Sex Is Food Is Sex Is. . .

  By Moocao

Chapter 1: Pervy Pizza Party

The point of view (“POV”) character may change between any two paragraphs. When it happens the change is indicated by the character's name in its own, separate paragraph, like so.


I love this woman, she is completely insatiable. It’s like she always wants more in bed, regardless of how much she has had. Even her job isn’t enough for her and she’s a fucking camgirl. The only downside is that part of me will always be afraid she is cheating on me because one man just isn’t enough for her. But honestly, she could, as long as she keeps sucking me dry I’d still stick around if she goes elsewhere for more. I wouldn’t like it of course, but I would stay. Is that bad? Obsessive? Pathetic? Crazy? Honestly I don’t care if it is, because I want more of her just as badly as she wants more sex. I even invited her to move in with me so we can spend more time together. The only reason we ever stop going at it at all is because of physical limitations. God I hate refractory periods sometimes, I’m sure it’s better that they exist. I wouldn’t get anything else done if they didn’t. I’d lose my job almost instantly. But I still hate them every time I have to stop making her gasp and moan.

Kendra was tall, almost freakishly so, she’s easily tall enough to be a model at 6’2” she’s taller than me, and I ain’t short. That wasn’t the only model-like quality she had. Kendra was skinny as fuck, to the point that that I would fear her being unhealthy if she weren’t just so damned energetic. The only non-model looking things on the blonde haired, blue eyed goddess were exactly the things I would want to be unlike a standard model. Kendra had giants breasts, and a huge ass. So, maybe less “Model” and more “Pinup Girl” hell, she probably could be a porn star, she’d be the only one not fed up with boning by the end of the day. I would’ve suggested it to her if it were someone other than me she wanted to ride 24/7 as things were currently. I couldn’t stand the idea of her coming back from work actually satisfied and done for the day. The girl is dripping with sleaze, and, despite what I said earlier, I want every drop of it for myself. Best of all she loves all of the same things I do in bed, hell, I think she loves anything in bed. Besides, I love watching her gasp and beg so much that I’d love anything she did just because it meant I’d get to see that more. So, when she came to me wanting to try out a new kink in the bedroom I agreed without hesitation. Little did I know that would be the “more” she wanted all along.


God I love my life, it’s like I do nothing but feel good. Most days go the same way more or less. I wake up, then I wake up Jake by jumping on top of him. Once we finish he goes off to work, then I load up my Webcam and do requests for guys on the internet for money for a few hours. They mostly ask me to fulfill their fantasies, usually fetishes, sometimes something vanilla or vanill-esque. One day a guy asked me to do a marathon masturbation session with my vibrator on camera. I loved it, it was the one day I actually felt satisfied at the end of. Afterwards I talked with about what happened with a friend of mine said that she thought I was a nymphomaniac. I looked up the symptoms and she is clearly wrong. Admittedly most of the symptoms kind of do fit, but one of them is that your behavior causes difficulty in forming real relationships. Just the opposite is true. The only reason I even met Jake was because he won a contest where one lucky fan on my Onlyfans got to meet me in real life. After he won and we met I actually liked him and we started dating. Another symptom of nymphomania is that you continue to indulge in sexual urges when they cause you severe negative consequences
That is complete nonsense. I have never had a substantial problem from what I do. Hell, I didn’t even get an STD when half the guys in my Spanish class ran a train on me in sophomore year, and I was terrified of that happening. No, clearly there is nothing wrong with me, nothing at all. Nope, not one fucking thing.

Then, one day something happened, I got an unusual request on my Onlyfans, which I saw right after Jake went to work. A person with the screen name “ChubLovin'" made a request that I get naked and eat an entire pizza on camera while I got railed by a guy of my choice, so Jake. The request was unusual, not because of what was asked for but because of the urgency, and his exceptional offer. The man ignored my, much smaller, standing asking price, and instead offered me ten fucking grand, if I posted the video by 2:00PM today. Even when the pay wasn’t so damned high I loved jobs like this, I was getting paid to do what I wanted to anyway, since I always loved trying new things in bed. The time was hardly past nine A.M., so I sent Jake an unusually salacious text message. Okay, the sexual nature of the message wasn’t unusual, but it’s urgency was. It read as follows.

Kendra: Hey Jake, I know you want to come home and fuck me right now.

Jake: There is hardly a moment I don’t. But I’m out of vacation days at work, and I absolutely can’t risk missing more time. Boss may fire me if I do.

Kendra: Fuck, there’s ten grand in it for us, I’ll bribe your fucking boss if I have to. Offer him three grand, then I’ll give you three for the long, hard, work you’ll be putting into me. ;*

Jake: Damn, ten grand? What did they want you to do?

Kendra: Surprisingly little. He just wanted me to eat a pizza in the nude while a guy fucked me.

Jake: I’ll be home in 20.

The last text made me laugh, it took Jake at least 30 minutes to get home from work most days, that and he had to talk to his boss first on top of that, thankfully I had hours before my deadline, so it didn’t even matter if he was a few hours late for his promise.

Jake would not be late though, eighteen minutes later he made that very clear by showing up on my doorstep. Jake even brought a pizza that he had somehow gotten from Little Caesar’s on the way. I asked him “How did you get here so fast?” Jake gave me a long, lust filled kiss while giving me what started as a hug, and turned into grabbing my ass before he finished kissing me and said “Easy, the drive is only ten minutes without traffic, there was none since I drove home at a weird time, so I grabbed the pizza. I got you pepperoni since I know it’s your favorite. Now. Let’s go, time’s a wasting.” He sang the last bit like that one old duet. So I just smiled and we went into the bedroom.


