Love on the scale: lena

Chapter 1

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Lena sat in her cramped apartment, staring at her laptop screen in despair. The latest bank statement showed a negative balance, and she had no idea how she was going to make rent this month. Her parents had cut her off financially after she decided to switch her major to art, and her job as a part-time waitress barely paid enough to cover her basic needs.

She sighed and got up from her chair, feeling the weight of stress and loneliness bearing down on her. Lena looked at herself in the mirror, analyzing her appearance. Her long, wavy hair framed her heart-shaped face, and her piercing blue eyes seemed to reflect her worries. She had always been conventionally attractive, but lately, she felt like she was losing her edge.

Lena looked down at her belly, which had started to protrude slightly. It wasn't noticeable to most people, but she could feel it whenever she tried to zip up her jeans. She had always been thin and active, but lately, she had been indulging in junk food and beer as a way to cope with the stress. It was her guilty pleasure, the one thing that could make her forget about her problems, even if it was just for a little while.

She knew that she should be more careful with her diet, but the greasy pub food was like a warm hug on a cold day. And the alcohol made her feel carefree, like she was on top of the world. But the more she indulged, the more weight she gained, and the more self-conscious she became.

Lena picked up her phone and scrolled through her social media feed, feeling even more isolated as she saw pictures of her friends having fun and living their best lives. She missed the days when she could afford to go out with them and not have to worry about her finances.

As the day turned into night, Lena decided to go to her favourite bar, a dimly lit pub with a cosy atmosphere. She ordered a plate of hot wings and a cold beer, savouring the taste of the spicy sauce and the crispness of the beer. She looked around and saw the other patrons, all engrossed in their own conversations and laughter. Lena felt a pang of envy, wishing that she could be a part of their world.

As she finished her meal, a man approached her, several years older than her. He was tall, dark, and handsome, with chiselled features and piercing green eyes. He introduced himself as Michael and struck up a conversation with her.

Michael and Lena continued talking for hours at the pub, with Michael charming her with his wit and charisma. He seemed genuinely interested in her and listened to her stories about struggling to make ends meet.

As they talked, Michael ordered another round of burgers and fries, along with several beers. Lena eagerly dug in, the comfort food easing her worries and making her feel carefree.

But as she ate, she felt her stomach grow tighter, her jeans straining against her waist. Suddenly, there was a loud pop, and the buttons of her trousers burst open, revealing her chubby belly.

Lena felt mortified, wanting to crawl under a rock and disappear. But Michael seemed unfazed, his gaze lingering on her belly with a hint of desire.

To her surprise, Michael leaned in closer and whispered in her ear, "I find it attractive, you know. A woman who enjoys her food and drink, who isn't afraid to indulge. Let me buy you more, Lena. I want to see you enjoy yourself."

Lena felt a flutter in her stomach, a mix of excitement and apprehension. She had never met anyone like Michael before, someone who seemed to accept her for who she was, flaws and all.

With a shy smile, Lena nodded, and Michael ordered more food and drinks. They ate and drank late into the night, Lena forgetting all her worries and enjoying the moment.

As Michael walked her home, he held her hand, promising to take care of her and make her life easier. Lena felt her heart swell with hope, the thought of a brighter future seeming more tangible than ever before.
5 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 1 year , updated 1 year
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FTMfatty 1 year
Love this story so far. Can't wait for A LOT more of her
Latigressenoire 1 year
Un début très prometteur
Anonimous4444 1 year
I think chapter 1 and 2 have their position messed up but apart from that great start I can't wait to see where it goes
FTMfatty 1 year
Great start