Chapter 1: the deal
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Lucy struggled to get down the last chicken nugget of the 20 piece and 2 burgers she was given today. She rubbed her sides in agony as she took a sip of her milkshake with a wince. Looking down at the time and seeing it was only 8:54, she knew it’d be an unforgiving day. With a little bit of effort, She managed to suck down the shake right in time for the door to click then open. It was Cindy..
Now Cindy and Lucy were once amicable to say the least. A passing hi or bye. A smile when passing, Not exactly friends but they didn't know each other and neither seemed interested in a friendship. However, one fateful day, after a few weeks of working together though, Cindy noticed that Lucy would often come into work late, and not just a few minutes but whole hours, and nothing was done about it. This sparked a hatred for the girl in Cindys heart, as she'd have to pick up the slack at work to balance out the work that wouldn't get done due to Lucy's tardiness. Cindy schemed on a way for revenge, dabbling with the idea that the big bosses were getting upset with her, and she should fix her schedule. Toying with the idea one day, Cindy looked into the computer to see Lucy's record to see just how much time she missed on the average work day. But to her surprise, Lucy just so happened to have perfect attendance at work, with not only no absences or sick days, but no lates.
This didn't sit right with Cindy at all, who was now hell bent on figuring out what was going on with this system. Her mind flooded with ideas of Lucy hooking up with a superior and being able to get away with everything she was doing. Being a bit on the tech savvy side, she looked into who has access to these accounts and found out Lucys been fixing her times to keep herself from being fired. Learning this, Cindy would propose a “deal” with her coworker, one that Lucy would have no choice, but to accept.
Cindy left a note on Lucy's desk in preparation, telling her “meet in the conference room for an important meeting”. When Lucy saw this she quickly looked in a mirror in her pocket book to make sure she looked professional and neat, then made her way towards the conference hall. As she enters the well lit and imposing room however, she's all alone.. she quickly looks back at the note which didn’t have a time or anything- just said to go there. Maybe she missed the meeting.. Or she may be early? She figured she'd wait a minute or 2 to see if anyone would show up before leaving.
She inspected the empty place; The conference room was occupied by a massive dark wood table whose size brought into question how it even got in this building, being too big for any door to fit through. Its topsides finish shone back like a mirror, and mixed with a hue of gold in it, reflected back at the dark tone of the space with its own golden light, which helped to brighten up the area. The walls' dark wainscot and drearily colored ornamental designs on the wall, mixed with the overall bleakness of the room, made it almost seem like it was some tomb for a king, the table being a sarcophagus for some giant of a man. Realizing she's been idling staring into space for the last 2 minutes or so, she goes to head out of the empty room, but some papers on the table catch her eye, she makes her way towards them and then BOOM!
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~
Hey everyone! i hope youre enjoying the story so far! i appreciate all the views and comments ive gotten and any criticisms are valuable as im new to writing these kinds of storys, or any storys in general! i do plan to go back and continue my old one too and maybe make more! If you read this far i appreciate you! expect more!
College Fiction
Weight gain
21 chapters, created 2 years
, updated 1 year
love the switcheroo
and the blakmail theme
one of my favorites
this is a fun easy read
i love the power difference and control
please please keep going!