Jenny's Candyworld Adventure

Chapter 1

I slowly opened my eyes. I was outside, lying in the grass. The sky above my head had a strange color, a lot like a blueberry and the sun had a weird orange tint to it. What was even stranger, it didn’t seem to emit light. It looked like some orange sphere that just hanged in the air. What is happening? Where am I? What is this place? How did I got here? Even the air felt different. And it smelled different too. Is that peppermint? Where is it coming from? I sat up and looked around, trying to find out the source of the scent. The scenery before me left me breathless. But… This doesn’t make sense at all! The landscape surrounding me looked like something out of the dreams of little kids. The one in me was in a state of ecstasy.

On the left side, there was whole forest made of huge lollipops shaped as a tree and the size of a tree too. Right in front of me there was a whole jungle made of huge ice-cream cones, on the right side was bubbling river made out of chocolate and when I looked behind me I saw huge mountain like structure that was too far to determine what it was made of. It rose high into the sky tearing apart pinkish clouds that resembled cotton candy. I stared for a few moments with my mouth wide open, not knowing what to think. If everything here is made out sweets and candy then it must mean that… I plucked out a handful of grass, sniffing deeply and indeed it smelled of peppermint. Without thinking I put it in my mouth. I normally wasn’t very big fan of peppermint candy, which it tasted like, but the grass did taste exceptionally well. Getting up to my feet I took another handful of the grass and ate it as well. I shook my head to get a strand of my raven hair out of my eyesight. All of the sudden I felt very hungry, but I was indecisive which way to go.

After a few moments of internal struggle I decided to head towards the ice-cream jungle. It’s the closest and I’m so hungry! All the way there I spent stuffing my face with the tasty grass, but it only appeared that every blade of it made me a little bit hungrier. I was joyful when I finally reached my destination, because I was getting sick of the taste of the peppermint grass, yet I still continued to devour more as I went on. I noticed there was some large sign in front of the closest cone. I stepped towards it to find out what it said. The sign was made of gingerbread and it read: “Property of the Queen, do not eat the Ice-cream. Disobedience will be punished!” But I’m starving! I don’t want to break any law, no matter how strange they are… I’ve got it! Nobody said anything about the sign, right? I took a large bite out of the sign and my eyes widened. It’s so good! I pulled the sign from the ground and sat down comfortably before starting to stuff my face. I could feel how with every bite I swallowed, my belly got a little bit bigger.

The last morsel of gingerbread disappeared in my mouth. My swollen round tummy was now pressing tightly against the fabric of my pants, filling every bit of space it could found. My belly button was now clearly visible, because the T-shirt I was wearing became too small to cover it. Well, it stayed the same size, the dimension of my belly was the thing that had change. At least it still covers my breasts… I quickly unbuttoned my pants, relieving some of the pressure. The zipper immediately slid down offering a little extra space for my belly to fulfill, which it did happily. I sighed contently, patting the mass of my taut gut. The hunger I felt disappeared with the last mouthful, but it was replaced by greed I couldn’t understand, like if some kind of spell was cast upon me. I simply wanted more. With little difficulty I stood up and stepped between the ice-cream cones. The cones were varying in sizes and shapes. I unmistakably headed towards the biggest one. The cone alone was about twice my height, the absolutely gigantic scoops of ice-cream added easily another five feet to the height of it. The monstrosity that it was had at least six feet in diameter on the top. Now when I picked my target I faced another issue. How to get to the ice-cream? Climbing up was out of the question since I was already stuffed from eating that sign and I’ve never been a good climber anyway. I tried to push the side to see if I was able to move with it and I was. Slightly, but still. Or maybe I could eat my way up. But what if it would collapse? What then? I decided to take the less risky way and started to push the cone down.

It took quite some time, but now I was finally able to reach the sweet delight I was after. I started to lick it, bite it, tearing pieces of it with my hands and all with a single goal. To gorge myself. The brown scoop that was on the top, which I expected to be chocolate, in fact tasted like nutella. Oh dear god! Can be anything better than this?

