Roleplay Conversations

Chapter 1 - Roleplay ione and april


I like to be the feedee this time a newbie that meets a feeder with sex please....I would be called April and I weigh about 70 kg and I'm 164 cm you take me to an Al you can eat restaurant.... But what you don't know but soon will find out is that I ate already and already kinda full... im wearing skinny jeans that are already tight and a top with a buttoned up shirt
I'm waiting for you at an all-you-can-eat buffet restaurant or if we eat more than your weight from the table of two people, you won't pay for the meal

And I would be called ione ^^

I arive at the buffet and think to myself why did I say yes?😳 I already ate I'm kinda full and these jeans are also kinda tighter then normal😳 I hope it wil go well he does not know I ate already but I couldn't say no.... I see him and go to the booth where he is at and sit down he asks me what I would like to drink.and i say a coke please... he goes en comes back with the drinks and also has already got some food.
Hehe your a in skinny jeans today you look to cute *look at you* you know I want good meat tonight so we ordered Japanese beef.
And I hope you are hungry !
Because this restaurant have an special formula !

A pril

Oh and what's that then If I may ask😳.?

the principle and that if you eat a certain weight of food the meal is free and I am counting on you .*wink*
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I'm shocked at what he is saying👀😳 and how much is that exactly? The first meal arrives now and it looks so good 😊 and is smelt so nice.

Io ne

Hehe the minimal weight for have an free lunch is your weigh *start to eat* it is sooooo goood.

A pril

B-but I weigh like 70 kg😳👀...I can't eat that much!... but I see the food it looks so good and I start eating. and omg It was so delicious. 🤤 and before I know it it was gone in my belly that was already kinda full.

Io ne

Hehe eat well baby I love to see you eat *wink and ordred some other food* I hope you can eat because I am already full.

Ap ril

Already full!👀😳but how can I eat all that without you !? .... I think to myself ohno this is not good😳 but I have to try before I know it the next meal arrives. but this time it's 2 plates because he is already full😳and I have to eat it  omg 😱 I begin to eat and the first plate was gone but I was so full already.😳and my jeans were so so tight now and now my buttoned shirt also begin to straighten against my belly I keep eating the next plate.

I one

Hehe i will help you a bit not worry but Yus i have ordered an steak of 2kg now and don't worry I gonna cut it for you !
You need to just eat the food now !
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April< br>
I'm so full 😳.... And now have to eat that steak 😳...he cuts up the meat en I eat piece after piece till I'm halfway and hear a tear by my button of my jeans and I think ohno it's gonna fly soon my shirt also so much tighter now 😳 i take one more bite and I hear a pop and the button from my jeans flys of 😳 he sees all that 😳 I-I'm sorry 😞 I'm such pig ....I keep on eating the steak and with every bite I feel my belly getting fuller and fuller.
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Continue to feed you softly and look you.
No problem your a an such good pig but you have only eat 5 kg of food hun.
I hope you gonna be a good piggy.
The next plate you can not use you hand only your your mouth and it is served in a 10kg trough. ;)


I see all that food 10 kg 😱 but I'm already so full 😳I can't eat anymo- as I could not finish what wanted to say because he started feeding me bite after bite and it was so I'm eating more and more my belly begins to get bigger and bigger and my buttoned shirt gets al the more thighter with every bit he gave me my belly was starting to hurt a little 😳
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Ion e

get up and sit next to you and come loosen your belt and your jeans.
My my that is good piggy 🥰🥰
Put your head more into the trough.
I am so pround of you !
Rub your belly 🥰 you gonna be a real piggy 👧
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Apr il

Ugh 😣 I'm so full I can't eat anymore 😳
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Ion e

take a handful of food and doubt it in your mouth. 😈
You can look I gonna feed you like a little piglet 😛
Feeding you and forcing food into your mouth.

A pril

Hmpf- sto-hmpf plea- but it has nu use he keeps feeding me and my belly keeps growing more and more and my buttoned shirt now pops open😳 and my belly comes out falling on my lap.
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Ion e

Giggle and feed you more and more you have eaten  65kg of food your body is ruined and your Jeans is breaking by your fat ass and your shirt too you bra and your panty they have explosed.

My m'y you have eaten 65k and gain this weight you look so beautiful my piggy !
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April< br>
My belly is so stuffed now are we done yet?😳 please? It hurts so bad 😖 please make it stop.!

I one

Yus it is good you have win this challenge just eat this presents a small square of chocolate. *rub your belly* ooww good i have an new bed for this night hehe.

This was the rp  I hope you liked it ?

It ends here if you guys want I can do more I have lots more of conversations like that in rp!? Pleas let me know! And thanks for reading!!!!
1 chapter, created 2 years , updated 2 years
4   2   2712


Karenjenk 2 years
i love to rp and you sound fiun
Lovebigbelli... 2 years
Thank you 😊
Kreme 2 years
How’d you get bold text?
Lovebigbelli... 2 years
I don’t know I thought is was just like this