Husband Thinks I'm Fat

  By Jigglypuff420

Chapter 1 - 1

Humiliating moment today.. my significant other has been talking about us working out together, and bought a squat machine thing.. I was reading the manual and realized the max weight was 200lbs, which means I'm 70lbs over the weight limit. I didn't tell him because I didn't want him to feel bad, but also because I like to keep my feederism fetish to myself as my own exciting little secret.

He kept encouraging me to try it (he wants me to lose weight, but never outright says it, but strongly hints at it). I decided to try it out and hope for the best. Thankfully it didn't break, but it was making these horrible creaking noises, and definitely sank lower when I was on it. It was obvious to him, and I told him I thought I might be over the weight limit. That's when he checked the manual and saw what it was. He knows I'm over 250, but not exactly how much, so I saw the realization cross his face.

He told me we would try walking or some other exercises so that I could lose enough weight to use it. I was honestly soo humiliated, because I wasn't going to tell him that I was too heavy for it, I was just going to keep that excitement for myself, that I am too fat to even exercise. But he learned the truth.

He was talking about how we used to work out together in the past, and mentioned that I'm always complaining that my clothes don't fit me. He said that's why he bought me the squat machine, so I could get back into it.

Since we've been together I've gained 80lbs, and he's never liked it, but has always been too nice to say it. I only know that he doesn't like it, because I saw his group chat with his friends and he was talking about it with them.

He said that today should be the start of our weight loss journey. He asked if we could do starting weights, and we weighed ourselves in front of each other. He came in at 193, and I blew him away at 270. He couldn't hide the look on his face, and he quietly said wow. He told me that that's not good, and that we really need to be serious this time about losing weight.

I know my face was buring red, and I was so embarrassed. But inside my heart was pounding and I was so turned on. After he went to sleep (he works night shift), I stuffed myself so full that I just had to lay down and digest for almost 4 hours before I got up and ate some more. I really couldn't eat that much since I was still pretty full from my earlier stuffing. I climbed into bed with him, making sure my full and heaving belly was on full display.

I love stealthily showing off my fat. Especially to people who knew me when I was younger and 140lbs lighter. That quick look of shock when they notice it is just delicious. Now that my husband has had his "epiphany" about how huge I really am, I'm sure there will be lots of little moments such as this one
1 chapter, created 3 years , updated 3 years
9   4   2205


Centro 3 years
How has this journey been going? Do you think you'll add any updated chapters?
TheCook 3 years
It's too late for you to lose weight. If your husband wants a slimmer woman he should take a lover and keep you as a house pet. Lots of people keep pet pigs - nothing strange in that.
Exmademefat 3 years
This sounds incredible, if you really want to slowly shock your husband, you could start throwing in casual burps and get "caught" being bloaded with your pants open passed out .
ThiccamonToa... 3 years
Love reading about your story. My partner and I are in a reverse situation, almost. He wants to lose and is 360, I want to gain and am 200, but he doesn't know I do. So we're always starting and stopping exercise regimes because we're both out of shape