I was getting through the sweet treat at a fast and steady pace, faster than humanly possible. But eventually I started to slow down and then stopped completely. However it wasn’t caused by my rational decision and it wasn’t due to my fullness either. Well, that isn’t entirely true, because it was caused by my fullness, from a certain point of view anyway. My gut was simply getting too heavy for me to stand and reach for more of the food. My legs gave in and I fell to the ground. Huh, was the ground always so close? I took a look at my abdomen and was horrified with what I saw. I was now literally more belly than human. It was simply enormous. Lying on my gut I was only few inches lower than when I was standing, but my arms were still an inch too short to be able to grab what was left of the ice-cream. Even if I could reach it, it’s still too heavy to pull it closer. There’s still more than a half of that thing…

Ten minutes I laid there like this. I don’t know how it happened, but suddenly the cone started to move towards me. It was like if some unknown force wanted me to eat it! Who am I to defy it?

Only crumbs remained and I was feeling like if I was going to explode. I didn’t know how did that happened but I was laying on my side. I couldn’t really tell how big my belly was now, but I knew it was huge. If I would had to guess I would say it had to be at least twice the size of the rest of my body. It was rock solid and pulsating with intense, yet somehow pleasant, pain. I started to rub the painfully taut skin on my stomach, relieving some of the discomfort. Immobilized by my own gut, how pathetic is that? Great work Jenny, you really showed yourself today…

I heard footsteps behind me. I quickly turned my head but didn’t see anything. “Hello? Is anybody there?” Suddenly something poked me in my overstuffed belly so hard that I cried out in pain. I looked back in front of me and I saw little dark skinned figure. He was clothed in something that looked like an armor knitted out of licorice, he even had a comically large helmet that looked like a hollow cupcake upside down and he held a candy cane carved into a shape of a sword in his right hand. He used it to poke my abdomen again. “Ouch! Stop it! It hurts!” He did it again and I was really getting angry now. “Do it again and I swear to god you’re gonna regret it!” I shouted. He poked me again, but this time I was ready. I caught the blade and with quick pull I snatched it from his hands.
“Give back, give back!” He said with strange accent in a voice I couldn’t describe differently than sweet. It seems that everything in here is sweet.
“No, you’re not getting it back.” Before I could stop myself I proceeded to bite off a big chunk of the sword. What is wrong with me?! In less than a minute I devoured it all.
“You ate my sword!” Screamed the little brown soldier. “You go with me. You under arrest!”
I giggled and patted my ‘little’ belly. “Yeah, I’m really not in a condition to go anywhere.”
He smiled and then whistled loudly with his fingers. Group of another ten dark skinned soldiers appeared from behind of me. They immediately positioned themselves around my belly lifting it in the air, while the ‘original one’ pulled me to my feet. “You go with us. You will be punished.” Standing up I realized that the soldiers were even smaller than I thought, not an inch taller than 4 feet. They started to march and I had no other choice than to walk as well. I didn’t see very much over the enormous obstacle that was my belly. Well, at least I don’t have to deal with the weight of it…

“So who are you and where are you taking me?”
“I Chamel, commander of Chocolate Legion. You go with us to queen Jennifer, she decides your fate.”
“Chocolate legion? Does it mean you’re made of chocolate?”
“But how? How is that possible?”
“Hot chocolate pumps through our veins. You be silent now. Your belly maybe big and beautiful, but you still criminal.”
This place just keeps on getting weirder and weirder. The chocolate river bubbled and I suddenly felt very thirsty. “Hey, how far is it to that queen of yours?”
“Two hours in full march.”
“I’m really thirsty, take me to the river first.”
“You can’t expect me to walk for two hours thirsty, can you? Come on, it won’t take long. Besides there’s no way I could escape you anyway.”

When we reached the river I faced the issue of how to get to the stream. It was simply impossible with my overstuffed midsection. Chamel took off his helmet and filled it to the brim before giving it to me. “Thanks Chamel.” I took it from him and drank it all in one go. I was in ecstasy. Oh my god, it’s so good! The liquid was thick and creamy and it was probably the most delicious drink I ever tasted. I gave the helmet back to Chamel. “Can I have some more please?”

