Her grin eased as she gazed lower, her lavishly defined legs sported a healthy balance of running muscle and feminine beauty, but Mia couldn’t help but feel her thighs were still too big for the rest of her body. Standing with her feet spread apart, Mia could proudly marvel at the sexy and ideal looking gap between her thighs. She’d long aspired to acquire that one aspect of fragility and femininity that seemed to elude her in her quest for physical perfection. A true, honest to god, thigh gap. As Mia stood more upright, she brought her knees closer together until they were touching, this was the true test of a legit thigh gap. Mia watched with disappointment, as her thighs came together and that perfect, sexy looking thigh gap she appeared to have just a moment ago got barely gobbled up by the volume of her inner thighs. Mia was not overly surprised, so she didn’t dwell on it, after all, it wasn’t her fault. She had her mother’s genetics to thank for her body’s pear shape.

Staring past her spotless face, Mia let her long and straight black hair fall free from the messy bun she’d put it in for the race. She bobbed her head to the side to let her hair envelop her almond-brown eyes before she flipped it back over her shoulder. Enamored by her own natural facial beauty, she gave herself a seductive smile as she moved her shoulders just a little bit to the side to get a look at what all her friends considered to be her best asset.

Truth be told, Mia’s butt was somewhat of a celebrity on campus, at least among the male gender. To the untrained eye, her buttocks could almost be described as having a classic upside-down-heart-shape thanks to the volume Mia’s buns sported on its sides, but such a simple description not only wouldn’t be doing Mia’s hindquarters the justice it deserved, it actually would be an incorrect assessment. Mia’s posterior sported two distinctive features that slightly distinguished it from a heart-shape. First, Mia’s tush had a remarkable fullness, characterized by a fat distribution seeming to enhance the volume of the upper portion of her cheeks. Second, despite the fullness of her cheeks, Mia’s booty appeared to defy gravity due to its natural perkiness and firm constitution. From behind, these features gave Mia’s derriere a rounded look. When viewed from the side, the meatier portion of Mia’s rump sitting higher in her cheeks emphasized how perky and full Mia’s bottom truly was. In other words, the breathtaking heinie Mia possessed was a truly unique bubble butt that complemented the slender body she had cultivated. Her slightly small short shorts barely contained its toned, athletic glory.

Nodding to her reflection in approval, Mia knew she was ready to turn some heads this year. Her fruit and vegetable heavy diet along with her stringent exercise regime had really helped her achieve the best shape of her life. She took pride in her well-maintained figure, and not because it made every piece of clothing she chose to dawn look absolutely flawless on her. Although, her go-getting personality was the catalyst for the considerably attention she received, it was Mia’s natural beauty and refined athleticism that cemented her status firmly atop the social pyramid at Douglas University. She was the girl that all the frat boys would dream about and the one all the jocks would gossip about around the lunch table. Her popularity among the opposite sex was envied by her older sorority stalwarts and idolized by the young freshman hopefuls. Social life at the university could be a potential minefield, but Mia navigated the rough waters like an expert.
100 chapters, created 4 years , updated 3 years
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BS Writer 4 years
I loved this story and hopes it continues. I feel like the end really set up volume two to be an amazing story where Mia finally gets her comeuppance and the humiliation she deserves.
Lucid Ego 4 years
Commenting on this site is really annoying^^
Thank you so far!
Lucid Ego 4 years
Hearing that you have planned 5 Volumes for this story got me excited though i can understand that you want the recognition for the work you put into
Lucid Ego 4 years
Made this ACC to tell you that i enjoyed this story very much so far. The characters seem refreshing to me and i like the pace of it. My favorite parts have been the encounter between Kate and Jay and the twisted game between Kate and Mia. Hearing that y
Valerio 4 years
I reccomand this story to all, for the plot,events that are not trivial, the costant uploading and your greet writing, I really like kate and when she looks embarassed I hope you continue with the story. (Sorry for my english)
Valerio 4 years
This is my favorite stories on the website, I really like because have a "slow gain" and the characters feel alive, and thats something that didn't see to much infact many story have characters that are only for the fetish but don't have a personality.
Sexypeggy 4 years
Hello . I really love your story that I literally devour.
iam surprised that you had planned 5 chapter.
it's a good surprise for me. Me like too, kate.
because she want the revenge the mia .
is nice body .
My like part or Mia burp .
ClearSkyNZ 4 years
But honestly I think your one of the best writers when it comes to writing in this genre of this fetish. It's hard to find stories where you care about the characters and their motivations as well as having the fetish present. Keep up the great work!
ClearSkyNZ 4 years
I love the detail you add to the story, but I think the reason some people don't make it to the end is because of how detailed you develop these characters and the lack of sexual scenes with their weight gain
ClearSkyNZ 4 years
I think the way you set up these characters and their goals was done really well. I loved the intimate moments Kate would have with Jay. It was a nice change of pace from the pure hate she would feel for Mia
Tttfeeder 4 years
Lost some weight over the summer and gets her revenge in their senior year! At the end of the day it’s your story though, keep up the great work!
Tttfeeder 4 years
My favourite story of yours yet I checked for new chapters daily. My idea for the rest of it is to have Mia gain the weight but somehow win the bet and lose the weight. It would be interesting if she humiliated Kate for the rest of the year, but then Kate
Polarisdreamer 4 years
AlexandrKerensky thank you that's very kind! the plot of Volume 2 is already basically set in stone, so feel free to let me know your thoughts! You're english is great!
Polarisdreamer 4 years
@BlissfullyAware thank you! That's very useful feedback! Thanks for the support!
Polarisdreamer 4 years
gfgadgfhd, Chubbybelly1029, thank you

Davidewol You are probably right. Thanks!
Polarisdreamer 4 years
@non-suspcious I don't mind the comment spam, but if you feel it would be easier, feel free to message, I really appreciate your feedback!
Vladimir B 4 years
...want to disturb the organic environment that has developed in your story. Sorry for my English)
Vladimir B 4 years
I liked the story, thank you very much, almost every day I read with binge. Quite a long time (and maybe never) I have not met so elaborate, large and interesting stories. I would express my opinion about events and characters, but I do not want to dist
Non-suspicious 4 years
... is very memorable to me. (i keep overestimating the character limit on these comments lol... prolly should've just messaged u but oh well)

do u mind the comment spam or should i message u the rest lol
Non-suspicious 4 years
very hard for me to pick a favorite character-- part of why i love ur writing is that u take the time to give even the side characters distinct personalities.

same for the second point-- u write everything very well. the overall plot and writing style
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