I was so ready for this that I had to be careful walking to not hurt myself against the inside of my pants. Once we were in our room Kendra was naked in seconds. She was usually naked while she was in our room, a thought that never failed to bring a smile to my face. Actually seeing it was even better though. The woman had the body of a goddess. She was impossibility sexy. I couldn't help but stare as she revealed her flawless form to me once again. Kendra had a camera setup and pointed at our bed at all times, it was good for her videos she said. Kendra turned it on, and said “Hey ChubLovin! As requested, we have one pepperoni pizza present.” And she did her best Vana White impression as she opened the box, like it was a Wheel of Fortune letter being turned over as she giggled a bit.

I had never really cared either way about people watching me and Kendra having sex. I think it was a turn on for her, but to be honest it seems like everything was a turn on to Kendra. You will never hear me complaining about it, but I must admit it was not exactly normal. She hopped on the bed facing the pizza box and dropped her upper body down over the pizza on the far side of the bed, so she faced the pizza, which sat between her and the camera. Kendra rose her rear end up and smacked her own ass as she said “Hey Jake, hop up and take me from behind while I eat.” She did not have to tell me twice, I was on the bed behind her seconds later. I looked down and saw Kendra’s nice, heart shaped rear end lifted up in the air so her pussy was neatly visible. I got on the bed and on my knees, then I slid into her with no problems. When I did Kendra didn’t bother lifting a slice of pizza, she exhaled loudly and shoved her face into a slice of pizza. Snarfing the pizza down like a dog, as she did I began to thrust, which elicited a moan from Kendra. Kendra had always been pretty vocal in bed, and I think she would play it up for the camera to excite her audience too, she seemed to get off from knowing she was exciting an audience. But something felt special about this time, she felt authentic, excited, eager. Kendra felt hungry for more.


This was fantastic. I know I have an extremely high libido, I know that I probably enjoy sex more than most women, hell, more than most guys too, more than most teenagers even. Thinking about how much I loved sex turned me on and made me want it more. It was a cycle I loved. But this, this was something special, it was like I had found a place where I belonged. As I started to eat I felt the piping hot pizza fill my mouth with cheese and tomato sauce. I was even more excited than I usually was in bed, like, I may just want to try this again even when the camera was off. I like food second only to fucking, but I had never really done much to combine them before. I’d even made an intentional effort to fuck more and eat less when I was hungry so I would stay nice and skinny. I had a lot of fun with that alternative, and so did Jake. I was shaken out of this thought by the sheer experience I was having, it drowned out all thought with pleasure. Each bite I took sent a jolt of pleasure down my spine, where it met the one that Jake was giving me from the other direction. I just felt like I needed to feel more. It was like the act copied my normal experience of having sex, and laid the copy over the normal experience to simply double it, and that was doubling what was easily the best part of life. I only stopped shoving more pizza into my mouth to moan and scream. I think I came almost immediately. Normally I would have been able to tell easily, but I was still so excited that I couldn’t think clearly, I only wanted more, and I wanted it so badly that this desire was all I could think of beyond the simple sensation. Even the greasy smell of pepperoni and cheese felt electric, it made me feel alive. I needed more. I screamed “More! Gogogogogo, don’t you dare fucking stop.” As I began to slam my hips back down on Jake’s dick as he thrust it into me. I pulled forward as he pulled back and moved back as he went forward, it was the only way I could think of to feel even more from this experience. Actually, no it wasn’t.


I always loved just how eager Kendra was, how she always desperately wanted more. She didn’t even seem to notice when I came, she continued to slam her hips back into me as I moved before my dick could even go down. Then Kendra dropped down on one arm, lowering herself a bit as she held herself up with only one arm. At first I wondered why, then I realized it. Kendra was rubbing her clit with one hand while holding herself up with the other and eating by shoving her face straight into the pizza. She seemed so fucking excited and into it that it felt contagious . I always loved just how much wanton desire ran through Kendra, it was like she was some kind of horny sex goddess who only drew breath to ride me one more time. I ended up doing something I had not been able to do since I was a teenager, I got hard again after cumming without stopping. All I could think of was Kendra underneath me, desperately rocking her body back and, forth, moaning and demanding more. The smells of pizza and sex mingled together in my nose. After a few more minutes of giving my all to the beautiful demon of lust under me I finished again, this time I felt like I had to stop almost immediately as that overstimulated feeling went through me. Thankfully I didn’t have to keep it up long, as Kendra gave one final moan and fell down with her face thankfully positioned in a hole she had eaten into the, mostly consumed remnants of pizza crust.
29 chapters, created 1 year , updated 9 months
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Stor738 8 months
Pd500 10 months
Love ❤️ this greed!
Jazzman 11 months
I follow every update. Great story. I'm trying to wrap my head around her current weight. 160 ish? 175? Anyway I Love the plot and your writing
Wadiyatalkin... 11 months
This story is amazing, would love to read about her living out her fantasies to the fullest.
Ao01 11 months
I really don't want it to end. Great. How much did she gain in 3 months?
LLP 11 months
Great story! Thank you!