Four times Chamel had to dip his helmet to the river before I was satisfied. All of a sudden I felt severe pain coming from my posterior. Loud ripping noise sounded and I felt a little breeze on my thighs and buttocks. I looked behind me. My pants pretty much exploded leaving only shreds covering my lower body. Each of my butt cheeks swelled into a size of an exercise ball, weirdly enough my cotton panties seemed to magically grow in order to conceal them. My thighs grew into the size of tree trunks to accommodate my colossal ass. I let out a sigh. I’m not even surprised anymore…

We continued to walk alongside the river. The journey became very exhausting for me. I was barely able to carry on because of the new size of my bottom half that caused me to waddle. Every move I made caused my ass to shake wildly, making each step that much more difficult. I was completely out of breath “Can’t we *huff* can’t we stop for a bit?” I asked Chamel who was walking beside me.
“No. You too greedy. You brought it on yourself.”
“Oh, come on!” I whined frustrated. “Why are you so mean to me?”
“You criminal. You ate my sword!”
“Seriously?! I’m sorry okay. I didn’t mean to, it just sort of happened. It’s this goddamned place!”
“You get ten minutes. You be silent then, until we get to the queen. You agree?”
We stopped and I happily fell on my ass. It was so soft that sitting on it felt like the most comfortable chair ever. Everything bad is good for something, I guess.

We finally arrived into the city. I was amazed by the various shapes of the buildings, which were mostly made of gingerbread, but I’ve also seen some made of chocolate and even one made completely out of gummy bears.
We immediately headed to the biggest building there was and it was simply huge. It was a large palace made of a variety of sweets. Pretty much everything I could think of was used to build it. Fortunately the chocolate doors that lead in were double doors, because I seriously doubted that I would be able to squeeze through regular sized ones now.
Through the long and narrow hallway we got to a spacious hall. On the opposite side of the hall there was large throne. It was so big, that even in my current size I would be able to sit in it comfortably and still have plenty room on both sides. However the throne was dwarfed by the size of the woman who sat in it. She was spilling over it in every direction. Her face was hidden in a shadow. Her full heavy breasts, which would put pair of basketballs into shame, were laid on top of her massive belly. Her gut was enormous, reaching over her knees and almost all the way to the floor. Yet the most impressive was the size of her ass and the width of her hips. The mass of her buttocks lifted her from the throne, so she appeared to be taller than she really. She was probably taller seated down than standing. The soft padding on her sides was falling over the armrests. I doubt she is able to stand up. Chamel’s soldiers put my belly on the floor and immediately marched out of the hall.
“So, what have you brought me, Chamel?” sounded her melodic familiar voice, I couldn’t quite place.
Chamel bowed. “Majesty, I found this woman in ice-cream garden, eating your property. I brought so you could decide her fate.”
“You did well, Chamel. Now please leave us, I need to speak with her in private.”
Chamel bowed again and marched out of the room.
The queen snapped her fingers and I felt how my butt cheeks and belly started to diminish.
“Step forward, we have something to discuss.”
I did as I was told. It feels great to be finally able to move on my own again.
“I was waiting for you for a very long time.” She leaned forward, her face leaving the shadow. I opened my mouth, but couldn’t make a sound. I was completely speechless. What the hell! She looks like me! And the voice was mine as well! Her face looked like mine. Well, except her cheeks were much more round and fat and she had an obvious double chin, but her face definitely looked like mine would, if I gained a lot of weight. The queen laughed in amusement. “Surprised?” she asked.
“B-but you look like me!”
“Indeed I do, little one.” Warm smile spread across her face. “Actually it’s more that I am you.”
“What?! What do you mean?”
“I might be what future holds in store for you. It all depends on you. Remember me, little one. Remember me as a warning.”

I woke up with a start, sitting up in my bad. It was all just a dream. My sight fell on my nightstand and on the ‘Charlie and the chocolate factory’ book lying on it. I have to stop reading books like this before going to sleep. The rising sun was shining through the blinds on my window as I was wondering whether to get up or go back to sleep. It’s the first day of summer tomorrow, so I can go to sleep. I fell asleep the very moment my head touched the pillow, forgetting everything about the weird dream I just had.
1 chapter, created 2 years , updated 2 years
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