Claire’s Desire

  By Hapsburg

chapter 1

A petite women like Claire was browsing the library shelves , her eyes incensed by literary works as she scans books with her average sized finger tips. Slowly walking, Claire grabs a book that catches her hazel eyes.

The literary work she chose is about relationships through love and desire. Claire checks out the book “Sensual Love” at the counter and walks home while reading her library book.

Suddenly, she bumps into a woman wearing a denim jacket and blonde braided hair.

“Oh, sorry. Here, let me get that for you.” The woman picks up the book, handing it to Claire.

“Thanks,” Claire responds with a smirk. Then a sensual moment between the two came from nowhere as they lock eyes, but Claire can’t put her finger on it.

“No worries. Hey, I have the same book I’m currently reading.”

“I know, It’s just so interesting.”

“I’m Lara.”
“You want to get coffee sometime? I’d like to start a mini book club.”

Claire’s heart starts beating and responds with a resoundingly nervous “yes.”

Claire and Lara exchange numbers. Later that day, they plan on a book date at Glutt n Coffee shop.

It was on a Monday they met at Glutt n Coffee shop. Lara is reading her copy of “Sensual Love” when Claire in her buttoned shirt she usually wears on a Monday.

Claire scans the cafe for Lara when she spots her at the corner booth. She walks over with a strange attraction to Lara Claire can’t explain.
“Hey,” Lara says to Claire. “Love your shirt. “

“Thank you “ Claire responds.

Claire and Lara order some black coffee with cream and start to discuss the book they’re reading.
“Really exceptional work, wouldn’t you say?” Lara aka Claire.

“I really enjoyed it, especially chapter four about how sometimes the desires to fulfill its needs.”

Lara was half listening when she got an urge to look at her eyes.

“Are you hungry, Claire? I’m buying.”

Claire lightly touched her tummy, looks at the various tarts and treats in side a glass case. Some cinnamon rolls perfectly covered in icing. The breakfast burritos filled with sausage, bacon and eggs.

“You know, I am hungry. I’ll have maybe a couple cinnamon rolls. So that way I won’t be hungry.”

Lara looks at the same glass case, looks at Claire as they both smile at each other. Lara proceeds to purchase two cinnamon rolls for Claire and one breakfast burrito for herself.

The cinnamon rolls with lathered icing makes Claire’s mouth water as she surely starts eating. Lara looks on as Claire eats, astonished how this makes herself feel something inside. Something that she desires to do with her. It comes swiftly.

“Sorry, I guess I was hungry” Claire says with icing on her lips, scarfing her las bite.

Lara slides the unfinished burrito towards Claire.

“Quite the hungry one you are. Would you like to Finnish my burrito? “

Claire looks at the burrito stuffed with sausage, bacon, and eggs. She starts to grab the burrito by the hand, dips it in sour cream all the way, and starts stuffing her mouth.

They both look at each other with wanting the other. But remain relaxed. The feeling becomes extraordinary between the two. Claire then lick the slight grease off her fingers, slowly rubs her bloated belly that tries to burst through her buttoned shirt, then pats her belly.


Claire and Lara begin to fall for each other, knowing that they eventually found love at first sight.

They start to become consensual lovers who embrace what sensual love is through food.
Whenever they were together, Claire and Lara begin to reveal they’re desires. Claire likes eating food, while Lara turns out to love feeding Claire. Watching Claire’s belly, thighs, and everywhere else expand made them both happy. Claire loved being bound and fattened while being fed by Lara hand to mouth. Lara would on occasion pleasure Claire with a an electric dildo to the tune of Claire moaning like a happy little piggy. Claire ballooned to 300lbs as was her and Lara’s goal. And they lived happily ever fatter.

1 chapter, created 3 years , updated 3 years
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